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Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:02 am
by theJeStEr1340
Oh yeah, if you are so smart they offer scholarships for smart kids. I pay for my own school, in 3 years I have just over $12k in loans. I will have that paid off in the first year I work. I do not live with my parents, I pay ALL of my own bills (cell phone, food, rent, electricity, I just paid off my motrcycle, I will be buyign a truck here soon) and I have better than a 3.0 average. Ask yoru parents how much they pay in bills every month, sit down with them and get some real world figures of what you will be making, then figure out your minimum wage *50 (we will say you work 50 hrs a week) and then decide if you can pay all the bills and still live comfortably. Then figure out how much time you will have for yourself after working 50hrs a week. Life isn't this cake walk you apparently think it is.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:33 am
by Psychosis
It's all pretty interesting reading this. I am in leave from school now debating whether to go back and now working as a contractor w/out a college degree and making around $2k a week mainly wiring homes, installing electronics, etc. I am working upwards of 60hrs a week at times but imo it's worth it. For what I was in school for to average no more than like $40k a year or so to being on a salary for a job I enjoy and making much more makes this decision a practical no brainer.

Go after what you want to. Sure a lot of people go to school for a career that's doesn't even have the necessity to. I was doing that even. But for others as being proven, college opens up a lot of doors. Just depends what you're going into.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:04 am
by UpsMan
QUOTE (Psychosis @ Nov 18 2007, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's all pretty interesting reading this. I am in leave from school now debating whether to go back and now working as a contractor w/out a college degree and making around $2k a week mainly wiring homes, installing electronics, etc. I am working upwards of 60hrs a week at times but imo it's worth it. For what I was in school for to average no more than like $40k a year or so to being on a salary for a job I enjoy and making much more makes this decision a practical no brainer.

Go after what you want to. Sure a lot of people go to school for a career that's doesn't even have the necessity to. I was doing that even. But for others as being proven, college opens up a lot of doors. Just depends what you're going into.

If you are a contractor, don't forget you have to pay your taxes out of that money. Uncle Sam will remind you at the end of the year. Set some of that money aside for that. $2K per week sounds like a lot, but after you pay taxes and insurance and other bills contractors have, it isn't so much.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:14 am
by UpsMan
QUOTE (theJeStEr1340 @ Nov 18 2007, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am going to be an accountant. I will have an internship next year (sr year) after my internship I will be offered a full time position and the firm will more than likely pay for my grad school. When I get out I will have a salary in the high $50k's. I will get a $5k bonus when I complete the CPA exam, another $3k bonus for another large test for Accountign information systems. I will travel as much as I like. I will take clients out to dinner and the firm will pay for me to party like I pay to do here in college. Is this worth all the headaches? Sure.

How in the **** do you know? Don't count your chickens before they hatch. You have no way of knowing what you are going to be offered next year. This may be typical for your intended profession, but what if the folks doing the hiring think you are a conceited jerk and they don't want to hire you? You could very well end up driving a truck.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:35 pm
by cannondale27
True.Life also has many suprises that come along.Kind of like when you hit that dog on your bike and trashed it.Can think of many things that would suck $50 grand easy.The Jester Another thing to remember is that the rewards you are talking about getting all have a price on them.Sounds like you may end up sucking some major butt to get what you want.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:55 pm
by theJeStEr1340
I know what will happen next year because everyone here with a 3.0 or better gets an internship. We are in the top 20 accounting schools in the nation, and the highest in NC state, therefore all of the accounting firms in NC come here first.

Your right, the rewards have a huge price, the project I mentioned. I have worked a sold 30hrs on it. that is 30hrs for 7% of my final grade in accounting. my tests = 30 % and I study (not including hw and such) about 10hrs for each test (3 tests @ 15% each) then a final for 25% of my grade). And UPS truck driver, I am cocky, I work **** hard to be able to say what I say and am **** proud of it. But don't misconstrue my "My internet balls are bigger than your internet balls" for the real world. I know how to act in interview situations (I am goign through "mock" interviews now so I am ready for next year. and Funny thing is I will be interviewing with the same people and most (read: all) have told me they would hire me). Don't let your feathers be ruffled so easy.

And my nose is clean, lol.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:40 am
by RonDK
QUOTE (UpsMan @ Nov 19 2007, 08:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How in the **** do you know? Don't count your chickens before they hatch. You have no way of knowing what you are going to be offered next year. This may be typical for your intended profession, but what if the folks doing the hiring think you are a conceited jerk and they don't want to hire you? You could very well end up driving a truck.

I was thinking the exact thing. You are not guaranteed a job out of college, but I am at a job where I have a lot of room to work my way up. Also, like I said earlier, people who go to college are not morons because some jobs require certain degrees. I just have trouble listening to robots, I mean teachers, act like god or some superior being. There is no doubt that all teachers are not like this but there are a lot. Then there is the select few party animals that get just as far as you with half as much effort. I know this because my buddy goes to college and he is all into drugs etc... and never even shows up to class. Now what the party animals do after college may make all the difference but I am concerned with college only at this point. Why would I care about other people? Because I am paying a good sum of money just to have someone else sort of put down my hard work. In the real world, those people make it no where (except those few) and that makes me somewhat happy. To be honest, I have no idea how I am a moron by keeping a steady job. It's kind of like calling someone that chooses not to gamble a moron. Sure you may make out great but if you don't, you're sort of in a bind. I believe true learning (to a degree) comes from experience. I can sit in a class all day long trying to grasp what they talk about and just trying to link it to what I want to do in life makes no sense to me. It's like a chicken farmer learning how to care for cows. When Shakespeare teaches me how to care for myself, I will probably put more faith into college. I know it helps you become friends with more people and broadens your horizons, but I don't want to pay $24,000 to do that.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:04 am
by jesshamner
I don't know where you're getting your perspective of college, but it really isn't like what you're describing. College is what YOU make of it. They aren't there to bore you or to babysit you. They set you up with the knowlegde and resources to be great in whatever you want to do. The social life is just a byproduct that can be used or disregarded. I have heard your same arguments many times before. Some very smart people had the wrong outlook on college without even trying it only to be great at a mediocre career.

I don't think Jester is calling you a moron for doing what you love and being successful. It's that you're not going through life with an open mind. You think you have it made already and opportunity is knocking on your front door. If you're as smart as you say you are, you shouldn't have to pay for much of college. If you're as smart as you say you are, you would see opportunity in front of your face. If you're as smart as you say you are, you would be wasting a good mind by not going to college and challenging yourself to do something great in life.

Having said that, I still say that college may not be for you. But I really don't think you should make this decision until you give it a try.

I also wanted to add that if you do decide to give it a try, don't base your decision on general education classes. Get into something you are interested in and base your decision on those classes and that program.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:33 am
by UpsMan
QUOTE (theJeStEr1340 @ Nov 19 2007, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know what will happen next year because everyone here with a 3.0 or better gets an internship. We are in the top 20 accounting schools in the nation, and the highest in NC state, therefore all of the accounting firms in NC come here first.

Your right, the rewards have a huge price, the project I mentioned. I have worked a sold 30hrs on it. that is 30hrs for 7% of my final grade in accounting. my tests = 30 % and I study (not including hw and such) about 10hrs for each test (3 tests @ 15% each) then a final for 25% of my grade). And UPS truck driver, I am cocky, I work **** hard to be able to say what I say and am **** proud of it. But don't misconstrue my "My internet balls are bigger than your internet balls" for the real world. I know how to act in interview situations (I am goign through "mock" interviews now so I am ready for next year. and Funny thing is I will be interviewing with the same people and most (read: all) have told me they would hire me). Don't let your feathers be ruffled so easy.

And my nose is clean, lol.

Mock interviews....groovy. I'm glad you have everything all figured out. My feathers aren't ruffled. I don't know where you got that from.... I just think you are kind of foolishly over-confident. I hope things work out for you the way you want them to.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:06 am
by theJeStEr1340
They are real intervies, just not for an actual position. It's to prepare for next year, when I will be doign the same intervies for the actual positions. It gives me a 1 up on others that didn't take the time and go through these to get to know the interviewers they will be talkign to next year. Puts forth the initiative and makes a better impression.