Official Spring 2004 Group Ride thread (FrogStomp 04)

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#71 Post by Derno24 »

Oh yeah I forgot Jay thanks for having us. it was a great time. I wish you could have rode with us more. It would have been great. Again if there is anything you ever need Jay don't hesitate to ask. We all owe you alot. Also thanks Doug again for all the help. :head: :clap:

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#72 Post by Mjollnir »

Sounds like a ton of fun, guys. Wish I could have been there.

I had to settle for picking up another 'dale. biggrin.gif


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#73 Post by Jaybr »

Heres a few pics the wife took

JessHamner up in the trees:head: I guess my next project will trimming some limbs:cry:

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#74 Post by Jaybr »

Thomez on the EX, good thing it's got a good suspension;)

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#75 Post by Jaybr »

Fourwhls brother a split second before the tumble, hope he's ok

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#76 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by Jaybr
Thomez on the EX, good thing it's got a good suspension;)

It's all about the body english! :eek:

4punks later dressed up that take off and then it was nice and smooth, no more uneven launches. :head:

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#77 Post by fourwhls »

First off......AWESOME WEEKEND

Many cudos to all that made this happen. Jay and Trish, the hospitality was outstanding as usual.

It was great to meet all of you. Sorry, we had to split as soon as we did. I had full intentions of camping out Saturday night. My brother threw a curve ball into those plans.

We camped out Saturday night.... in the hospital. He ended up braking/dislocating all four medicarpal (sp) bones in the top of his left hand.
It was bad enough that they took him into surgery that evening. The doc pinned him back together and he is good to go. It made for a long day, we pulled into my driveway at about 4am Sunday. He's now sitting at home eating pain killers and taking in some new movies.

Jay, he will be stoked that your wife got the picture of him right before he went over. He was pissed that I hadn't. It's kinda funny....he's not worried about how fast it will heal so he can get back to work, he asked the doc how long it would be before he could ride again.

I have quite a few pictures at home. I will pick out a hand full tonight and try to get them posted.

Again, thanks for the great time. When's the next event??? I am ready to put in my vacation request now.

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#78 Post by k-dog »

I had a blast, you are all so right. I some of the nicest people this weekend. Thank you Jay and everybody else for a great time. It was nice to meet some of you and put the faces with the names. I read much more often then I post but feal as though I already knew many of you guys.

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#79 Post by 4punksdad »

as always..........jay and his family are awesome hosts. Thanks for having us. We had a blast. Ryan helped us a bunch by loaning us supplies we lost in a crash on the way to jay's. The 2 guys from Illinois who took my bikes home deserve a huge thank you. I owe an apology to the folks trying to run timed laps while I interfered with my vintage quadracer. The effort put forth by everyone was great. Can't wait for the next one.

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#80 Post by 4punksdad »

trashed trailer & bikes

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