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Last ride @ Speed 2424's track

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:12 pm
by speed2424
I am going to have an other group ride at my MX track in Magnolia, Ohio on October 16 (Sunday). The weatherman is calling for 68 degrees & sunny for Friday, Saturday & Sunday. So the track should have time to dry up from last weeks rain fall. Contact me for directions if you would like to

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:59 pm
by BigJosh
Well Kev If my motor is not injured I will be there. Im not sure about my bud curt his motor is in a cupcake pan. Have some of the parts on the way from Blackwidow but I think he still needs the 450 kit.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:59 am
by USAMoto00
I should be there, weather permitting of course. I hope it's nice, I really need to get a good last few rides in before the white stuff drops.:usa

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:32 pm
by theJeStEr1340
the weatheman here said it is going to drop in the next 2 weeks.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:48 am
by josborn
usamoto check your pm's