Official Chop wars II

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#51 Post by jesshamner »

We'll see what happens. Jay has some on the way. He's going to be way ahead of me.

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#52 Post by Jaybr »

I've got some pics of Wanablaze too, should I drag him into this?

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#53 Post by jesshamner »


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#54 Post by badvox »

Originally posted by Jaybr
Who's this trying to hide under the hood?

EXCELLENT WORK!!!!! :duel:

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#55 Post by Jaybr »

No you didn't? Not in my truck:mad:

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#56 Post by wanablaze »

How do you have any pictures of me? Have you been following me around?


I don't have photoshop and I don't know how to use it. ohmy.gif

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#57 Post by jesshamner »

Originally posted by wanablaze
How do you have any pictures of me?  Have you been following me around?  


I don't have photoshop and I don't know how to use it.  :o

There are ways to get it........legally of course. cough "ares" cough. It isn't hard to use really. I'm sure we can all give you some pointers. I know, I shouldn't help the competition but its more fun that way.

Jay, it seems that you had some fascination with me and Thomez. LOL...were you stalking us with your camera? No, I'm not going to be next after Derno. Thomez might.tongue.gif

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#58 Post by NRath »

I was LMAO!!! The first one Jay put up was hilarious!!! And his followups are almost as good! I guess we see who's had a little extra time lately!

Good Job, Jay!:clap: :clap:

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#59 Post by jwheat »

Originally posted by wanablaze

I don't have photoshop and I don't know how to use it.  :o

Then you'll be an easy target!biggrin.gif

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#60 Post by Jaybr »

Tonights entry

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