Biggest Jump you've cleared

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#31 Post by aroracer72 »

Ohh god.....jumps jumps jumps....... the biggest jump ive ever hit(dirtbike OR quad) a 90ft double at a local mx track....which has like a super big like launch ramp lip. Its not scary at all..jsut need alot of speed. It was 3rd gear pinned on my 2001 honda cr250 with some motor work and full pretty decent. Im actually more scared of smaller jumps...with kick lips..cause you goo soo much higher. The longest jump on my quad was prolly a mis tie between a few..i jumped 95ft at the dunes(measured).....85 foot tripple on this wierd track in the U.P....was kind of a laubch i dont brag about it.......and the SCARIEST..but not biggest, ive done was this one 80foot tabletop to single jump....that lordy lord lord......its kinda like a downhill ski jump....the single landing is fricking humungous..and everytime you hit feels like you arnt gonna make it....GOD i lvoe that jump. As for the biggest jump i crashed on...i crashed on a 65foot finish line was a step up double...and it was 4th gear on my modified rm125(when i had it...2002).....and you had to feather the clutch to get the fourth gear revving...(cause of a short space to get speed)...and my clutch didnt let off right away and i went off the lip without enough speed...wham...complete case front and back.....OUCH...i hit...both my arms and legs came off..i bounced up and landed with the bike on top of me. Only had a concussuion and huge bruise on my chest. But yeah..ive talked enough(i always type TOO much!!)....and guys..if you plan on smart..and never mess up.....its not a joke...big jumps are a very SERIOUS thing...ive had memory loss and 13 concussions.....and lots of other injuries....KNOW YOUR LIMITS!!!!..and all you guys who feel jealous..or feel like you arnt good riders....IVE hit 30 footers that scare me..well at least make me feel uneasy....EVERY jump has respect in my book!! :clap:
this is a pic of the 90ft "super" double that i was talkin about....i have no pictures of me....but i snapped this shot of my friend on his 80.....hes an A class rider)the lip you can almost see all of come up out of a valley into the lip..and the landing you cant even see..its that big.....


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#32 Post by aroracer72 »

Originally posted by theJeStEr1340
I am the same way... except it take a while before I clear it. I like to get behind someone about the same skill as me that is hitting it and just follow them over (off to one side or the other of course, just in case they bite it.)

the BEST way to do it.....if your gonna do a jump your not shrue about.....follow someone that does and see what speed they hit it..and were they hit it. Thats what i did when i hit the super double..except i went for it.....i nearly SHAT myself(was one of my first real big jumps)....and after i did it..i kept cutting the track doing it...i lvoe the "scared/jittery" feeling when doing/about to do a big jump!!
(once again ive typed TOO much)

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#33 Post by LapTraffic »

I hit a natural saddle jump in Saint Anthonies.

It was about a 250 yard approach and I hit it, after a couple warm up shots, in 5th gear wide open, as fast as my YFZ would go.

Because the downside was a natural fall away I just kept going and going. Well in excess of 100 feet

I didnt land it...

The video footage looks like something from the 6 million dollar man smile.gif

Thank god for sand

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#34 Post by SlickNickZ »

Lap do u have the video? If so PLZ post it!!

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#35 Post by LapTraffic »

Our friends put it into a big dvd of the year's riding. I dont know how to clip it out and post it, but if youre ever drinking beer at my house Ill show it to you

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#36 Post by parks9 »

Who is the kid on the KX 80, any names??

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#37 Post by aroracer72 »

Brent not shure on the spelling of the last name....cause we have stopped being friends. I know it starts with a B...******........i cant think of it.

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#38 Post by Exodus »

At my local track I jumped 102 ft on a blaster. It was a downhill kicker, if thats what you would call it. I wasnt but 3 ft off the ground the whole time, its probably the easiest jump I have ever done. I jumped that in 6 gear pinned. There is also a 112ft triple that a couple of my friends hit on their 125's. But I cant muster any enthusiasm to kill myself on it. On my MX track here at the house I have a 70ft freestyle jump. I jump it on occassion with the blaster, but you have to hit it with almost everything that little bike has to land it safe. So it falls prey to my Cannondale most of the time. My Cannondale makes it pretty easy. The lip is 6'8'' tall and the landing is 6', it shoots you about 15 ft in the air, measuring from the bottom of the bike. It feels like your a half a mile up there, and the hang time is awsome. My favorite jumps are 4' tall and 25-30ft long, they are more fun than the go big, and break your a$$ jumps. After my last unconscienceous episode, I have laid off the big stuff.

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