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Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:23 am
by Exodus

GWB said he would end the corporate corruption and scandal of the late '90s.
Instead we got ENRON, WorldCom, Tyco and many more. The leaders of those companies were GWB's BIGGEST campaign contributors. Winner: Big $$$
Loser: tens of thousands of shareholders, and employees. many who lost everything they had worked a lifetime to save.

Come on man, look at your own statement, he said he would end the corruption and scandal of the late 90's. Well look at ENRON, and the like. Hmmm, I guess he did what he said. There gone buckaroo.

GWB said he would get Osama bin Laden, "NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES"

What, is this a thiry minute episode on prime time. At least he's still after him. Look at what your good buddy Clinton did, send a couple of tomahawks. lol, Bush is getting dirty, Clinton gets a pass.

George Bush said we would find WMD in Iraq

Hmm, just how many scientists from Iraq siad they were there. And how many people on the hill agreed that they were in fact WMDs in Iraq. Go ahead look it up. Give you a hint, go back to the Clinton resheem. And to pick apart that statement a little more,, the humanatarian effort that is being pursued in Iraq that you inquire to, go ask the protestors on the street in Iraq what they think of the humanatarian effort. Thats right I said "protestors", that means they must be free.

The 132 billion that is being spent in Iraq to make a free nation. Well there you got me, thats a lot of money in anybodies eyes. But lets see, if we spent it here, yes we might have had some bridges some subsidies for the common worker so would keep there jobs, in effect, cutting the number one employer in the US to its knees. That would be the small business. But heres the big question, how many buildings, bridges, towers would have fallin in the name of terrorism and instead of the 1000 soldiers that have unfortunately lost there lives in Iraq doing there job, to pretect freedom. How many civilians in this country would have lost there lives because the government tried to make friends with the terrorists. I dont know the answer either, but are you willing to make a bet. I'm not, Id rather spend that money in the hopes I'm safer tomorrow than I was on 9/10. A gamble, probably, but at least its logical.

And how often do you change your opinion based on a decision? If its in the same sentence, than I suppose you could be a flipflopper. Call me silly, but when you dont show up to nearly 75% of your national security hearings, you probably dont give a sh!}. And volunteering for war, hey he did, I dont have a prob with that. That deserves respect, but p!ssing on your soldiers when you get back, heck of a way to show your patriotism.

Hey, Thomez, How many "ducumented flip flops" does Kerry
have? Come on man, there cant be that many. I mean 25 is a big number, but come on, Kerry flip flop? NO WAY!! Not every other sentence. lol

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:27 am
by thomez
Iraq - 9/11

No connection shown.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:35 am
by Ryanstones
OF NO PURPOSE! Afghanistan made sense....but

Are 20,000 dead in IRaq enough to make up for the dead of 9/11?

Are you still under the impression iraq had anything to do with Al Quaida?

The Bipartisan 9/11 commission determined definitively there was NO collaboration between the two.:confused:

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:45 am
by Exodus
Ok, lets think about this logically. Iraq is in the middle of what is teaming with terrorist activity and they didnt have any? Come on, you cant believe that.

And can you really weigh the safetly of all of us, including your kids on a war that we didnt start but out of necessity need to finish?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:01 am
by Jaybr
I wanted to also thank Frank for chiming in. This being a motorsports based forum, it's interesting that the industry is supporting Bush and the Republican party.

I did recently learn that the Communist party is essentially lending their support to Kerry. Their number one priority is to get Bush out of office, and they have chosen not to put a candidate on the ballot so their votes will go to Kerry. They won't come right out and endorse Kerry, but they would much rather have him in office than Bush.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:05 am
by thomez
You will be hard pressed to find any corporation, especially motorsports, that endorses the Democratic party. This is because they do not want to deal with regulation and emissions standards that protect the environment. (and I am sure other reasons too)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:07 am
by Mjollnir
Originally posted by thomez
BTW: If you can vote R while considering the environment, when GWB denied global warming even existed (as a man made problem) for 3 years, left the Kyoto protocal, etc... I'm not sure what environmental policy you are looking for?

Who said I swallow the democratic party line when it comes to the environment? I said I vote based on the environment, not some politician's junk-science mumbo-jumbo about the environment. The environmentalists that the left caters to are full of 100% grade-A horse manure, IMHO.

Gobal warming does not exist in my opinion. The earth goes through cyclical changes in cliamate. Do you think the dinosaurs' internal combustion engines caused the earth to be warmer in the Jurassic? Some other outside reptile-made force must also have caused the last ice age.

For humans to be so stupid as to think that we can reverse the forces of nature is asinine (sp?).

There was actually a Newsweek Magazine article in April of 1975 detailing the effects of, brace yourself, GLOBAL COOLING! Oh mercy, what will we do??? Cyclical changes, folks. Kyoto Protocol = load of crap. GWB saw it for what it was.

ANWAR? Drill it, if it's economically viable. The amount of real estate they want to drill is, comparitively, the size of a postage stamp on a football field.

We have one beach area left to ride on in California - only 1800 acres left, used to be over 10000. The greenies are trying to take this too.

Do I vote on environmental issues?

HECK YES. (Why can't I say h-e-double hockey sticks?)

Don't get me wrong, reasonable measures are fine. Renewable resources, using tree farms for paper, smog controls within reason. Obviously I'm not some nut that wants to chop down all the rainforests, but come one, enough is enough. DDT was banned because of a possible link to health problems that were never even concretely proven, and tens of millions have died of malaria because of it. Let's weigh the benefits with the drawbackson issues like this.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:15 am
by Ryanstones
Thanks for the reply exodus. good stuff.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Exodus
Come on man, look at your own statement, he said he would end the corruption and scandal of the late 90's. Well look at ENRON, and the like. Hmmm, I guess he did what he said. There gone buckaroo.

***yes, they are, and so are the 100's of millions of shareholder and worker $$$ and jobs. Unfortunately, the larceny continues in other companies and NOTHING has been done to stop it. The deregulation of the Reagan era fails to protect the little guy. Government oversite has a legitimate cause.*****

GWB said he would get Osama bin Laden, "NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES"

What, is this a thiry minute episode on prime time. At least he's still after him. Look at what your good buddy Clinton did, send a couple of tomahawks. lol, Bush is getting dirty, Clinton gets a pass.

*****It's too bad the quaqmire in Iraq has tied the hands of our military. You must have missed tonights news where Osama's #2 claimed control of the majority of Afghanistan. Heaven help the soldiers if we are forced to deal with REAL threats Iran or N. Korea now*****

George Bush said we would find WMD in Iraq

Hmm, just how many scientists from Iraq siad they were there. And how many people on the hill agreed that they were in fact WMDs in Iraq. Go ahead look it up. Give you a hint,

*****um, you're confused on this one bud. NO weapons inspectors said there were WMD. In fact they begged for more time, as did the whole world. The congressman were deceived by the coerced/false intelligence*****

go back to the Clinton resheem. And to pick apart that statement a little more,, the humanatarian effort that is being pursued in Iraq that you inquire to, go ask the protestors on the street in Iraq what they think of the humanatarian effort. Thats right I said "protestors", that means they must be free.

*****What? It's bush that's saying it's all about freedom! NOT ME. that's all he has left! NO WMD, No AlQuaida connection. Would you have supported this war to free the Iraqi's?! I think not. We were lied to.
clinton, clinton, clinton. sheesh. he's not the pres any more and he didn't invade Iraq. GWB did.******

The 132 billion that is being spent in Iraq to make a free nation. Well there you got me, thats a lot of money in anybodies eyes. But lets see, if we spent it here, yes we might have had some bridges some subsidies for the common worker so would keep there jobs, in effect, cutting the number one employer in the US to its knees. That would be the small business. But heres the big question, how many buildings, bridges, towers would have fallin in the name of terrorism and instead of the 1000 soldiers that have unfortunately lost there lives in Iraq doing there job, to pretect freedom. How many civilians in this country would have lost there lives because the government tried to make friends with the terrorists. I dont know the answer either, but are you willing to make a bet. I'm not, Id rather spend that money in the hopes I'm safer tomorrow than I was on 9/10. A gamble, probably, but at least its logical.

****OK, once again, there were no Al Quaida terrorists in Iraq before we invaded! I'm sure there are now though!
I hardly feel safer now. on 9/12 we were fighting an organization of maybe 5,000 Loonies. NOW, we have the whole muslim world against us. Is it a modern Crusade we are after? Our children will be the cannon fodder for this one.*******

And how often do you change your opinion based on a decision? If its in the same sentence, than I suppose you could be a flipflopper. Call me silly, but when you dont show up to nearly 75% of your national security hearings, you probably dont give a sh!}. And volunteering for war, hey he did, I dont have a prob with that. That deserves respect, but p!ssing on your soldiers when you get back, heck of a way to show your patriotism.

*****Kerry recognized the futility of that war, as a VOLUNTEER. On his return, he tried in the best way a 25yr old could to hasten the end to that war. Patriotism doesn't make injustice Right, and our eventual withdrawal from Vietnam, without victory or any useful outcome, confirmed the validity of his belief the war was wrong. American atrocities in vietnam are well documented. Kerry did not lie. He did his part to end a foolish war, and i'm praying he'll do it again.******

The war in Iraq is not making us safer. quite the opposite. the man who put us there should be fired.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:27 am
by Mjollnir
Moving on, I have a nutty theory about the WMD in Iraq.

I believe that Saddam believed that he had WMD, to include a Nuke program. Our sources therefore also believed that they did. Saddam's people told him what he wanted to hear. I remember reading an interview with an Iraqi nuclear scientist who was working on research for Nuclear power plants. He said that Saddam came through once and told him to start working on researce for nuclear weapons. He told Saddam that he knew nothing about Nuclear weapons. Saddam replied that he would start working on it, or would see his family go to prison or some such nasty thing.

The scientist did what any of us would do. He said okie-dokie, and sent Saddam bogus reports every so often letting him know how the "research" was going. He wasn't doing anything because he had no idea what to do, but had to report that he was making progress.

There you go - Saddam, and probably his top brass, thought they were progressing on Nukes. The only guy that knew they weren't was this scientist, and probably some people working with him. But who's going to go to the big guy with bad news? No one. Gotta keep up appearances to stay out of the clink, right?

Just a crackpot theory.

BTW, I believe Kerry said he also believed that Iraq had WMD. He also recently said, IIR, that knowing what he knows now, he would have gone to Iraq as well. So what's the difference in where they stand?

On a slightly different topic, this election cycle is about the lesser of two evils for me. GWB has my vote, but I can rattle off quite a few things he's done that I really disagree with, starting with the illegal immigrants.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:29 am
by Ryanstones
Originally posted by ******
Iraq should have been delt with when Clinton pulled us out.

Yes I believe I raq had alot to do with al queda Sadam had PLENTY of time to cover up any thing WITHOUT worrying about being hassled about it.

Bipartisan 9/11 commission  tell me another joke....I work for the government the democrats got the answer they were LOOKING for!

Again with the Clinton! GHWB, #41 pulled us out! what are you talking about?

The 9/11 commission consisted equally of replublicans and democrats, ******.

I agree with MJ, He77 should be removed from the banned words list. biggrin.gif