December Cannondale of the Month Voting

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#31 Post by jesshamner »

Originally posted by theJeStEr1340
heh, yeah right, your just hording them all.. I have been to a GNCC and seen the girls that walk by staring at your quad... you can see it going through there head. "I wish I could be in a bikini washing that awsome Cannondale for Jeff. He's so fast."

But who wants to see all those fat girls in bikinis?tongue.gif

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#32 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Originally posted by theJeStEr1340
heh, yeah right, your just hording them all.. I have been to a GNCC and seen the girls that walk by staring at your quad... you can see it going through there head. "I wish I could be in a bikini washing that awsome Cannondale for Jeff. He's so fast."
Please point them out......I guess my eye sight is going too. :confused:

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#33 Post by USAMoto00 »

lol Do not point them out! He needs to be racing, not oogling.:clap:

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#34 Post by USAMoto00 »

Do I have to add flesh baring women all up on my quad to get some more votes or what? lol It's too cold here or I could get some bikini clad vixens to get wet and Just joking, ALL of these quads are bad a$$! I still think we need a before and after of Jeff's dirt virgin though. lol It's just so clean.:wow

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#35 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Originally posted by USAMoto00
lol Do not point them out! He needs to be racing, not oogling.:clap:

Sorry, not allowed to say :drink:

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#36 Post by Derno24 »

Ok just because people don't know the difference this is the Cannodale of the month voting right here not the other thread!

Now Usamoto we know you don't ride so that quad is basically new!

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#37 Post by USAMoto00 »

Derno, that quad has more seat time than the gripper seat on your bathroom shi!!er. lol I wish mine was still like new. But we've been through alot together.sad.gif It's held up very well though and I take very good care of it.:usa

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#38 Post by Derno24 »

Moto are you talking about your toilet or your quad? :eek:

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#39 Post by USAMoto00 »

I expected nothing less from you. lol By the way, your frog made a guest appearance on Huevos 7. He must have made a full recovery.:hammer:

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#40 Post by USAMoto00 »

Out of all the members on here, we only have 57 votes?:wow

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