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Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:09 pm
by DangerRanger
ATK plans to continue on Cdales path....Dinli is going otherwise....I don't give two $hits what they talk...everyone there at the show wether the admit it or not know that Dinli bought cdale witht the hopes that all thier loyal buyers would take a glorified tawainese quad if you picked up a reputable aint no race quad, and they admitted it wont be, more of a hit at the american trail market, and a chance to make some $$ from a trusting few.

ATK is looking to continue what cannondale started, keeping the frame, updating the motor, **keeping the fuel injection** per ATK and a venture here, focusing on the race built bike, and the high end consumer.

Justin was a nice guy, but he had no real answers, not one, seemed to change subjects when you asked pertinent questions, and didn't see, to care about any of the owners out their now, and helping them out.
However Gary and Frank both came to see me, I spent alot of time talking to Gary, and we should be meeting up again today. They really want to help us all out, plus bring this thing back out of the gutter.

my .02, and hope I didn't Pi$$ off some, but after being around the ATV market and Cdale since the beginning, I think I have a good idea who has their heart, talent, and money in the right place.

Ben Wrightsman

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:21 pm
by cannondale27
I will second that.All I got from Justin was a standard sales pitch.I actually was kind of fearing that Dinli would have something worthwhile to see since I couldnt believe that even a Taiwan company could make a PrototypeCannondale in 6 months.Nothing to worry about there.I cannot understand how a company could make such a huge publicity mistake as what Dinli did.I am convinced that they have no idea what a Cannondale buyer is and obviously since Justin and the whole Dinli bunch were on the sites and should know what we are all about they must not have much impact on decisions made in Taiwan.The talk of the 500 motor sounded a awful lot like the 500 that Dinli was previously developing for their utility quad.We will still have to see what is to come.
I also do believe that Frank White is very sincere in his efforts and there is no need to explain who we are and what we are all about.He lives it!But he does have a tough road ahead with having to dodge all the legalities and such with Dinli being involved.Rumor is that they at least have talked to one another so maybe things will still be worked out.The drama continues.....

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:31 pm
by Derno24
I say this now more than ever guys. I am taking the wait and see approach. I think we can all see some of what might happen, but nothing wil be finalized until one rolls into the showroom.

I think we have a longer road ahead of us than previously thought. Hopefully it will have a bright and happy ending.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:47 pm
by tjusa
well its just my 2cents . I dont race but my C-Dale "Handmade in the USA". is an awsome woods bike . cannondale had alot of good idea's with these bike's but ran short on money . and for sombody to through a set of redesigned raptor plastics on my quad. well im not impressed !!! Did atk even have a quad at indy!!! maybe i missed that pic but if they didnt im sure there was a good reason. I see frank White posting all the time and he knows what c-dalers want and what it will take to get us to buy a atk . I have just like the rest of you heard rumers of atk quad but i think frank has a tough battle a head of him and is not just going to through somthing together just to say he has one. when and if it comes out there will be one sticker that matches your old c-dale "MADE in the USA" and unlike these other companys i think atk is in this buisness for 2 reasons 1 of couse is to make money but 2 pride in his quality of bikes he makes . so i think i will just keep my dale running as long as i can a when its ready for bone yard in 20yrs or so ill buy a atk . Just remeber the job you save may be your own !!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:52 pm
by Swampdale
It's all about the money guys. Cannondale was the only manufacturer to attempt entering the market with a high-end product and it failed. You don't see Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki attempting such marketing because they know it's bad business. What percentage of the market do we make up? probably less than 3%. What kid has 12K or even less, 8-9K to throw down on an ATV. Not many. Enjoy what you already have, because I don't think you'll ever see another like it in production, unless some rich entrepeneur comes along and spends money fruitlessly. Dinli sees a market, the same market the big three see, it involves high quantity retail sales and if you want a race quad, spend the additional 5K on aftermarket stuff to hop it up. Just my opinion.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:54 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
/ amen, and i dont konw about you guys, i'm not worrying about a new quad, the best one is already in my garage:)

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:00 pm
by Swampdale
To comment on what tjusa mentions. Cannondale didn't run out money, they ran out of customers! Cannondale has all the money in the world! They just didn't see the point in waisting it anymore. There are approximately 9000 quad units floating around. I bet a fare number of new units are still looking for homes right now. How many go unaccounted for? Honda tools up for 10s even 100s of thousands of units.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:10 pm
by Swampdale
Is Frank that entrepeneur? I think he's intellegent enough not to spend money fruitlessly. He's a successful business man who operates a company cartering to high end customer's like us. Is there enough of us to support it? I guess time will only tell.

In the mean time, I'm still trying to get mine to run!!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:04 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by Swamp'dale
It's all about the money guys. Cannondale was the only manufacturer to attempt entering the market with a high-end product and it failed. You don't see Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki attempting such marketing because they know it's bad business. What percentage of the market do we make up? probably less than 3%. What kid has 12K or even less, 8-9K to throw down on an ATV. Not many. Enjoy what you already have, because I don't think you'll ever see another like it in production, unless some rich entrepeneur comes along and spends money fruitlessly. Dinli sees a market, the same market the big three see, it involves high quantity retail sales and if you want a race quad, spend the additional 5K on aftermarket stuff to hop it up. Just my opinion.

I agree with your statement to a point. I realize we make up a smaller segment of atv riders, but how many people out there ride a stock machine. Most if not all of the utility guys I know have hopped up their quad already. They were trying something different. I don't think the sales killed them as much as how much it all cost to get running.

As far as people not running out and dropping 8,000-9,000. I think that isn't true. Just look at the Raptor, YZF450, TRX450r. They aren't that expensive, but are already in the 6,000 plus range. Who would have paid that in the past?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:06 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by Swamp'dale
To comment on what tjusa mentions. Cannondale didn't run out money, they ran out of customers! Cannondale has all the money in the world! They just didn't see the point in waisting it anymore. There are approximately 9000 quad units floating around. I bet a fare number of new units are still looking for homes right now. How many go unaccounted for? Honda tools up for 10s even 100s of thousands of units.

Cannondale ran out of money. The Montgomery's don't even run the company anymore. The name lived on, but the faces have changed due to the motorsports divison. This has been widely discussed before.