Non Factory Update List

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#31 Post by Derno24 »

Breath deep C27, Breath I think you are taking this way more personally than you need to.

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#32 Post by cannondale27 »

I do take it personally.I also know when to bow out of a fight I am not going to win.

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#33 Post by cannondale27 »

I will tell you guys what.This IS the year that is going to make or break us in many aspects.Lots of people have spent big bucks to give their old dales another lease at life.How many will drop out if another motor selfdestructs?

ATK has gained national recognition because of Jeff,Magazines and offering huge contingencies.People ARE buying their quads and alot of them.If ATK doesnt deliver quads that will be able to run as many races as the rest of the makes then all the contingencies dont matter cause you cant get them if you dont race.Local dealer of ATK's has been dealing like mad and racers are switching to ATK for a shot at contingencies.There will be no second chances for ATK and our quads as we know them.How long will supplies last?Will ATK warrantee all the racers like Cannondale did?I should think not it would ruin them.So it means their motors have to last as long as the quads the ATKs are racing against.Am I worried?Yes.

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#34 Post by Happyboy »

I agree with you 100% 27. And as for scaring away potential buyers.....put yourself in their place. You are looking to buy a 2-3 year old cannondale with decent hours on it. Wouldn't you rather know what kind of problems need to be looked at versus just getting told they are great go buy it?

I would rather have the people that aren't going to put work into their quad go buy something else. they are going to get it, break it, and b!tch and moan about the dales being POSes. You gotta look at the Dales as a dieing breed. They are popular among those that know motors or have the money to get people to do it for them. I havn't ridden anything yet that gives me that good feeling the dale does.

Instead of perpetuating the stigma of the dales being junk by telling people there is nothing wrong with them how about we educate them on how to get the dale to run good. Makes more sense. People already think they grenade. I have had this conversation many times in person, and by the end of it the person is really questioning whether the dale is all bad now. Especially when I through out the $$ it costs to make a fairly reliable Dale compared to a YFZ or TRX.

Now, how about we stock having this stupid argument. I swear it seems like this just keeps coming up. John was posting info that we keep responding back with to people that as what they ned to do with a dale to make it reliable.

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#35 Post by Sandstorm »

C27 My post was not directed toward Iceracer. I know he is not Chris Workman.. It was an incident 5 months ago on the Cannondaler site. I don't want to hijack the thread so I'll leave it at that..

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#36 Post by Jaybr »

I think some of you are taking my comments wrong.

I AGREE with the fixes on the list
I would NEVER tell people there aren't known issues
I don't want to hide anything.

When someone says to me it's a VITAL update, I take that as the motor will blow within a couple hours without it.

I just don't think that is the case without some of the fixes. Would I reccomend them? Yes!. Would I tell people to stop riding immediatly and do a complete rebuild including crank? No, that's where I dissagree.

PLEASE nobody take this personal, it's not meant that way. We are all entitled to our opinions, we just happen to have different oppinions on this particular issue.

There are alot of variables in play here too, like how much time the quad has on it, how well was maintenance done, etc. Also keep in mind that there are still quite a few brand new Cannondales sitting at dealers, ther not all 3 year old abused quads.

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I agree

#37 Post by azcannon »

I have been following this and frankly agree with both sides, its merely a difference of opinion , I won't let my best friend buy a dale, because I know him , that turkey is getting a 400ex or maybe a ltz, we are going to ride and have fun and I am not going to prep his stuff all the time, however anybody that craves speed -----has to do everything -- ride it, prep it, and update and rebuild it a lot more than stockers by now everyone knows these aren't low maintinence and neither is a ferrari .
Furthermore some people will have better experiences than others thats the part where you have to deal with it.
and last but not least the information should be out there , freedom of text or whatever Don't hold back and be judged by your opinions some are extreme and some are minimalists,I am wrong frequently we are all human.


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#38 Post by cannondale27 »

Jay now what advice would you have for someone who is buying to race and must make every race?

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#39 Post by USAMoto00 »

Originally posted by Sandstorm
Chris Workmans motor "could" of had a positive outcome. He chose not to send it to ATK to see what went wrong so he was on his own at that point..  I have talked w/ a person at ATK about this motor myself. Though the person didn't say if they would of paid for it, it could possibly of had a "favorable outcome" depending on what they found inside.

I am not defending ATK cranks. They will wear. My 100hr motor showed wear.. Maybe at a slower rate, but they will wear. I am proof of that and have no problem speaking out for what is or isn't right.. I now have a Z400 bearing, because I saw for myself first hand ATK hasn't fixed this issue.. Nobody knows for sure if the Z400 bearing is the fix, but I am willing to try like others are.. I can't swallow another 950 for a Falicon crank right now..

You know what is really sad about this motor? Chris called ATK when it first happened and they told him to send it in OR take it to an ATK AUTHORIZED dealer. He then called Jeff at the Quadshop who wanted nothing to do with it and then he tried Haydug who was unavailable at the time. He then asked me who else to call and I said Maz. From there his situation was documented and motor disassembled to see what the problems were. Maz has all pictures to help document this motor. There was no stud update kit, there was the old FX cams, AND the culprit was a Wade early wrist pin. So to deny him any claims because of what?? Regardless of what you or I think, he did what he could afford to do and followed the options that he was given. Do you know that ATK told Maz that they would cover it? They did say that, but have never come through with the parts. So how does that look to a potential buyer? What about a die-hard racer? Pull you head out of the Sand and look at it for what it is. His situation could turn real ugly if he chooses to get legal back-up, what do you think? Lemon law looks good when the rear shock blows 3 times with the first being on the show room floor. 3 clutches later because of a faulty push rod that was installed at the factory? Then the motor blows? Looks bad, especially when ****** had one sent to him for basically the same thing. lol:deal:

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#40 Post by Jaybr »

Originally posted by cannondale27
Jay now what advice would you have for someone who is buying to race and must make every race?

Complete rebuild including crank bearing replacement or Falicon.

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