10k rev limit

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#71 Post by wistech »

My valve dropped after an extensive bowling session at St anthonies. 10 to 15 minutes of sustained max throttle and rpm. I cruised over to shoot up choke cherry and after the tenth run at max throttle in first and second gear it let go halfway up the hill. The map was a motospeed and the engine was bone stock with 320 hours on it. It still could outclimb the 450r even with 2 bad cam lobes.LOL Ive got the engine failure on video if you want to see it. This quad ran mostly trails at sustained high speeds most of its life driven as fast as it goes. I wouldnt know what casual riding is.

As far as cannabal not having any problems I just had a cannabal in the shop with the 10,500 rev limit from day one. Its decompression fell apart and it had bad cam lobes to.

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#72 Post by cannondale27 »

Wistech doesnt race but he sure knows how to wring the motor for everything its got.Trailrider/Trailracer is more like our rides.

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#73 Post by Happyboy »

John, I don't think anyone is saying the lower rev limiter will stop any failures from happening. It will just help slow them down. And of course, there are quads out there that will run great for 100s of hours with a moto map and there will be quads out there that will fail with the cannibal map on it. But you have to look past those few and look at the general rules of wear and tear.

And 27, you are dead on. I plan on tearing into mine for a complete inspection and rework of the valve trail every year. I want to keep mine in spec as much as possible. I love having a dale that runs.

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#74 Post by Derno24 »

Happy I'll meet you alittle in the middle. Here you go you are right if you lower the rev limit parts should last. However why stop at 1,000 rpms. I can not see that 1,000 rpm's would save all that much. Go all the way to like 5,000 then you can ride it all year and it will never break.

I thanked Timbo cause he stated tat he had a head failure not cause I agree with the rest of the statement.

I agree with Cdale27 and wistech. I have had to replace the valves on my z400 already and it had about 50-60 hrs on it. The Dale's I have and had have all eclipsed te 100 hr mark and are still good. To me that isn't a weakness. If you think there is a problem lowering the rev limit to me isn't the answer. Better parts are!

I am not slamming you just pointing out that our valvetrain isn't as bad as it is being made out to be!

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#75 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by Happyboy
And of course, there are quads out there that will run great for 100s of hours with a moto map and there will be quads out there that will fail with the cannibal map on it.  But you have to look past those few and look at the general rules of wear and tear.  

Maybe that is my problem you are stuck on theory and I keep saying that if there are more quads in the 100 hr relm which there are no problem with and only a handfull of quads that have had this problem then there isn't an issue with the rev limiter.

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#76 Post by timbomoose »

Timbo: On the heads that dropped a valve were they completely stock or did they have any work done to them? I ask cause one of the head I have seen eat it was worked.

Derno 1st time happened was completely stock on an 03 had about 50hrs and about 5 with the high limiter.Toasted everything.2nd time was mildly ported with 92 hrs from me and unknown hrs from before.I will admit ran in quite abit in the high limiter for testing.I agree with jay valve springs have alot to do with it.I'm sure c'dale designed it to handle the rpms,but when subpar parts were put in such as weak valve springs and when running on the edge damage can occur easier especially on later model when things were cheapened up.I ride with 3 other dales regularly and 3 others on and off and I'm the only 1 that ran the high limiter and the only one that had cam and valve damage.The other were running the cannibal limiter.The 2 others had crank failures newer cranks and the 02 earlier style has been trouble free for over 2 years besides a stator that wasn't updated.Only way to know what you have is by tearing down and inpecting everything.I agree the higher limiter is nice and probably alot of people will be fine with it but the ones with parts that weren't quite made to spec can save alot of grief by tuning it down just a tad and you don't know what you have unless you do a complete teardown and inspection.

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#77 Post by Canniboomer »

You have to admire the determination of Doug and others to find more durable upper end parts. At the same time, it seems wise to avoid the extreme rev's, by either riding technique or a lower rev limit IN THE MEANTIME. Timbo can't just say lower the rev limit and be done with it -- not yet, not permanently.........I doubt he's really content with that for the longrun either -- it's that elusive goal of having a motor you can ride hard with wreckless abandon, but still lasts 500 hours! --- like a kid in the car on a long trip says: "Are we THERE yet?" biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

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#78 Post by banzairx7 »

When will these better valves & springs be available and from who??

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#79 Post by Jaybr »

If the valve springs I'm testing work out, they will be available through Haydug, don't think anyone else will have them at this point.

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#80 Post by haydug »

Originally posted by fig
I have read that the factory bearing was rated to 10k. Not 11,600 or 11,800.  That is my understanding as to why you drop the limiter to 10k.

Guy's be nice, don't hurt my feelings. Remember I'm the newbie here.

Arkie boys,

What part of the state are you from? I was born in the city of Ozark, but raised in Kalifornia. My Grandma still lives in the big town of Pettigrew.

I think I know where that seriously flawed rumor started, I know Jaybr has all the specs as we have researched them looking for a better bearing. That is an untrue statement, but glad you asked so you can know the real truth.
Oh, and Welcome!! :welcome:

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