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Self defense or out of line?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:51 am
by TraumaRN
I'm thinking self defense as the kid is verbally and physically aggressive, and the driver has nowhere to retreat to. thoughts?


*imagines all those kids post to atvriders...*

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 1:42 am
by wistech
The lawyers are going to have a field day with that one. The driver is DOOMED . The kids are going to be set for life from the cash when they settle out of court. Its not right but its whats going to happen.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:08 am
by quadman22
im confused... who u guys rooting for? i dont think what the guy did was right by any means. Even though they were saying **** to him he cant do that... he's so much bigger and they're only kids. ****** situation where no one was right. but that guy is gonna be screweeed

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:12 am
by parks9
no matter what the kids do he has no right to hit them. the kid could hit him and he cant do anything, its not right, but its the rule in my book. If i was the driver i probably wouldve suspended him from the bus for the rest of the year, and along with any other kids that were bad to him. thats just my .02:)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:15 am
by cdalerider75
I think that the tone and language that the driver used at the start of the tape was very out of line. I am sure that the tone and language didn't help, infact I think it just added fuel to the fire.

The driver should of let the cops, which he called handle things. There was no need for him to go to the back of the bus.

I love how cam's are installed in buses and cop cars...

I just think that is very sad that kids today have these tough guy attitudes... I remember when I was that age.. I didn't dare to talk back to anyone.. my old man would of taken the belt to my as*!!

Good topic!!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:42 am
by Derno24
I am not for beating on kids so don't misunderstand me. We also don't know what was going on before the clip either, but I would smacked the **** out of the kid walking up behind me. That kid was going to hit him first the driver just beat him to it. I know the driver is going to get in trouble for this, but I work around way to many kids with way too big of an attitude. Parents don't seem to help at all. A good *** whoopin would have been right in line there.:whip: :whip: :box: :box:

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:52 am
by wistech
I work for a school bus company and the days of physical contact,even using harse language are long gone. The driver should have never got out of his seat and had the cops handle it. It doesnt matter what the kid does or says. They will always be the little inoccent ones . Yes the driver was out of control (so were the kids)but I would say he was the type that let the kids get away with anything until it escalated into violence. There is a system that removes problem children off the bus before situations like this arise and Ill bet the driver was the type who decided he could handle it himself the old fashioned way.

You know whats really sad is many times the bus company will settle out of court for insane sums just to avoid publicity even if they could easily win the case.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 10:19 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by wistech
I work for a school bus company and the days of physical contact,even using harse language are long gone.  The driver should have never got out of his seat and had the cops handle it.   It doesnt matter what the kid does or says. They will always be the little inoccent ones .    Yes the driver was out of control (so were the kids)but I would say he was the type that let the kids get away with anything until it escalated into violence.  There is a system that removes problem children off the bus before situations like this arise and Ill bet the driver was the type who decided he could handle it himself the old fashioned way.

You know whats really sad is many times the bus company will settle out of court for insane sums just to avoid publicity even if they could easily win the case.

You are taking alot of leaps there Wistech. We don't know him or the situation that arose. What's to say the kid just before we see what we see didn't walk to the front and bash him in the head. You just don't know. As far as settling out of court for publicity sake too late. It has been all over the news already what PR do they have to save. I agree that there are other ways of handling things, but sometimes this is what happens when things get out of control. I just think everyone pointing at the driver and not seeing everything is just crazy.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:04 pm
by wistech
Yep it a leap but the most common outcome .

Most would not believe the things we see around here. I agree the cameras are a great idea and may or may not help out in this case. Many times in a situation when it the childs word against the driver the driver ends up being the bad guy.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:17 pm
by kdeal
No win situation guys. There are obviously two schools of thought here, whoop their a$$ or time out. My have times changed.... Back when I was in school (horse drawn buses back then), our parents would applaud the bus driver, now everyone wants to sue.