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Memorable Crashes

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:33 pm
by krazken
I thought that since we have the memorable moments thread going, that we also needed a spot to share the embarrassing moments of crashing.

Mainly, I thought that Happyboy needed a place to tell all his stories so we can all have it on record how good a rider he is



As for me, my worst I think was right when I started riding, we were at the dunes, and I slammed on the front brake and did an endo, and almost got T-boned from behind. no damage to anything though...

Ok is what I KNOW about for you to fill everyone in on


--rolled while riding a wheelie on the cdale
--crashed the preddie while riding a wheelie
--ran the cdale up the tree at LS
--raced the banshee around the MX track and got a second butt
--head on with the YFZ at the dunes

Anyone else got any funny ones to share please do!!!!

Re: Memorable Crashes

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:44 pm
by Happyboy
Originally posted by krazken
--rolled while riding a wheelie on the cdale
--crashed the preddie while riding a wheelie
--ran the cdale up the tree at LS
--raced the banshee around the MX track and got a second butt
--head on with the YFZ at the dunes

I never really rolled the quads while doing wheelies. Went back too far and the grab bar whipped me sideways. Quad never rolled over. Heck, it stopped on all 4s actually.

Me climbing that little tree at the dunes was more of a challange than a wreck. I just didin't want to get off the quad and turn it around.

I posted the pics of my flip before.. (banshee)

YFZ bad.

--You weren't at the dunes the time I actually slammed into a tree. What was your excuse? Oh yeah, your motor go boom 3 days before the trip. tongue.gif
I was going around in circles digging ruts when I whipped out of the ruts straight for a tree.....ouch! No damage. smile.gif

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:16 pm
by twisted
Well Cased 65 foot double in 3rd place (first race) and went over the bars and almost got ran over. bent my stock axle and trashed the rear rims.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:18 pm
by jlm996s
Mine was with Happyboy. Came up short on a little bitty double that my 5 year old daughter could probably clear in her barbie jeep. Went over handle bars...quad ran over ring finger is still crooked.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:34 pm
by krazken
you went over the handlebars in your daughters barbie jeep?

dang dude. that's sad

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:39 pm
by TheJaspMan
Hitting the only ditch NOT marked during a drag race at last year's Cdale ride.

I still think I could have took ya Steve! tongue.gif

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:07 pm
by jwheat
Let's see....where to start........

End-overed on a tall 40ft double...
broke right collar bone
dislocated right shoulder
seperated right shoulder
4 weeks in a sling

Hit a rut while drag racing in a sand pit (5th gear)....
flipped and flew about 30 feet
broke my tail bone
broke the left side of my pelvis in several places
seperated the left half of my pelvis from my right
blew left hip out of socket
9 days in hospital
4 days in traction
2 long 3 inch screws to pull my hips back together
steel plate and several more screws to hold them there
6 weeks in a wheel chair
4 more weeks on crutches

Over shot a double on a triple and flat landed...bounced over the third jump..foot went between nerf bars and frame and was the first thing to hit the ground
broke my right ankle
4 weeks on crutches

That's just in the last 6 years! And ... the worst thing that happened to the quad was a bent steering stem and bent grab bar.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:05 am
by theJeStEr1340
I was trying to make a pass in a whoops section and the last one kicked the rear end up real bad, I stopped myself from going over the bars, but when I came back down both feet where on my left nerf bar. Right after the whoops section was a small rhythem section. Whne I hit the rhythem section the quad cartwheeled, but landed on all 4 wheels. The only thing that happned was the front break lever got pushed down and I overshot a corner.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:16 am
by gimpala63n70
Is this a crash? Nope an accident
Mine burnt to a crisp. Do i win lol.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:05 am
by banzairx7
I've only had one crash so far on the dale. Came up to a big puddle going 40mph,+ tried to go around and my right front tire hit the water. It flipped the bike instantly and sent me sailing. Cool part was I hydroplaned on my back across the water for ~25 feet, then went another 5 feet on the dirt. My chest protector saved me for sure. I could feel rocks sliding under my back. Both me and the bike were fine. Rolled it back on four wheels dried off a bit and rode away.