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6 Hours of Houston (Texas)....anyone interested???

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:52 pm
by CDaleChick
I know there are a few fellow Cannondale riders in texas and surrounding states so here is some info from a STQRA racer that posted on our associations forum

would be great to see some cannondales in another 6 hour!

By the way, if this event happens.. I am looking for a team to join

How 'bout another 6 hour race like we had at Caddo in February?? I'm up for burnin' up another motor - anyone else?

Just talked to John Pellan (Pres. & Promoter of Fast Trek). He said there's a chance he could hold a race in November of this year in Houston if:

We could help him spread the word and find out the number of potential racers/teams? His plans are to hold another next year at Caddo also. Is 2 per year in Texas too many only 4 months apart? If it were held in Houston, could we find a place to run it? Wouldn't everyone from Southern Texas and Southern Louisiana show up? Is anyone interested besides me? Let's take a vote.....

Can anyone help me spread the word and ask these questions on other forums and websites??

For more info about the existing 6 hour races, rules etc. go to:

Let's do it!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:26 pm
by cdaleracer
Hmmm, 4 months apart is close. Plus the 12 hour is in October. People might still be putting their quads back together from that race.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:50 pm
by CDaleChick
yeah im thinking if it happens it would consist more of the local riders in texas and surrounding states.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:04 pm
by GNCCer
After talking to John about this, it's a lot of work to put on one of these events. There will need to be roughly 50 teams there. These events are going to start being in More select areas. If you can come up with 150 riders that will be there for sure then it is definatly worth looking into. I know the GUY that called Pellan promised that many people but so did the people in Wisconsin when only 13 teams showed up and we lost money! So Please if you want to do it get the word out. I would love to make another trip to TX. especially in November!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:28 am
by CDaleChick
We had over 111 riders alone at our last STQRA race..... so with some of the STQRA people, the TQRA ppl, the ATVCCS (texas cross country),and all other out of state racers we should be able to have 150 riders... I am just estimating of course, but I think it would definitely be doable.