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Thread by Racer101??

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:18 pm
by jwheat
Why was the thread started by Racer101 deleted? I can understand closing it to additional posts so that it didn't get out of hand, but this is the Open Forum where people can voice their opinions. While I and several others do not agree with what he had to say, I will say that he had every right to voice his opinion. Also, if this was removed to keep from running people off, that was the wrong thing to do IMO. We are all adults who can make our own decisions regardless of someone else's opinion. I choose to support Cannondales....101 does not.....two sides of the same coin. I don't deny him his opinion.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:04 pm
by Happyboy
I personally think it should have been deleted or renamed at least. There is no reason to have a thread named that in this forum. Only problem I had with that thread was the name of it. That just looks bad on a site like this.

He was worried about all of our fix it posts looked bad yet his thread looked worse than anything else you could post.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:55 pm
by cdalepilot
maybe it was racer101 that deleted it.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:48 pm
by jwheat
I agree with you, Happyboy, that the name of the thread could have been better worded and I also think that some of the posts needed to edited. I don't have a problem with cursing....I just think there is a time and place for eveything and this shouldn't be the place for some of the language used in that thread. I bit my tongue and intentionally refrained from it to keep from elevating the cursing and name calling in the thread. I think the opinion part of the thread was fine without the extra input.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:23 pm
by KRMit
I agree. This is the open forum and as long as posts meet the forum rules I see no reason for it to be deleted. Racer101 sounds like an immature moron to me, but if we took free speech away from all the morons in this country who would run it?

This is a forum for a motorized vehicle... all forums of this type display negative features about the product. That's what people primarily come to forums for... help. You delete every thread that has something negative to say about Cannondales and this site is going to be almost empty and pointless. Besides, telling someone all the positives about something and none of the negatives is misleading.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:58 pm
by cdalepilot
like i said before'' some have what it takes to be a cdale owner and a lot don't''smile.gif

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:09 pm
by cannondale27
I think that thread was a attempt to get people to say good things about cannondales by enraging us.Only fooled me for a while doesnt seem like his style.As far as I know nobody deleted it unless it was him.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:48 am
by Jaybr
I think 27 got it right, and I didn't delete it either.

Racer101 is a great guy, and races on the 6/12 hour team. I think he was just pissed at all the negative post and wanted to get some of us to say something positive.

Now, I'm not sure I agree with his style on that post, but he's from Jersey so I kinda expect that sorta thing once in awhile:w:

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:45 pm
by cdrookie
i think it's more along the lines of some of the ridiculous posts, and people, that frequent this site these days...all these "shadetree mechanics" or backyard mechanics or wanna be racers, or what ever fits... some people say this and that won't work or to do _____ and your problem is solved. then in 2 months you discover that their bike won't run cause their battery is dead and they have no wrench to change it. people who think their dales are the greatest most reliable machines ever made and will absolutely smoke everything ever made, but only had them for 5 months. i think anyone who's been with this sport for a number of years and have owned many of the sport/high performance machines knows everything has strengths and weaknesses. if you can honestly say that there's never been a time when you wanted to dump gas on your dale, beat it with a sledge hammer, then call all your buddies over to roast hotdogs over it's burning carcass you either haven't had it long enough or you need some mental help.:drink:

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:22 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by cdrookie
i think it's more along the lines of some of the ridiculous posts, and people, that frequent this site these days...all these "shadetree mechanics" or backyard mechanics or wanna be racers, or what ever fits... some people say this and that won't work or to do _____ and your problem is solved. then in 2 months you discover that their bike won't run cause their battery is dead and they have no wrench to change it. people who think their dales are the greatest most reliable machines ever made and will absolutely smoke everything ever made, but only had them for 5 months. i think anyone who's been with this sport for a number of years and have owned many of the sport/high performance machines knows everything has strengths and weaknesses. if you can honestly say that there's never been a time when you wanted to dump gas on your dale, beat it with a sledge hammer, then call all your buddies over to roast hotdogs over it's burning carcass you either haven't had it long enough or you need some mental help.:drink:

amen Brother!:head: