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Anyone have experience with this?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:26 pm
by haydug
I am now incorperating this new tool into my regimen, and wondering if anyone has tried them or has any experience. I'm ordering on Monday, so any help is appreciated.

training tool

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:42 pm
by cannondale27
They have something similar on the stairstepper I use.You are supposed to figure out your optimum heartrate and vary your excercise rate to keep your heartrate in that optimum.Its said if you do that you can do excercise far more efficiently and therefore quicker.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:18 pm
by haydug
Yeah, I use it while at the gym on the eliptical, but I'm wanting one to put on the bike now, that way while practicing I can keep an eye on it, then come home and download it to the computer. I will also be able to keep track of my progress that way. Hopefully I'll be able to run a full 2 hours without spiking my heart rate, and keeping energy reserved for the last 15 minutes.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:41 pm
by cannondale27
Oh yeah that would be cool!Steve Austin:D

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:46 pm
by AMRsCdale450grl
Hey, Doug! I have a heart rate monitor like this (a cheapy version) and it works great. It really helps me stay in the right range for heart rate.

All of the ones I've seen have the two parts shown on the website: the strap that goes around your chest just below your pecs and the wristwatch that tells you your heartrate. The wristwatch can only be so far from the chest strap for it to read correctly, so you might have problems if you put it on the bike (maybe not though)...

I haven't seen one yet that actually keeps the data recorded and is able to be downloaded into the computer. ??? Would be awesome to find one though!!

On a side note, I'm a physiology major at the UofA, and I'm actually just finishing up this exercise physiology course. If you are looking to lower your % body fat, you want to be working at 60-85% of your maximum heart rate.. so do the following calc:

220 - your age = ~your max heart rate
MHR X 0.60 = low range
MHR X 0.85 = high range

Working within this range will optimize your fat loss..

If you are looking to just improve your overall response to riding, a lot of aerobic exercises... :box:... will improve your body's ability to use less oxygen for the same amount of work. Because your heart is moving less oxygen, more effectively, your heart rate will be lower.

Keeping your energy stores up is tricky.. the aerobic training will be a huge factor, but there's a few other things you can do. More muscle mass will increase the amount of glycogen (energy) that those muscles can store, so some resistance training could help. But, don't get really bulky, cause more muscle will also need more oxygen to function (which will make your heart rate spike during exercise). I think your diet will effect your energy stores the most.. carb-loading with pastas, etc. a little before riding will make glycogen more available for longer periods of time..

Well, this is way longer than I thought it would be!! Sorry if it's not what you were lookin' for... biggrin.gif

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:55 am
by cannondale27
Thats awesome info!How about Pop Tarts and Mountain Dew right before race?I know a guy who swears by that.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:16 am
by AMRsCdale450grl
lol.. that sounds like a plan.. sad.gif

yeah, someone in that exercise class asked if you could carb-load on beer.. :drink: these college kids today will look for any reason to get drunk at 2 in the afternoon.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:23 am
by azcannon
I carb load every night

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:39 am
by AMRsCdale450grl
Originally posted by azcannon
I carb load every night

Well, I guess those ARE some big buns! :w:

P.S. krash will be over after work tomorrow to give you that exhaust and grab that headpipe from ya.. biggrin.gif

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:20 am
by Canniboomer you need a barmount setup?, with a pingle piggyback routing? I can talk to Trailtech!