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Most Memorable Cannondale Times

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 4:41 pm
by cannondale27
This is why I bought my Dale.I will never forget that day at Orville Scott Montgomery and the whole cannondale support was there I think three Dales were there and the Cannondale factory bent over backwards to help us win.One guy got shocks I broke my swaybar they got me another and a exhaust my Dale was stock offset rims and spacers for axle.Honestly if I wouldnt have gotten greedy and stayed in third I wouldnt have stalled it and had to come back.But the holeshot was unreal I remember thinking "what the heck are those guys waiting for" it was a easy holeshot.Please feel free to post your best moments on a Dale.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 6:33 pm
by BGood
i was there at that race(just watching due to being injured)and i must say you getting that huge holeshot was what turned my attention to c-dale.
i was already interested but after seeing them for the first time in person that weekend and how great they ran i was hooked.
i don't have much time on mine even though i've had it for a year now,but my best memory so far would have to be the first time i unloaded my speed at a local flattrack race and everyone just looked at me like"what the heck is that" and after my first heat and i pulled the holeshot agianst two quadracer 500' banshee.a leager 426,and two 440 ex's and won the heat i had a crowd around me after getting back to my pit.
thought that was funny..
i have since boughten another c-dale(stock cannibal) just to play on and hope to keep both of them for a long time.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 9:29 am
by 4punksdad
good story................I have my best c-dale moments every sunday! smile.gif

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:32 am
by LapTraffic
Mine was the first time I rode one.
I simply cannot put to words the anticipation leading up to that first ride in a dealership parking lot.

It was the first time I had seen the bike in person though I had researched the he!! out of it by that time and I remember looking at it and just feeling like a little kid at Christmas. There was no way I was not going to own one.

I still get that feeling when I open the garage door and will often go out and sit on it at night for a quick fix. Im a junky man, what can I say.

The first ride was amazing, it was the only other bike Id ever ridden save my wife's warrior and the power just plain blew me away, it was unreal.

I still get this incredibly goofy grin on my face coming out of a tight corner, pushing hard and just as I start to two-wheel nail the throttle, the front comes up and Im doing a one wheel wheelie for a second. Just wild and barely in control, I like that, it makes it feel alive under me and not some suped up riding lawn mower... almost like you have to be worthy to even ride it.

Hope that makes sense


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 5:36 pm
by cannondale27
It looks real to me notice the dirt falling off the nerfs.Dr bowtie I will be the referee and the excannondale owner loses.This was going to be a nice thread.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 6:05 pm
by LapTraffic
Did I miss something?

XcDaleowner delete his own post or something?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:26 pm
by drbowtie
Well, I got a good laugh out of those posts, right up until they were censured. I can see why xc-dale rider's post got pulled but mine was absolutely G rated. So I'm at a loss why mine got pulled...

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:54 pm
by LapTraffic
******, I hate when guys come on just to stir the pot.
What did he say? smile.gif
PM me if you need to

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:07 pm
by 4punksdad
Originally posted by XCdaleOwner
Oh I guess this is one of those commie sites where you arent allowed to have an opinion. rolleyes.gif   Very sad and unproffesional.

no.....we just dont prefer to hang out with a bunch of flamers. we all try to get along here.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:14 pm
by 4punksdad
Originally posted by XCdaleOwner
I didnt flame at all. I was pointing out how that was a bogus picture and how I didnt like my blaze to much. Thats all.
Are you all mindless robots here?

But again (im sure this will be deleted again) my favorite cdale moment was when they closed down for good. Not a flame, just my opinion.

I have heard enough of your crap..............have fun somewhere else. good bye now smile.gif

deleting your posts is not my style..........i just ban folks who bother me.