useless knowledge thread

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#61 Post by parks9 »

before toilet paper people in england wiped with fine linen

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#62 Post by twisted »

Parks9 has an obsessiom with posting useless stuff.

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#63 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by parks9
michael jordan was cut from his high school basketball team his sophmore year

That one is not true he wasn't picked for varsity, but he made the JV team. Man get your facts right!

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#64 Post by JST »

Originally posted by Derno24
That one is not true he wasn't picked for varsity, but he made the JV team.  Man get your facts right!

Man o man,that coment sounded like it should have come from the once thought to be a great thesarus "Thomez"

ha ha ha

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#65 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by JST
Man o man,that coment sounded like it should have come from the once thought to be a great thesarus "Thomez"

ha ha ha

Man where has he gone????

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#66 Post by JST »

I don't know either,but as they say "build it and they will come".So maybe talkin about him will smoke him out.

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#67 Post by parks9 »

nah, i just got bored so i went out and looked for a lot of useless information. ITs not a bad thing is it, i mean the topic of this thread is "useless information". lol


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#68 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

worms reportedly taste like bacon

they taste like dirt actually:confused: lol me and my friend got bored one day and decided to eat a worm...

some WWII facts-
In WWII, when allied armies reached the Rhine River the first thing men did was pee in it. This was pretty universal from the lowest private to Winston Churchill (who made a big show of it). Gen. Patton had himself photographed in the act.

During World War II, Russians used dogs strapped with explosives to blow up German tanks. They trained the dogs to associate the tanks with food and ended up destroying about 25 German tanks using this method.

During World War II, the 2nd Polish Corps had a brown bear named Wojtek, who helped move boxes of ammunition during the battle of Monte Cassino.

During World War II, there was not enough sugar in the U.S. to make candy as it was sent to the troops overseas. At this time, popcorn was consumed three times more than its usual amount.

In World War II, the German submarine U-120 was sunk by a malfunctioning toilet.

It is estimated that over fifty-four million people died in World War II, which was the bloodiest war in history.

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#69 Post by Pro400EXC »

Originally posted by parks9
a full grown bear can run as fast as a horse

UHHH Breaker One Nine......

Full Grown bears can attualy run as fast as there Crown Vics or Camaro's will let them....

BTW...For ppl who know CB talk..a Full Grown Bear is a Stae Trooper,lol


A Skate Board is a 18wheeler w/ a Flat Bed trailer and a Front Axle Skate Board is a flat bed w/ the front axle spaced out farther.

A "Road Gator" is a Blown out tire or Re-Cap in the middle of the road

A Chicken Coup is a Weight Station

lol....ok truckers...

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#70 Post by pdavis »

on the WWII trivia
if you own a mitsubishi, you own a vehicle built by the company that brought you pearl harbor as they were the manufacture for the japanese ZERO

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