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!!!Pegasus Advisors Contact-Call and give your support!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:53 pm
by DangerRanger
Pegasus Capitol Advisors, L.P.
Greenwich, CT
***phone 203-869-4400**
David Yurry


can we make this a sticky??

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:08 pm
I called them and left a message I hope they call me back. Who knows?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 8:25 am
by DangerRanger
Comon Joe, Ben,Jim, Kyle, Jeff, Marty, Rick,guys where ya at, represent. pick up the line.

Papa Fro this means you!!biggrin.gif


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:26 pm
by 4punksdad
Originally posted by DangerRanger
Comon Joe, Ben,Jim, Kyle, Jeff, Marty, Rick,guys where ya at, represent.  pick up the line.

Papa Fro this means you!!biggrin.gif


I thought about it............but I am not quite sure if a multi million dollar investment banker is gonna give a crap what I think.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 4:27 pm
by DangerRanger
C'mon Joe, even rich folk like hilljacks!! LOL:D

Funny thing is he is now very interested in how everyone has received his number, and even more perplexed at the turn out. Keep leaving messages and have a talk with sweet Rebecca his secretary. He left a message earlier, but think I might let him sit on this and get a few more calls before i get back with him.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 4:38 pm
by Motoman440
Don't be afraid to call!!! I deal with guys like him everyday with my job and they all put their pants on the same way!!! %$#@ him, we are the ones living with the unknown!!! I called yesterday and left a message with his secretary, "he was busy on another call," imagine that. I really didn't expect a call back today, which he didn't, but at least the guy knows there is support out there for the motorsports division.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 7:22 pm
by 4punksdad
ok.,..........I'll call tomorrow.

fear is not the issue.............what I fear is making us c-dale owners look like a bunch of nuts, rather than your average consumer. I fear letting them know they have us by our atv balls. I fear its a waste of time.

am I afraid to call this jackleg..............nope. he is probably some corporate white collar puke who is hiding behind his desk all day anyway. I deal with contractors all day..................this guy is nothing for me.