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Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:22 am
by cdsracer
yellow/silver/black no cross.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:37 am
by CptHook
looks pretty sweet, I wish I had more time to finish mine

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:31 pm
by aroracer72
hey...i like those flame kits...but reminds me of the original daleriders graphics.....i like the concept of the metal panel design....but not totally the overally look. I was thinking something with not straight edge design...not defined kinda miraged....blurry even......with like kinda slightly masked by the bluriness. I think im gonna draw those tonight...and post them l8er...heres a couple designs i drew quickly during not 100% satisfied with them. But im posting anyways......

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:37 pm
by Drew
CDSRACER those look real good, I like them without the Iron Cross.


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:13 am
by bombsquad54
the bombsquad54 graphics will come in silver and gunmetal background colors

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:48 pm
by cdalepilot
silver & gunmetal sounds awesome .:head: smile.gif

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:23 am
by CptHook
I say I get a discount because I made the templates smile.gif

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:16 pm
by Cdale_racer_669
i like the blue/silver with the cross:D


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:07 pm
by parks9
graphics lookin' good, design some cool ones for me YFZ , Ben.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:22 am
by alliecat53
:mad: Parks, quit telling my fiance what to do! (hahaha) Hey boy, its Ben's women... you know that one blonde you see trailing behind Ben at the track.. :confused: How've ya been? Did you know Ben and I are getting married DECEMBER 5th? I'm very excited. Well, keep riding and hopefully I'll see you soon!:head: