Ripped off by Wade Wilcox Engineering

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Ripped off by Wade Wilcox Engineering

#1 Post by atvrulz »

In january of 2004, I sent my engine off to Wade Wilcox Engineering for a rebuild. In March of 2004, he informed me that he was nearly completed with my engine, and that he wanted me to send him $3,500.00 for the work done. I sent him the money.

Several months passed by, after he had my money and my engine in the condition of near completion. He did not bother to call me, or notify me in anyway. Only after I contacted the MN attorney Generals office, and they contacted Wade, did I get a response from Wade.

Wade made the decision to refund my money, and send my motor back to me in the same condition that I sent it to him.
This decision by Wade Wilcox does not make any sense.

Since March 2004, I have received my engine back (not in the condition that I sent it to him) in very small pieces and have received some money back. I am still owed a considerable amount of money back from Wade. This was done only after an enormous amount of work of trying to convince him to do the right thing. I even flew out to his shop in Torrance California and met with him.

At this point, Wade Wilcox will not speak with me, and has written me off. I would like more than ever to post on this website, that Wade Wilcox made good on our agreement, but because he has had the financial means necessary of late to do so, I know now, that he will not.

Also, there is another member from this forum that currently has his engine in the possesion of Wade Wilcox. He has basically given up and moved on, although he did not fall into the trap of paying Wade Wilcox.

Bob from Minnesota

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#2 Post by KYmxracer52 »

I hate to say this, but I guess I'd pay him another visit and beat the s**t out of him and get my satisfaction like that. Probably the only way to go about it if he has completely written you off. At least he might think twice before he rips someone else!!

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#3 Post by jfarrar »

this is such a sad story.other than the wrist pin issues and the ti valve issues wade built one he!! of an engine.if he could have practiced better buisness he would been on the top of the list.he has screwed too many over to make up for it now.nobody deserves to get burned like this.

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#4 Post by cdalepilot »

:furious: :box:

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#5 Post by Sage »

I would get an attorney and go after him. It is a matter of principle not money. You will be granted a judgement against him, which would allow you to lean his shop and what ever else he owns. I would not write it off and allow him to screw some one else.

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#6 Post by haydug »

I just got another laugh yesterday out of Wade.

Seems another wristpin of his has broken. Now, the poor customer called about maybe helping him out with a warranty or something. Wade is claiming now that a stock speed map will cause havock on and engine, adding to much stress on his wristpin, causing it to break. I'm pretty sure he has a problem with wristpins, either new or old style. The customer than states that "haydug" has ran a hybrid blaze/speed map for over a year with no JE wristpin failure (or wiseco for that matter) and Wade tells him that "haydug" is not mechacically inclined, and has no clue what he's talking about.
Well Mr. Wade, I think my reputation speaks for itself, you do not read about me ripping people off over $3000.00 to pay for the last guy's motor that I ripped off. My personal engine is now over 100 hours and still ticking. No troubles. I have tried calling you to discuss this: Please do not slam me, as you know NOTHING about me, or my ability. I guess in another year, when you are un-employed and broke, call me so we can have a good laugh together. :drink:

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#7 Post by mxjeff »

I am in no means speaking for anyone else, just my own beliefs based off of my own experiences I have had.

It seems like there are some very talented people that have done a very good job at helping the Cannondale community. As everyone knows, these bikes are very expensive to have,maintain, and rebuild. The owners spend hundreds of thousands of dollars combined to keep these bikes running. And the people that have been around helping out with this have made a decent amount of money, by keeping these bikes running for everyone.
Now, why is it that, when they make their money, and build a name for themselves, they turn to down right f*@*ing people over. It's a shame. It really is. Because there are still people willing to do business with them. Maybe it's because not everyone might get the shaft. I think there is something to think about when it comes to choosing who does your work, or who you get your parts from. If Wade screws a guy out of $3000, why would you in turn let someone send him more work, and stab the guy thats getting screwed before you in the back? There are enough shops still with a pefrect tract record out there to keep everyones bikes running. Everyone calls this a community, but it seems like its more segregated. I personally think that we should all stick together. If someone gets screwed by a shop, and I dont care if its your local shop, then quite giving them business. That way everyone will know that it's not ok to go around taking people for hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

I have plenty of built up anger for MAZ, Dustin, & Wade that if I ever see them, I will take that anger out on them!!! Also, I will never let anyone that I know, do business with any one of them.

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#8 Post by cdalepilot »

well put !:clap:

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#9 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

ya know guys, at one time, all we had was maz, and he was there and done good, now we all hate him because he's in a financial crisis and can't get himself out, we tried helping him out many times getting his company going in the right direction, but he isn't a man to take that.

I'm sorry to read jason's signature that has the part about maz, because mine was very similar to that as well!

Wade is another man that tried to do something but failed, haydug has always been there though and i don't thikn he's going anywhere with these bunch of guys behind him!!

I think that both of these men, wade and maz, should have really spent the two years at community college atleast and took a few business and marketing classes, i took a few in high cshool and could run a better business with this 10 dollar bill in my pocket..

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#10 Post by mxjeff »

I have something to say about your post.

I want everyone who to think about this with an open mind.

If your going to start a business, your going to do it to make money. Your not going to do it to help your friends and neighbors out, while in the mean time you go broke.
These guys saw an oppertunity in this market when there was one. And yes, we are all greatfull that someone did. But these guys were in it to make money, and they did at one time.
Even when they said they were giving you a good deal and not making money on a purchase, you can **** well bet that they were. You have to be a complete idiot to start a business, and not try to make money at it.
Now they have obviously made some bad decisions. They have srewed many people over. I know that there are a few people out there that still believe in them. But when most people hear about a business screwing people over, they will not go to them for parts, etc.
This is what is putting these people out of business, like Maz. They brought it upon themselves. To the people that still offer to help them out, be my guest and put some more toys in his garage.
To the people that have been screwed, I'll drink a beer with you to ease the pain.


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