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#51 Post by badvox »

Originally posted by cannondale27
We have a series here where C-class isnt allowed to double.Disqualified if they do.Might be for me also.

yeah now thats what Im lookin for right there!! Im gonna look into that. :-) :drink:

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#52 Post by CDaleChick »

LOL guys im not trying to get out of racing nationals but I dont have enough money to even drive to one of them besides the Texas one. A racing goal I have in the future is to run Womens A class at the nationals. Racing nationals would be awesome and Id love to do it...but I dont think that with only a few hundred in my name will get me very far in racing nationals. Remember I live pretty far down south in Texas also. Gas alone to drive 1200+ miles just one way would cost a fortune.

If I had support from the parents then it would be a totally different story.. but my wonderful parents wont even show up to see me when Im in the ER. Much less will they come to a local race. You can forget them giving a crap about nationals. They think I am "lying" when I say I can race nationals. And they seriously dont believe I raced in a national last year either. All they care about is me going to college and not having fun. (seriously my father told me a few months ago that I was too old to have fun).

With things how they are now. To race nationals, I would need:
-some kind of trailer
-a friend or someone to tag along with me to make these long drives and help with mechanics
-a lot of money from sponsorships

Im sure local businesses around here might help me out to race the local circuit (which is becoming more and more well known) and it happens to be quite well developed and is a "quad only" association... not po-dunk races where only 15 quads show up with a mix of dirtbikes. We have about 80-100 quads a race (last yrs stats) and almost all of them are highly modded. We do not race with bikes either. Check out www.jandjracing.com/photos and you will see a bit of all the racing action from the STQRA.

But I highly doubt I will get $1000s from a local Alvin, TX business to race all the nationals bc the cost issue is mainly gas for a truck and staying somewhere.

Happyboy...It takes me 8-9 hrs to get to Little Rock AR i believe.

Hey lookie there its almost 4 am and I typed a book tongue.gif

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#53 Post by cannondale27 »

Just keep your options open.Never know when some of your other Texas racers will come up and say man this was fun lets go to next one.Sounds like there will be another Dale running whole series this year and some show up at almost every national.I am sure they would help pit you and place to stay.Dream Big!

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#54 Post by CDaleChick »

Originally posted by cannondale27
Just keep your options open.Never know when some of your other Texas racers will come up and say man this was fun lets go to next one.Sounds like there will be another Dale running whole series this year and some show up at almost every national.I am sure they would help pit you and place to stay.Dream Big!

some of the racers from the north texas racing association go to the nationals but there are none of us down here that race the whole circuit. And when people do go from here, they usually dont have room for an extra quad bc the whole family is going. I might have an opportunity to go to a few of the races this yr, but of course that was said the last couple years also, and it just never worked out to where I could. Trust me if there is enough money and opportunity I will race nats in a heart beat. If its not meant to be then I will just keep trying each year. When I do get a real job after college I am definitely going to try to run enough nationals to get a top 10 spot (preferably top 5) and possibly one day run the A class.. that has been a goal of mine for a long time now. Believe me, when I set my mind to doing something, it might not be right away, but it WILL happen. I wont have to worry about family stuff when Im older bc I wont ever be a mommy...so I wont have to worry about kids (no offense to parents, they just arent for me!) so I should have more than enough money and opportunity to race even when im older! If I move out of Texas say to North Carolina I will probably run nationals instead of local stuff. Either way, I will be running nationals one day...just gotta wait for that money or to be relocated...haha

biggrin.gif you guys just need to stick around to watch me race in a class one day

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#55 Post by cannondale27 »

We will be watching.Just gotta do all you can.

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