The day has finally come.

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The day has finally come.

#1 Post by cheetah5431 »

Well guys I never thought this would happen, but as of Saturday I will no longer be racing a dale. It ran great all last year, but this season it has failed to finish or even make 5 out of 6 GNCCs this year. It's been a big headache and in the interest of racing we decided it's time to move on. Saturday I went and got a 450R and have began fixing it into my new GNCC bike. It just became too much to try and keep the dale running for every other weekend and when I did keep it running I couldn't practice with it. I had great times and I'm gonna miss racing her, but it was something I just had to do.

But hey, at least I still get to keep the

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#2 Post by blaze#52 »

good luck on the 450r, I know you were one of the few/only ones out there on the GNCC series hitting the races consistenly, good job for the showing that you had on the dale

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#3 Post by cheetah5431 »

Thanks blaze really that is the only thing about making the switch I don't like. I always like to stand out and I had a lot of pride running the cdale and now I just sink into a sea of red.sad.gif

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#4 Post by cannondale27 »

Maybe give it a shot next year after all the updates we have all come up with are proven.You gotta try something for good results and anyone who runs a series especially a Nat should not be questioned as to a decision they make in a effort to win.Good Luck and I hope you keep in touch.

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#5 Post by bradley3000 »

jeez, i race your quad once and its never the same again :cry:

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#6 Post by jesshamner »

Good luck on the 450r. Its a good machine too...just different power. They seem to be doing well for the GNCCs so you can't go wrong.

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#7 Post by pdavis »

i hated the hondas at first because of that ugly plastic, then i looked at my dale plastic... then it was the 450 4stroke kick start, you are kidding right, for an out of shape 40 yr old, i stall the dale and i get tired pushing the "button" now that i see you can get an electric start option, it had my attention, so i went to the gncc in florida and there were just as many hondas as yfz's,
i dont want to give up on my dale but i dont have the deep pockets it takes to make these things right, but on the other hand, the money i would spend on a new quad.. if i put that money into a dale, it would be about as bullet proof as anything else out there, then there is the nice contingency package that honda offers

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#8 Post by jesshamner »

Originally posted by pdavis
i hated the hondas at first because of that ugly plastic, then i looked at my dale plastic... then it was the 450 4stroke kick start, you are kidding right, for an out of shape 40 yr old, i stall the dale and i get tired pushing the "button" now that i see you can get an electric start option, it had my attention, so i went to the gncc in florida and there were just as many hondas as yfz's,
i dont want to give up on my dale but i dont have the deep pockets it takes to make these things right, but on the other hand, the money i would spend on a new quad.. if i put that money into a dale, it would be about as bullet proof as anything else out there, then there is the nice contingency package that honda offers

You summed it up right there man! Thats exactly what I have been thinking these past few months.

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

I have to be realistic here. How many of us honestly have a shot at contingency money? Not many. So when people tell me they are switching due to contingency loot I can't take them seriously. I much rather hear I wanna ride something different. More honest and to the point.

Cheetah: Good luck with whatever you ride!

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#10 Post by jesshamner »

Don't rain on my parade Derno. When I get back to goal is to be running for contingency...should I switch to another machine. I feel like I have the motivation and the ability to be competitive. I just don't have the time or the money right now while in college. I guess I took your comment personal.:confused:

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