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Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 3:45 pm
by 4punksdad

Ahhh, where to start??!!!!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:04 pm
by NRath
That was a n awesome weekend!!! It's so cool to have met the fellow 'daleriders that I did. I had a great time. I hope to do it again, but unless it's at Jay's, don't be counting on me to bring the kitchen sink and shower!!

To Cannondale27 and PDavis' wife and daughter, my sincerest apologies for the cold shower! It took just a little more work to get the water heater straightened out and the Hot/Cold mix right to make the temp's right. When I got in and had to suffer till the Hot water arrived, I was feeling really bad for you guys that never got any warm water!

And Derno- you were hot on the track, so I just figured you wanted a hot shower!! Big thanks for loaning me the tires for the afternoon riding!

CDRookie- glad to be able to help you partner!

And everybody else that showed- It was a blast!!

And for those that didn't:tongue.gif tongue.gif You missed out.

How could I forget...

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:11 pm
by NRath
Jay, it was great!! I really appreciate the time and effort you put forth for both the ride and the site!!:clap: :clap:

And the man-- 4 Punks! The Bobcat master!! The track is great!! You did an awesome job out there and I'll be appreciating it for a long time to come!!

As for Doug, I did beat him once in the drags!!!!!! Of course, I was on his quad! You can see in the drag pic that I got the jump on him. He was on the YFZ, I was on his 'dale. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to repeat. He took me down after that. Doug is fast- he's a he!! of a rider, best one I know. Now, if I could just get him to teach me something!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:26 pm
by Happyboy
Dang 4PUNKS! A busted up trailor and a crashed quad? Man, who did you piss off before this trip? What happened to the trailor?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:35 pm
by 4punksdad
Originally posted by Happyboy
Dang 4PUNKS!  A busted up trailor and a crashed quad? Man, who did you piss off before this trip?  What happened to the trailor?

we were involved in a vehicle accident about 30 miles from jay's place. We lost the trailer, 2 dirt bikes and a mini quad, not to mention our food, drinks and many cooking supplies. Glad nobody got hurt. The kids were bummed about not having their dirt bikes to ride, but we made the best of it. Fortunately Pdavis' kids and my kids got along famously and occupied each other so the lost bikes were not on everyone's mind. I sure hope the car that hit us will foot the bill for replacement value of the lost items.

on a side note. Thanks for all of the kind words about the bobcat operating. I enjoy being able to pitch it & make it a

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:44 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
Oh, where to start..

had a great weekend there with and meeting all you guys, got to help build a nice dale, to meet some cool people.

also got to ride a gazillion different quads...Thanks Haydug, 4punks, Derno, Sillyspeed.. and everyone else who loaned me their quads as we patiently waited for scott and maz to show up after a 15 hour drive down..ohmy.gif

but i got running n rode the night and the next morning and had a great time..thanks everyone and can't wait to do it again sometime!

oh and nice job 4punks on the track, jay for setting this thing up and lettin us all rip up his ranch, and hats off to the guys with a complete frame swap in only a few hours..:drink: :head:

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:23 pm
by Coleridge
Ride was a blast... Thanks Jay!

Thanks a million to you too garry for the filters, it's a lot more fun to ride than push . Also to everyone else that helped me look for my alusive tranny filter:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: .

Enjoyed the ride and the fellowship!

Hope your boy is OK 4punks, that cut look like it hurt...

Thanks again Jay... when did you say the next one was???smile.gif

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:30 pm
by garysol1
Anytime my friend........sharing and helping is half the fun!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:48 pm
by USAMoto00
I am seriously disappointed that I couldn't make it! It sounds like evryone had a great time. The weather scared me and it ended up like 80-90 all weekend long. When is the next one cause I'm putting in for a vacation ASAP for it! Glad to see so many Cannondalers getting along and having a great time! More pictures!smile.gif :usa :wow

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:45 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by USAMoto00
I am seriously disappointed that I couldn't make it! It sounds like evryone had a great time. The weather scared me and it ended up like 80-90 all weekend long. When is the next one cause I'm putting in for a vacation ASAP for it! Glad to see so many Cannondalers getting along and having a great time! More pictures!smile.gif :usa :wow

Likely excuse. Even if it rained me and the frog would have drank the weekend away at the ride and still had a good time!:drink:

****** will have to fill you in about the frog!