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Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 7:53 am
by cannondale27
So your saying that if I get you one of Wistechs flywheels she will keep racing the Dale?Not proven but is our best chance right now.What about the steel one you have?Try that.Lots of options.As for Peterock offer he is not only talking about ATK he is talking about making the calls and contacts for you.Believe me he can get you some sponsors.Give him a chance.We all want to help and together I think we can make it worthwhile but I am not going to waste my $ or effort on a halfhearted effort to run a Cannondale for a full season of MX like we all did for Kara.Derno said Michelle wanted to run something else.If thats true then its end of story.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:07 am
by cannondale27
QUOTE (Derno24 @ May 13 2007, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I spoke to Brian he explained she spun a flywheel in the first moto after leading for 3 laps. Since the rule changes she doesn't get a DNF. I don't know why she finished 16th, but I know why she didn't finish. I will say she isn't happy with her dale at all. She is now in 2nd place overall in a class she should be dominating. As for moving to the A class there are no full sponsored a riders out there so to me it makes more sense to dominate here round up sponsors for next year and hit them where it hurts with a full season instead of not getting full points for this season.

Reading above really depressed me.
What is going to happen when the Suzuki gets a flat tire,crashes?Or any one of the many other issues that can crop up and cost you a race.Its part of the game.You got to deal with it not go and make a radical change like switching brands.Just time getting used to new machine may even cost positions.I hope you all change your mind but if not Good luck.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:09 am
by cannondale27
double post

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:59 am
by peterock
Haydug, Haydug, Haydug. What are we going to do with you? Good thing I'm a better man then you and choose to focus my attention on USAMoto's situation instead of you.


Get in touch with me.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 2:12 pm
by haydug
USA: Remember you'r buddy's ATK, boy they sure helped him out after paying up the cold hard cash.
I'd almost donate 2 flywheels if you run ATK SUCKS stickers on Michelle's bike for 4 races.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 2:20 pm
by Happyboy
Guys, don't blast him for wanting to keep her running. If that means another brand then so be it. I would love to see her on a dale but its good to see her doing good no matter what she is riding. Instead of all the bitching and complaining just wish him luck or offer to help. End of it.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:11 pm
by GDITheman
Some more pics from PA ATV round 1 2007:

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:07 pm
by Derno24
I never said she didn't want to run a dale I said she wasn't happy with it. That is not the same thing. I am sure if we found a solution other than bagging on their maintenance they would keep riding it.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:13 pm
by Derno24
QUOTE (KRAHEZ1 @ May 23 2007, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"Oh yeah for a guy who has soo much mouth why only 16 posts. You had a dale for 4 years and only just found this site?"

Had my Good old trusty Dale for 5 years been doing updates for 4. I guess read'n stuff for 4 years doesn't count ,I have to post to know whats going down? Thats like say'n can't be knowing the news by watching tv you have be the tellecaster. I'm not even that dumb. So hows the bearing look and the runout.No Answer then you ain't lookin.Again preventative maintence,preventative maintence.I thought my post was pretty positive and encouraging.No support on the c'dale maybe none in my longjohns, but give me a break. You'll get more support on a cannondale then anything out there.Look at c'dale chick opps not a good example,Ok,look at that 12hr race lets see any brand get anymore support than that. Did you go to any of the site sponsors for support,probably not,or members,probably not.I'll bet after a post like this ya probably put a crack in the ships hull and that effort just sunk.So what ya doin about figuring out the problem, got it solved,Oh thats right can't get nothing solved when you busy complaining and not looking for a fix.That's the thing a baby can cry,rant,and rave but until the diapers changed hes still going screem.WAAAA! Quit cry'n about poor me,no money,it may break,no one will wipe my rear and get solven your problem! Let see that sweety put out a win on what got her there!I'll even donate a flywheel,but if ya changed brands before the seasons done I want paid!

Yeah that will keep him going. When did he complain or cry? Besides spending half your day coming up with these witty rhetoricals why don't you just say who you really are. As for the support of this site you are right it is top notch. Moto has never bashed Cannondale or said anything bad. I said she wasn't happy and that translates into she hates dales. WOW!!!

Now if you want to continue to hide behind your keyboard and such go ahead. If you have been around lurking for four years where were you when the list of racers started making their way to the door? No we are down to a handful that actually race these machines and you want to bash them for contemplating a move? Real mature!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:22 pm
by GDITheman
A few pics from Silver Dollar, GA 2007:
