OT: Are you a Democrat, Republican or Southern Republican?

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#81 Post by Ryanstones »

I agree marc. For me the election is about Getting bush out. Not loving Kerry.

Jay, America is in far great danger of becoming a facist theocracy than communist.rolleyes.gif

I appreciate the opportunity to discuss this here. I think a bunch of member probably don't vote at all. If they can see the passion we bring to our sometimes opposing viewpoints maybe they'll be motivated to exercise their freedom at the polls.

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#82 Post by Mjollnir »

Originally posted by Ryanstones
I agree marc. For me the election is about Getting bush out. Not loving Kerry.

Jay, America is in far great danger of becoming a facist theocracy than communist.rolleyes.gif

Come on, Ryan, you can't really believe that. Is the President going to ban the legislative and judicial branches and crown himself the Pope of the US?

I concur about the quality of debate here, and the very positive way it is approached, without namecalling, flaming, or negative energy.

Even if you libs are wrong. biggrin.gif


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#83 Post by Ryanstones »

Originally posted by Ryanstones

Jay, America is in far great danger of becoming a facist theocracy than communist.rolleyes.gif

Yes, i believe that is MORE likely than going communist. Actually though, i'm more concerned about the power of multinational corporations whose only interest is in profit. Once upon a time corporations had a social conscience...
Capitalism is the most powerful secular force on earth, and i'm a proud capitalist. Still, it must be tempered by the needs of the people, not profit.

The republican favoritism of business over people, with no oversight, is one of my strongest motivations to resist Bush.

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#84 Post by thomez »

What your republican environmentalist friends tell you will infact kill you. :cool:

Here are some facts on global warming.

Globally, the ten hottest years on record have occured since 1991, and in the past century temps have risen 1* C. In that same period global sea level has risen 20cm - partly from melting of land ice and partly from thermal expansion of the oceans. Ice caps are disappearing from many mountain peaks and summer and autumn artic sea ice has thinned by up to 40% in recent decades.

Global warming has caused an increased frequency of high storm surges in the North Sea coasts.

Last year, Europe had an unprecendented heat wave, France alone bearing around 15,000 excess or premature fatalities as a consequence.
(killing more people than terrorism)

Only the forcing from increased greenhouse gas and aerosol concentraions could explain the general upward trend in temperature over the past 150 years. (This isn't a 5 year cycle of change that goes up and down).

If we continue to pollute as we are, Europe could see increased risk of floods by 2080 of up to 30 times present levels. Flood levels now expected once every 100 years could be expected as few as every 3.

As a consequence of continued warming, millions more people around the world may in the future be exposed to the risk of hunger, drought, flooding, and debilitating diseases such as malaria. Poor people in developing countries are most vulnerable.

The estimated economic burden of limiting C02 emissions is not expected to have serious impacts upon the economy.

It is a myth that reducing carbon dioxide emissions necessarily makes us poorer. Taking action to tackle climate change can create economic opportunites and higher living standards.

Many say we are not able to reduce our emissions of CO2, but China was somehow able. Between 1990 and 2000 the Chinese economy grew over 60% yet their emissions intensely fell. If China can do it, we darn well can too.

The Bush administration's current strategy relies largely on market-based incentives and voluntary actions (meaning that they are doing nothing).

The Kyoto protocol has been criticized by many as not being strict enough with its standards to make any great change, but was simply setup to get the nations together and organized to tackle such a global problem. Yet we can't even manage to join this endeavor.

The U.S. has a responsibility to the world to do what they can to reduce their emissions. We have only 4% of the world's population yet put out over 20% of the world's emissions. I find this unacceptable, especially since we no longer are the manufacturing giant that we used to be.

For anyone that doesn't understand what CO2 emissions are and what they do, I can give a brief explanation.

CO2 is a naturally occuring gas found in our atmosphere, used by plants to photosynthesize and emitted by animals when we breathe. CO2 is called a greenhouse gas because it acts as an insulator in the atmosphere, retaining heat on earth's surface. Water vapor and methane are also greenhouse gases, though their levels are stable.

CO2 is also produced by the burning of fossil fuels. The biggest producers of CO2 are automobiles and the burning of coal etc to make electricity. Since the industrial revolution, the levels of CO2 in our atmosphere have risen every single year. This leads to a greater effect of the "greenhouse" and a rising temperature here on the surface. This rising temperature has numerous effects, making it hotter (simply), has been shown to correlate with increased hurricane energy, melts the polar ice caps more each year (putting more fresh water in the North Atlantic disrupts the flow of water that keeps the Atlantic coast water warmer than the Pacific), raising sea level (dangerous for places like New Orleans), etc.

The level of atmospheric CO2 is more than double what it was 150 years ago and is steadily rising. This problem is not one that we can instantly stop. Atmospheric CO2 stays in the atmosphere for decades before being reduced by solar radiation. To maintain current levels (which are showing negative effects already) we would have to level off CO2 production, which we obviously are not doing and have no plans to do. The plan of the Kyoto agreement is to slowly reduce CO2 emissions so that we may continue to enjoy this planet into at least the next millenium. At the current pace, we may disrupt our weather patterns more than we understand, and render our environment our enemy.

It has been shown that the last time global temperature raised steadily like this, it maintained a gradual level without major concern until suddenly it released massive amounts of freshwater into the Atlantic, disrupting thermohaline circulation, and throwing the world into the last ice age. This may sound far fetched, but the evidence shows that not only was this the case, it happened in a mere 10 years.

The environment is not something to play with, and global warming via increased greenhouse gases (CO2) is an established fact of anyone who understands and respects science.

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#85 Post by Exodus »

Im glad we can spar on this stuff without getting mad. This is almost fun lol. I'll rebuttle in order to conserve space.

So I ask you a question, what do you want, the conspiracy to end or to let it continue. Since he did away with the ENRON scandel, you throw at him the fact that it cost jobs. But if ENRON were exposed, and he did nothing, he would be in the middle of it because they contributed to the Rep Party.

I agree, I hope we dont have to deal with either of those countries as a threat.. But we wouldnt be here if it wasnt for Clinton tying the hands of the military in the first place. And lets not forget who wanted to cut military funding yet again, Kerry purposed to cut our most vital of defenses, and you give him a pass.

The inspectors wanted more time, what 12 yrs isnt enough? Hussen broke every NATO sanction, and they want more time. When was enough enough, the more time you give him, the more time he has to figure out a way to conquer us.

The best a 25 yr old could? To condemn the men that fighted in that war with him, WOW. And even if you can forgive him for that, hes how old now and still doing the same thing.

I still pose the question, do you really beleive that Iraq had no terrorists before we went there? I will remind you that Iraq is in the middle or the terrorist breeding grounds and has been for a long while. Cyria, Iran, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Isrieal, Saudi Arabia, they all had terorists, mostly Al Quiada and Iraq didnt have any terrorists at all? Come on, surely you jest.

It is unforntunate that we are in this perdicament and are debating over such difficult matters. I dont agree with everything that GWB has done, or the way he has done it, but I cant belive that Kerry would, or could do any better. I do however, have a better idea of how GWB is going to be in the next 4 yrs versus Kerry. He just scares me, he is a long way out in left field.

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#86 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by Mjollnir
Come on, Ryan, you can't really believe that. Is the President going to ban the legislative and judicial branches and crown himself the Pope of the US?

This really isn't too far fetched, considering GWB has remarked that he was put into power by God and is doing what he believes God wants him to do.

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#87 Post by Mjollnir »

Originally posted by thomez
What your republican environmentalist friends tell you will infact kill you. :cool:

Here are some facts on global warming.

[B]You mean opinions.

Globally, the ten hottest years on record have occured since 1991, and in the past century temps have risen 1* C. In that same period global sea level has risen 20cm - partly from melting of land ice and partly from thermal expansion of the oceans. Ice caps are disappearing from many mountain peaks and summer and autumn artic sea ice has thinned by up to 40% in recent decades.

Key phrase: "on record".

Global warming has caused an increased frequency of high storm surges in the North Sea coasts.

Last year, Europe had an unprecendented heat wave, France alone bearing around 15,000 excess or premature fatalities as a consequence.
(killing more people than terrorism)

Ah, there were probably too many French people anyway. smile.gif Kidding. We also had an extremely hot year in this country in '98.

Only the forcing from increased greenhouse gas and aerosol concentraions could explain the general upward trend in temperature over the past 150 years. (This isn't a 5 year cycle of change that goes up and down).

I never said anything about 5 year cycles. We're talking about hundreds, even thousands of years.

If we continue to pollute as we are, Europe could see increased risk of floods by 2080 of up to 30 times present levels. Flood levels now expected once every 100 years could be expected as few as every 3.

As a consequence of continued warming, millions more people around the world may in the future be exposed to the risk of hunger, drought, flooding, and debilitating diseases such as malaria. Poor people in developing countries are most vulnerable.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Run Chicken Little, run. It is a well known fact of phsycology that humans are unable to see past their own existance. Every generation finds a reason to think that their children will not survive into old age. If you want to worry about something, worry about Peak Oil. Even if what you say is true, it won't be a problem in 20 or 30 years, when we run out of oil. Then research Thermal Depolymerization. That's what will save us.

The estimated economic burden of limiting C02 emissions is not expected to have serious impacts upon the economy.

It is a myth that reducing carbon dioxide emissions necessarily makes us poorer. Taking action to tackle climate change can create economic opportunites and higher living standards.

Many say we are not able to reduce our emissions of CO2, but China was somehow able. Between 1990 and 2000 the Chinese economy grew over 60% yet their emissions intensely fell. If China can do it, we darn well can too.

The Bush administration's current strategy relies largely on market-based incentives and voluntary actions (meaning that they are doing nothing).

The Kyoto protocol has been criticized by many as not being strict enough with its standards to make any great change, but was simply setup to get the nations together and organized to tackle such a global problem. Yet we can't even manage to join this endeavor.

Correlation does not prove causation and cause must precede effect. Temperatures are rising, and CO2 is up. Does not mean they are related. Anthropogenic sources of CO2 are about 5%, natural sources emit 95%.

The U.S. has a responsibility to the world to do what they can to reduce their emissions. We have only 4% of the world's population yet put out over 20% of the world's emissions.  I find this unacceptable, especially since we no longer are the manufacturing giant that we used to be.

We are heavily industrialized. Much of the world is not. Shall we use Zaire as a model? Surely they don't have much emissions, but what is the quality of life?
The biggest producers of CO2 are automobiles and the burning of coal etc to make electricity.

ahem. Volcanoes? Perhaps you mean that automobiles and coal burning are the largest anthropogenic sources?
The environment is not something to play with, and global warming via increased greenhouse gases (CO2) is an established fact of anyone who understands and respects science. [/B]

This is just another version of "anyone who dissents is not a patriot". You are essentially saying that anyone that disagrees with your opinion is not intelligient. Care to rephrase?


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#88 Post by Mjollnir »

Originally posted by thomez
This really isn't too far fetched, considering GWB has remarked that he was put into power by God and is doing what he believes God wants him to do.

Many religious people believe that God is responsible for getting them to where they are, and that they are doing God's work. Nutcases and megalomaniacs, all? Let's see a show of hands from the religious folks - who would support a government driven by religion alone?

So you extrapolate from GWB's remarks somehow that it is his ultimate goal to establish a monarchistic theocracy? That's quite a leap.

On edit for Ryan: Karl Marx in his communist manifesto said, "From each according to his means, to each according to his needs." That sounds like a concept that most leftist politicians would agree with. That said, I don't believe we are at any risk of becoming a communist state. Socialist, definately.


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It is fun

#89 Post by Ryanstones »

We should number our points, so we know what we are talking about huh exodus? biggrin.gif
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Exodus

So I ask you a question, what do you want, the conspiracy to end or to let it continue. Since he did away with the ENRON scandel, you throw at him the fact that it cost jobs. But if ENRON were exposed, and he did nothing, he would be in the middle of it because they contributed to the Rep Party.

***Enron is just the tip of the iceberg dude. bush didn't end it, their greed simply collapsed on them. This incident just demonstrates my point that we have a problem with deregulation and the proper role of government in a capitalist economy. ***

I agree, I hope we dont have to deal with either of those countries as a threat.. But we wouldnt be here if it wasnt for Clinton tying the hands of the military in the first place. And lets not forget who wanted to cut military funding yet again, Kerry purposed to cut our most vital of defenses, and you give him a pass.

***CLINTON! again? ok, How did clinton tie the military's hands? he wisely chose not to commit them to an unwinnable War. During the clinton terms, defense spending remained at levels more than 10X the TOTAL of every other country on earth! They didn't GROW, but sheesh. Perhaps he unwisely didn't commit our intelligence agencies, but nobody put a report in his hand that was titled "bin Laden plans for a US attack" either, as George Bush received. I didn't give Kerry a pass either, I said that at that time, even CHENEY voted against some of those bills. Context is important.***

The inspectors wanted more time, what 12 yrs isnt enough? Hussen broke every NATO sanction, and they want more time. When was enough enough, the more time you give him, the more time he has to figure out a way to conquer us.

***Iraq couldn't beat Iran! Even with CIA and halliburton help! We crushed them! Like flies! where was the threat?I don't think they were a threat to conquer us. wow. You do know that Cheney, as head of halliburton, and other administration reps did face to face business with Saddam in the early 90's right? Those guys got some nerve, screwing america from both ends of this dog Iraq.***

The best a 25 yr old could? To condemn the men that fighted in that war with him, WOW. And even if you can forgive him for that, hes how old now and still doing the same thing.

***for The Greater Good. He helped end the war, saving untold boys, men, and vietnamese. I don't know what all happened or if he did the right thing, but he WAS there! Should we now question every Veterans service? ***

I still pose the question, do you really beleive that Iraq had no terrorists before we went there? I will remind you that Iraq is in the middle or the terrorist breeding grounds and has been for a long while. Cyria, Iran, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Isrieal, Saudi Arabia, they all had terorists, mostly Al Quiada and Iraq didnt have any terrorists at all? Come on, surely you jest.

NO, i don't believe IRAQ was a direct terrorist threat on the US mainland.
Once again, Al Quaida, attacked us. There is no documented connection between them and Iraq. Osama is a god freak, Saddam a SECULAR dictator. They were NOT buddies. So many people seem to BELIEVE this because the administration repeated the lie SO MANY TIMES. That is an amazingly effective technique. It's like when letterman says something really dumb, but by the 4 time he says it its hilarious!***

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#90 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by Mjollnir

So you extrapolate from GWB's remarks somehow that it is his ultimate goal to establish a monarchistic theocracy? That's quite a leap.


Sounds to me like the "Divine Right of Kings" that was used to justify those monarchistic theocracies of Europe.

"I have this power because God wanted me to have it, and to dispute my wishes is to go against God."

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