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Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:40 pm
by NRath
I've had almost no time on the forum in the past 2 weeks and I've just read this thread for the first time.

JWheat- It's an incredible thing your doing!:clap: :clap:

I feel the same way as you Brad about dropping a penny into the monster charity machines. But, my employer is matching Red Cross donations dollar for dollar, so I can't help but think my help goes the farthest that way. I've donated a days pay to the cause and feel bad because I know that won't go very far! But, I have done something!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:56 pm
by jwheat
I got two care packages full of stuff from Mike(Badvox) and his wife today and I delivered them to the River of Life Church. Thanks Mike(and wife! I also found the little can of Beans and Weenies that your son donated! biggrin.gif Be sure and tell him that he did good!

Just to let everyone know...the two churches that I have been taking supplies to have both been sending 18 wheeler loads of all the extra stuff that they collect above their own needs down to the coast. River of Life Church sent three truckloads just this past week and I don't know exactly how many truckloads that Christ United Methodist Church has sent, but it was more than that.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:54 am
by Brad Oakley
It's funny how small the world is. Here I was sitting so far away from the aftermath of the Katrina disaster... Until last week when they flew 760 surviivors into the military base located one mile south of my home! Everyone has been busy in the neighborhood getting things together for them since most arrived with only the clothes they had on! The Red Cross handled the food and shelter, volunteers have done all the rest. Some who have finally located other family members are already starting to leave for other parts of the country. Others are finding more permanent housing throughout the city. And way out here in Salt Lake, we can feel that we are also making a difference in the lives of some of those affected by the hurricane!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:09 pm
by jwheat
Got a box of kids clothes in today from Haydug! I'll deliver them in the morning. Thanks Doug!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:45 pm
by haydug
No problem!! The kids are working on another box to ship out next week.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:12 pm
by jwheat
Hey guys! I've been real busy lately so I haven't posted as much as usual. I had a member pm me and ask if i had received his box of supplies. I have received several boxes in the past couple of weeks and they have all been delivered to the churches here that are acting as distribution centers. If you have sent something and I didn't post about it, please feel free to pm me or call me. Thanks to everyone that has helped!

Jimbo 601-209-3139