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Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:03 pm
by TheJaspMan
Originally posted by scooter-crusher
cool, i`lll check out the filter issue, and i know the price is right for sure, sounds to me like i am in "The Club" because i am sure the bike is legit, the guy is straight up. who is in the st louis area and is down for some riding sometime soon? i usually like to hit St. Joe park during the winter months because the "sand" is all wet and hard packed, lots of fun, on a dirt bike anyway, never been on 4 wheels.

I know a guy who rides at St Joes. I have been wanting to go there for a year or two. Maybe we can venture out that way one weekend.

MY 2 cents

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:14 pm
by dalewannbe
With the cannondale there is always a risk. If these things had no risks, they wouldn??????????????????t be selling so cheap???????????????.most of us that have them have learneed to work on them ourselves, and also with the help of this forum. Most of us that have one, normally have two because they are so cheap, and because he have learned how to work on them if something goes wrong. I would plan on getting a D&M kit, which is another $300.

$2800 isn??????????????????t a bad price, provided the machine has no problems.

I don??????????????????t how far you are from Happy, but I would really consider his buddy??????????????????s machine???????????????.especially if he can vouch for it. The pre ssm case, is really the case to have, plus with the Elka??????????????????s you??????????????????ll have good suspension.

Parts for these things are relatively easy to come bye.

Good luck on search, and let us know if you join the family.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:30 pm
by scooter-crusher
well im tradin my yz250 and some cash, this guy wants a bike and i want a quad, so it works out for both of us, i got the bike sold if i dont trade, so either way i am buying a quad real soon, like in the next week, and if you ever want to head towards st joes park, let me know, maybe i will be able to go the same weekend, its not the greatest, but its ok.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:11 am
by Exodus
I'd stomp on that quad. Thats a good price, and as long as it runs good, it is worth every penny. The 03 case has a bad habit of being weak, there are 03s that are still running so its not a do it tomorrow fix. I think I would look around for an 02 case though, just so you can change it out before it does cause probs. Other than that, that bike looks like it would serve you well. Welcome to the family. :usa

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:46 pm
by 4punksdad
mine is still running strong.............tongue.gif

check the trail tails forum for this weeks ride photos