Wierd Spider on my Desk

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#31 Post by candyassmiler »

i havent been a big fan of arachnids since a black widow ( so the doctor deemed ) bit me on the scrotum at a very young age. All the jostling about in my sleep must have irritated him. true story.

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#32 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by candyassmiler
i havent been a big fan of arachnids since a black widow ( so the doctor deemed ) bit me on the scrotum at a very young age. All the jostling about in my sleep must have irritated him. true story.

YIKES!!! :drink:

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#33 Post by cdalemx301 »

hey candy that sux becareful where u lay and uhh what u lay with

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#34 Post by kdeal »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
YIKES!!! :drink:

SEE JASPMAN, I told you it was after your Orbitals..............

:eek: :eek:

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#35 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by kdeal
SEE JASPMAN, I told you it was after your Orbitals..............

:eek: :eek:

:rotf :rotf :rotf

Ken you're a nut!

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#36 Post by TheJaspMan »

Well guys, I am very sorry to annouce my friend has died.

He lived a very full life but obviosly was riddled with depression from being a shut-in; and probably lack of sex.

I will retire his jar and sticks later today. Please observe a moment of silince at 3pm est. It's the least we could offer to this listless soul. :cry:

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#37 Post by CDaleChick »

awww no more weird spider!


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#38 Post by CptHook »

why god, WHYY!!!!!!!:cry:

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#39 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by ******
I'll wear my morning bar over my badge tomarow:cry:

Thank you ******. I will be holding a private service near the trash can next to my desk on Friday. Everyone is invited, just bring a dish to pass or something.

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It's ALIVE!!

#40 Post by haydug »

Well, maybe not the same spider, but look what came crawling across my desk now:

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