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Pennsylvania Road Trip

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:22 pm
by cannondale27
Well as some of you know I was high bidder on a X440s bike on Ebay by $1.Pretty proud about that one.Bike was in PA within 20mi of Timbo.Never need much of an excuse to go over there to visit Timbo and his family.Wistech volunteered to be the copilot.We gathered together everything we would have shipped to Tim.(saving shipping of course)and headed out about 7:30pm my time.
Made awesome time till Cleveland where we did some sightseeing accidentally.Pulled into Tims place around 5:30am.I had told Wistech"I bet Tim is up yet"Sure enough.Working in the shop on something!
We all get together and the talking and Look at this thing goes on forever.Judging by all of our phone bills would be cheaper to drive out there once a month!In person could go on forever.Tim even had a crank halve all turned down for newer bearing for me.I just bet he did that that very night.Seeing as I only had about 3hrs sleep last two days I couldnt hardly keep my eyes open.
Went in house and Melissa or "Moose" other half of Timbo.Tims wife(shes definitly not a moose.Very good looking!)had the house real nice and even had a nice bed all set for me.Man did I sleep!But Jolly old Tim had a Christmas present for me when I woke up.He actually got up early and put together my crank from Haydug Z400 bearing and all!Thanks for that crank Haydug.It was a good one just bearing and the race turned down.Awesome!
Melissa made a awesome meal of Lasagne and sandwiches.Umm!Watched some riding videos.Called up guy for bike and headed over there.Got a little lost and a little scared of my bad driving.Found the place.Bike fired up pretty good and seemed to be all there.Guy was in college and had a couple other bikes so he needed cash.Nice guy.I bet he misses it already.Loaded it up in truck and headed back to Tims.Well I was supposed to be on road by 6:00 pm but couldnt leave without seeing Tom.Annimals Cannibal.He showed up a few minutes later.Start handing out some neat stickers for us multiple dale owners and the famous flashlights.Tim even gave us some of those switch covers.Cool!Thanks Bud!Had some snacks and saw Tims big parts stash.Then we headed over to Toms house.There is no more room at his place.Packed with Cannondales and Harleys!Showed us his porting bench and a few pointers for the King.Got to see Haydugs head in process.Think bowling ball.Oops shhh.Got back on road about midnight.
I love snow but not driving in it.Was in 4x4 almost all the way to Indiana.Very interesting seeing people looping out on the turnpike.Old Tundra lived up to its name though and got us through faster than most though even with bald tires!
Was a great weekend.Everyone I have met with from site has turned out to be the best of best.Our families have to be best to put up with our addiction.Its nice knowing you have friends everywhere in country and I bet even world.Anyone ever heads my way.You will always have a place to stay.Now check out the new addition to list.Second bike.This one runs even.Took it out in snow.Might be lowering and studding it up for some Ice running.Not sure yet.
Tim,Melissa and family and Tom.Your the best!Thank you.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:30 pm
by acarli3
Ohhh, that's purdy. Congrats!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:25 pm
by fig
Nice "pick-up" report!

It looks clean.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:07 pm
by jesshamner
Let me get this straight. You were the high bidder for $1 but the kid needed money for college? That sounds like a really great story. And you're right. I am the best of the best. J/k. Yes most of these guys are great!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:43 pm
by kdeal
Originally posted by jesshamner
Let me get this straight.  You were the high bidder for $1 but the kid needed money for college?   That sounds like a really great story.  And you're right.  I am the best of the best.  J/k.  Yes most of these guys are great!

^^^^A legend in his own mind.^^^^^^ tongue.gif

J/K Jess. You and Jessica are very good people.


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:36 pm
by kstevens
i dont think he got it for a dollar... he won the auction by a dollar

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:03 am
by cannondale27
Yes beat next highest by one dollar with 40 seconds left.By hand.No nasty bidding program involved.The bike isnt clean.Its well used for sure.Motor was apart 2 years ago for something owner wasnt sure of.Will be good enough till I gain more confidence.Crashed at least 3 times playing around today so it doesnt pay to put all new plastic and levers and such on it.Bikes sure are fun in snow.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:15 am
by jfarrar
congrats steve!nice bike!
does tim ever sleep?i dont know how he does it

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:26 am
by cannondale27
We were talking about what happens when you go for like 3 days without sleep.Wake up with a really long eyebrow hair or one coming out of ear.Gross but true.Wonder how they can grow that fast?It cant be good.I dont know how he does it either.His family helps alot.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:30 am
by dalewannbe
Originally posted by cannondale27
Crashed at least 3 times playing around today so it doesnt pay to put all new plastic and levers and such on it.Bikes sure are fun in snow.

Don't go injuring yourself in the snow. You still need to find bigger injectors before you go really hurting yourself on two wheels.