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Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:43 pm
by jesshamner
No flags needed.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:09 am
by Blasterboy11
Cool, i have a bad habit of breaking flags...I once did about 8 in one paragon, lol. Cant wait till september!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:27 pm
by kdeal
Well guys, one month to go and counting! I have made my reservations at the hotel in town and I have possibly found three more "new" Cannondale owners that may make the trek from Florida with me. One is a guy that owns a shop in Ocala and he has been winning races on his Speed but wasn't in the loop with the rest of us! He was real excited about other owners and is trying to make room on his schedule to attend.

I was thinking of having some form of door prizes for showing up, and any donations to the door prizes would be appreciated. I have a few items that I will donate (SS bolt kit & a few other goodies). If you want to do some flea marketing bring your goods Friday afternoon. We are hoping to have a few tables set up to sell or trade Cannondale goodies. Again, I will clean out the shop and bring a few goodies for sell or trade. I hope to see you all there!


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:36 am
by Blasterboy11
Ill bring some stuff for the "dale sale" on friday (if i can find anything). Im making reservations at one of the hotels. Btw, if anyone is in PA tomarrow, ill be at Rausch Creek brushing up on the ol' MX skills with by buddies and their dad.

32 days and counting!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:31 pm
by kdeal
Cool! We probably won't be there until about 1pm. I think a total of 7 of us may be coming up from Florida. No excuses for anybody else on the East Coast!!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:35 am
by Blasterboy11
Yeh really, thats a trip, lol.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:15 am
by quadracer500
we will be at the comfort in thursday night, hope to meet some new peeps.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:13 pm
by kdeal
Thursday night! Dang, you really want to get a head start on all us huh? I'll be leaving from Speed2424's on Friday morning about 8am, so we should be there right about lunch time. I'm hoping to have a full crew (7 from FL) and 2 from Canton.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:33 pm
by Blasterboy11
Were hoping to be there thursday night as well...

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:40 am
by quadracer500
blasterboy if you are staying in the comfort inn there will be six of us, me wife son and daughter with two friends i will be driving a red 02 chevy with a white 20 foot enclosed trailer, frieneds will be in a white 01 chevy truck with a white 16 foot enclosed trailer.
ken i would leave tommorow if i could really need the time away, if you know what i mean.