NEMX ride info set

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#51 Post by c41xracer »

No i havent rode a dale and dont plan on it eitherI RIDE RED.Sure im riding a 350r(250r)and it might be old as dirt but there are so many more aftermarket companies making parts for it im not to concerned about it.If the Dale was so good then why were there more than a dozen owners of Dales trying to trade me for it??Like i said im not trying to flame either.

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#52 Post by USAMoto00 »

Probably because MOST dale owners had no idea where to get parts or if they were going to continue making them. Kind of like your big bad R at one time, huh? I'm not flaming either, but facts are facts. Ride Red? Brand loyalty is good, but you should open your eyes once in a while. You'll never know what's better out their if you never try it. I rode a guys 330R with over $25,000 in to it. He wanted to ride my STOCK Moto. We switched for about 4 laps of riding. He came back and told me it seemed slower because the power was constant, but he kept over-jumping everything because the smoothness was deceiving. I told him to give me back my bike! The R had gobs of power, but it hit hard and violently. I would rather be smooth and constant without my arms feeling ripped out with the same amount of power,what do you think?:deal:

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#53 Post by c41xracer »

Well my 350 is a power valve motor so the hard hit is gone and if i was looking to get another four stroke it would be a honda or yamaha.I traded my crf450 hybrid for this quad

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#54 Post by USAMoto00 »

Why downgrade? lol Oh well, you can only help people who want to be helped. Have fun riding whatever, as long as your on 4 wheels, we're happy.:usa

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#55 Post by BM426Racer »

Not to butt in or anything, but i remember when the motos first came out, the hype and such. I also remember Kory Ellis greneding a motor on the first lap at Budds Creek GNC race. I was impressed until that point and that when i changed my mind. It was all good to charge 10gs for a quad but its not worth it if a pro rider cant even get a lap out of a quad that is suppost to be pro level. Im not flaming just stating some facts. As to what and how good the ATK is still remains to be seen. But i do know that brand loyalty only stands until that brand doesnt make what you want. Then you build your own as i did.

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#56 Post by USAMoto00 »

Exactly! That's why this site is here. Between all the findings of the Cannondale community, it is as reliable or more so than most of the race quads out there. Like anything else, sometimes you get a"good" one and sometimes you get a "bad" one.

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#57 Post by c41xracer »

from the way people talk around the web, 75% of Dale owners own a lemmon

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#58 Post by USAMoto00 »

I seen a Honda and a Yammie on the start at the Georgia National, neither even made it to the 30 second board. Does that mean that they are all lemons? We could make valid points all day, I'm sure, but I'm not going to defend something that will prove itself in time. And as for that remark about 75% lemmons, how bad did you want to come to the ride again?

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#59 Post by c41xracer »

Im not trying to be a dickhead and i can ride any Saturday that i want.I live by there and im a member.Maybe ill see you guys there and maybe ill be able to ride a Dale and change my opinions

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#60 Post by haydug »

Let me first say, everyone calm down. We should all be happy, and just get along. As for the comment on Kory Ellis, I believe his bike(hybryd) blew up which put him on a dale. Then, his seat fell off, so he gave up. I have owned several quads, all of different types, and yes owned several 250r's. I will say that the cannondale community makes it worth every little trouble that you have out of a dale. I own 4 of them, and I will say I do not have much trouble out of mine. Some of the problems with dales are the owners. I have built several dale motors in the last year, of which I believe all are still running strong.
I invited other riders to this for one reason. If you have ever been to a group ride, you will see what I mean. We are an older group of gentlmen, who generally like to ride. We have better things to do than come on a website and start slamming people's rides. Whether you like a dale or not, please do not waste my website with meaningless slamming of something you obviously know nothing about. That counts for slamming an other brand as well. We have made the cannondales reliable, every bit as reliable as the yamaha and honda. I have owned both, the honda is way over rated (IMO) and the yamaha is nice, but it is a love/hate type of thing. It is small and quick.

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