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If you are part of!!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:00 pm
by DangerRanger
NOTE THIS IS DIRECTED TOWARDS ANY OF YOU WHO KNOW ANY TRUTHS OR EVEN INSIGHTS ABOUT POTENTIAL BUYERS/SALES/ETC, BUT REFUSE FOR SELFISH OR ANY OTHER REASONS TO HELP THOSE OF US OUT(DEALERS, RIDERS,RACERS,SUPPORTERS,FORMER WORKERS) WHO HAVE KEPT THIS THING ALIVE. READ ON! I for 1 am sick of this BS!!! I am tired of hearing from several of the key names involved with Dale or insiders (you know who you are) "Well I know some stuff but can't talk about it, but good things are in the works" What kind of complete and utter BS is that?? If you are not willing to talk about it and offer it out to "Cannondalers" all of us, then leave and let those who want to see this through continue do the work. How the h$ll can we be expected to support and help out in any way a cause/venture that is discussed as a big f*%kin secret???? IT CAN'T!!!!! I am willing to call and email every potential in this thing, ONLY THE SUPPORT OF EVERYONE WILL SEE THIS THROUGH, NOT JUST A FEW. Do you really want to see good things come or are we all comfortable with letting the biggest and baddest thing in the motorsports industry die, because we were to selfish, worried about confidentiality, and all the other crap. AAAHHHHHH!!! I talked to Maz about this last night and here is my feelings and thoughts for everyone one of you who have and know iformation but refuse to suppot the effort.

1)If you don't know, admit it and help in the effort to find the truth!
2)If you are unsure don't fill us with $hit!!
3)THE MOST IMPORTANT-If you do know, and a some of you do, drop the BS and let everyone know so we can rally the support and get this mighty lion back on its feet, or leave us alone and go home!!!


Ben Wrightsman

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:02 pm
by DangerRanger
Lets hear it!! The time is now!!biggrin.gif

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:59 pm
by atvrulz
Hey Ben,
thanks for the advice in helping me get my motor out of the chassis, in the smoothest way possible. Using a ratchet strap to secure the motor to the top part of the chassis, and then removing the bottom plate worked out pretty slick.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 4:26 pm
by DangerRanger
Well I definitely can't take credit for that one, Kyle at R&S deserves the props. I have used it quite a few times and it has been the best way. he is one of the many "Cannondale Gurus" hopefully everything goes alright with your motor at quadsource, the Moto is a mean one. you might invest in some of the wrist wraps for power lifters so it doesn't rip your arms out of socket!! :eek:

PS know something??? Grin and bear it!! We need to get the support out there now!!


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:06 pm
by cannondale27
Danger Ranger,
I too would like to know the truth.What kind of pep talk did you get?Where is the list of oem suppliers that some must have?Why are some taking a huge advantage price wise of us?I have seen alot of people looking out for themselves and not the greater cause also.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 12:42 am
by jcv440
I know a few guys are working on the OEM parts right now. I will post in here AS SOON as I hear it's done. You know that!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:57 am
by cannondale27
Yes I do know that.So why not let everyone buy directly from the OEM's this stalling in order to make a dollar is what is causing some to bail.I would like to see the guys who go through the work of setting up a "store" succeed and I will always buy from the little guy.But I am telling you if people are made to jump through hoops to get parts they will bail.Price also is outrageous on someparts that may be greed on the suppliers part or the sellers I dont know but it sucks!$16.00 for a paper filter,$49 for six set screws and flangenuts cmon!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 7:38 am
by 4punksdad
I just want to know who will be the new owner so I know when and where to take my quad for service. My bike doesn't run the greatest and I want a real pro to look at it, plug it in, and correct it. I am not into having my quad stall for no reason.............and changing spark plugs (which is a 45 minute job and an 8.00 set back)

and I sure as heck aint buying 300 worth of software that I really dont understand or might not know how to use.

I just can't wait for may17th when the quadshop boys get here so maybe they can help get this thing running right. sad.gif

when she runs good, she runs great...................when she runs bad its a nightmare.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 9:18 am
by drbowtie
Wow! Sounds like a few of you folks have lost some patience. Yes! I would like to know, but how can you expect anyone to assist when you are communicating in such harsh ways. Don't forget... You have a really trick unit! I'm actually hoping that Cannondale goes under. why?

I think that this will cause the value of our bikes to go up... Other companies can start building the replacement parts and we can move on. Especially when you consider that as long as there are quads someone is going to make parts(supply and demand). I'm waiting for the kit to transplant a CRF450R out of a new Honda motorcycle. Yes!

And no other manufacturer will have the gumption to make an all aluminum frame, fuel injected high reving four stroke that weighs less than 380 lbs! Simply not a good business plan. Therefore we will own a piece of history... I think that's cool. "Yes Son, I once owned a Cannondale... Trickest unit that there ever was!"

There are always people out there that are looking to build a better mouse trap. Next winter I'm going to pull my engine and have a reputable company rebuild it completely with all the known durability enhancements that there are.

Next? Drive it till it blows and worry about it then. But in the mean time. What a great quad. Everywhere I go people are amazed by it's technology and shear performance. So I'll have a blast with it for as long as I can. Heck I've blown more money than this on cars or women in a heartbeat. By the time this machine gives up someone somewhere will have a comparable machine at a comparable price with better longevity.

Kind of reminds me of the transfer from the Dukes of Hazzard sit-com that ran on primetime for years and then was replaced by knight rider... What I can tell you know is that things are currently out of our control, but things will always get better!

Don't forget! It wasn't that long ago that we lived in caves and spoke in grunts... Things always get better;) !

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:53 am
by jcv440

I'd love to be able to buy directly too, but the MFG's don't want to do that. They want to run off 1,000 pcs of "X" and sell it to someone. It costs money to warehouse stuff. That's the reasoning behind the parts depot. I don't have the cash to beable to do something like that, and I'm glad there is people that are willing to do this.

I don't think people will be expected to pay over what retail is on OEM parts. Heck, dealers make a good percentage on parts, and Cannondale was still paying less than that. So I think it's a good idea still. The individuals who are involved, (Mazz from Cannondaler being one) these people aren't going to screw us over. They're riders/enthusiasts too.

Sure, they're not going to sell parts for what they have into it, but there's no way we'll get screwed over the matter. It's going to be a good thing. smile.gif