ATV - Riding Tips and Technique

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ATV - Riding Tips and Technique

#1 Post by badvox »

No, I have no tip[s for you cause I suck... smile.gif

I know there are some great riders on here so I was wondering if there couldn't be a discussion on different techniques. I know its best to do teaching on the bike or quad but hey Im a pretty good student.

So, I ride mostly in the desert but would like to ride +30 Beg on track someday before it becomes +40 Sen Class. sad.gif

One of the areas I have alot of difficulty with is going downhill. I seem to stall my ATK alot going downhill. What is the proper way to approach downhill rides?

Small jumps? How does anyone learn to jump even small jumps?
What is the best approach for learning how to jump properly? I saw the pointers on the unfortuneate cdale crash post. Well maybe someone could start from the beginning?

Anyway just wanted to suggest a topic. C'Ya
Mike :drink:

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#2 Post by jwheat »

Learning to jump is fairly easy.

1. Start with small jumps with flat landings.
2. Roll through the jump the first time to get the feel for it.
3. When jumping it, approach it at a steady speed.
4. Stand with your knees slightly bent and your weight centered on the bike.
5. Slightly blip the throttle on the face of the jump to help keep the front-end up.

When you are comfortable with that type of jumping move on to a tabletop ( they're pretty safe also).

1. On a tabletop jump, do everything the same as above.
2. Keep hitting the jump with a little more speed each time until you are making the downslope.

Doubles are a little more advanced, but still no problem.

1. Start off just like a flat jump. Roll through the jump and get the feel of it.
2. Jump over the first part of the double and land in the middle.
3. Gradually jump a little further each time. This will help you get a better feel for how the jump is going to throw you and how fast you need to be going.
4. Don't attempt any double or bigger until you feel comfortable with the jump and the distance.
5. Remember one would rather overshoot the landing than come up short. Catching the downslope is preferable!

6. Once you decide to make the jump, don't concentrate on the gap in the middle. Just pretend it is a tabletop and aim for the downslope.
7. Once you get comfortable with jumping doubles, you can follow other experienced riders through new jumps and that will help you learn the speed and approach needed.

On last thing......if you are prepared to learn to jump, then you should also be prepared to crash from time to time. One goes with the other. Just wear lots of protective gear and put some nerf bars on the quad. They'll you keep from breaking an ankle if your foot comes off the peg during the jump.

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#3 Post by jwheat »

One more thing....NEVER jump a jump your not comfortable with.

I've jumped several jumps at tracks before that other better riders weren't hitting and I've not jumped some jumps that people were hitting just because something about them didn't feel right to me. Remember...... "Stupid Hurts".

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#4 Post by Quadhauler »

Downhill riding tips: When riding I always keep 1 or 2 fingers on the clutch and front brake levers, if it is going to stall, pull in the clutch for a second. Most of your braking poower is in that front brake lever, use it!! Keep you butt as far back over the seat as possible. You should also use your back break lightly in concert with the engine braking and front braking. Try and use engine braking as much as possible, specially on a 4 stroke, proper gear selection is vital, if you are in too low of a gear you will lock up the rear tires and probably stall your engine, too high a gear and you won't get much braking effect. You'll need to practice modulating the correct amount of braking necessary to keep the downhill ride somewhat sane. Sometimes it's just too steep to ride down, if so and you need to get down the hill, jump off the quad and bulldog it, or drag it down.

Riding tip 1a) When in doubt? Gas it!!:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

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Re: ATV - Riding Tips and Technique

#5 Post by Smitty911 »

Originally posted by badvox
No, I have no tip[s for you cause I suck...  :)

So, I ride mostly in the desert but would like to ride +30 Beg on track someday before it becomes +40 Sen Class.  :(

Mike  :drink:

What's wrong with the 40+ class???? I race in it. I couldn't wait to get out of the begineers under 40 class. All those kids flying around:( . There are only about 5-8 people in the 40+ class that I know of. Lots of Ibuprofin for the next couple of days after the race.

When I get my ride back from Doug, I'll meet you at Lake Elsinore.


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Re: Re: ATV - Riding Tips and Technique

#6 Post by badvox »

Originally posted by Smitty911
What's wrong with the 40+ class????   I race in it.  I couldn't wait to get out of the begineers  under 40 class.  All those kids flying around:(   .  There are only about 5-8 people in the 40+ class that I know of.   Lots of Ibuprofin for the next couple of days after the race.

When I get my ride back from Doug, I'll meet you at Lake Elsinore.


Well Smitty I have about a year to go. I'll be 39 on January 24th.

Man I have been dying to get on the Elsinore track but no way I would go by myself cause its just no fun that way. I would really enjoy getting some so cal dales down at the track.


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#7 Post by badvox »

This is a good tip. I think I am too heavy on my braking. smile.gif
I dont mind goin up hill but dont like the coming down so much.
Though there is no catchall rule would it make sense that immediately cresting the hill you should shift up for the downward part?

Thanks for the tips and keep em coming!


Originally posted by Quadhauler
Downhill riding tips: When riding I always keep 1 or 2 fingers on the clutch and front brake levers, if it is going to stall, pull in the clutch for a second. Most of your braking poower is in that front brake lever, use it!! Keep you butt as far back over the seat as possible. You should also use your back break lightly in concert with the engine braking and front braking. Try and use engine braking as much as possible, specially on a 4 stroke, proper gear selection is vital, if you are in too low of a gear you will lock up the rear tires and probably stall your engine, too high a gear and you won't get much braking effect. You'll need to practice modulating the correct amount of braking necessary to keep the downhill ride somewhat sane. Sometimes it's just too steep to ride down, if so and you need to get down the hill, jump off the quad and bulldog it, or drag it down.  

Riding tip 1a) When in doubt? Gas it!!:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

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#8 Post by CDaleChick »

when i first started riding on tracks i just made a lot of laps and each lap id get a little faster and faster... then when I was ready to start jumping...I either had ppl tell me 1/2 3/4 or all the way on the throttle and what gear to hit it in or I had them lead me over the jumps...... now im a jumpin' fool... haha

best tip ever.....dont let off the gas on the face of a jump!

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#9 Post by Quadhauler »

Originally posted by badvox
I dont mind goin up hill but dont like the coming down so much.  Though there is no catchall rule would it make sense that immediately cresting the hill you should shift up for the downward part?

There is no catchall rule :deal: it depends totally on the hill and terrain. When I crest the face at Sand Mountain Nevada yes I can start grabbing gears and head down the other side wide open if I like. On the other hand when cresting a hill at Stonyford Calif and encountering what can only be termed a "butt puckering" :w: downhill, 1st, maybe 2nd gear is as tall as you dare go down that hill, in control anyway....

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#10 Post by twisted »

My riding style:

I ride everything,. from trails to dunes, motorcross to flattrack my best tip is always be alert and ready, wear your gear, and stay on the ball. Riding fast is fun and a nice adrenaline rush, but make sure you know the terrain and that theres no one around the corner.

Racing is different, if you can, practise the track in one gear, usually 3rd or 4th and just lug around and do the jumps you can do, its always better to ride with a friend, (and safer). When I race, I stay low and keep in it in the power band, dont be afraid to use your clutch and get power out of the corners.

Jumping is easy, just gotta be confident and know how fast to go. Hitting a jump is simple, steady speed and blip the thorttle and keep yourself centered. stab the throttle if your nose heavy, and grab some clutch or brake if your nose high. Oh ya BODY ENGLISH is what you need. riding a quad means you gotta move your *** around.

Downhills are pretty easy, hold your clutch in and keep the brakes slitglhy pressed. You'll do fine.

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