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I'm a little confused!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:49 pm
by Breakin12s
Out of all the Cannondales made (Speed, Moto, Canabal, Blaze, FX400) In order witch one is the best? I always thlught the Canabal was better then the Blaze.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:15 am
by cannondale27
1)Moto/Blaze depending on if you MX or XC
3)02/01FX/cannible with speed shocks a unupdated FX may fall to bottom of list depending on shape
4)late 02/03 with Arvins

Glamis is a special quad that may be worth as much as a moto or blaze to the right person also.3 and 4 all depend on many factors just a general thing here.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:23 am
by Breakin12s
Wow I was way off. Totally forgot about a Glamis. Now what engine size. I have 02 Canibal with Ohlins shocks I thinking it has a 440 am I right?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:52 am
by Idahocannibal
They all have the same engine size stock which is 432cc.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:01 am
by Exodus
Just to add to that a little, the early 02's with a cable clutch are pretty desirable. They have a stronger case than the later year 02's and 03's. I dont know if theres any issues with the 03's now though, I havent heard of any cracked cases in qiute a while. The unicorns are the pick of the litter as for motor, they have a machined hydro clutch that was done at Cannondale. They are fairly rare and pricey when found.

As for of desirablity goes, I dont look at the Glamis and the Speed to close. The only differences are graphics and plastic. If your lucky enough to find a brand new Glamis, it should have paddles on the back. But the Blaze and the Moto had chassis upgrades that none of the other Cannondales had. The Blaze had rezzie front shocks and nerfs standard, as well as pc'ed wheels. The Moto of course had a long travel front end, nerfs, black wheels, a pricey steering tabilizer and I think a little more open pipe. Finding one of those in mint condition is a rarety.

I personally own a Cannibal and love the heck out of it, its in the second stage of rebiuld for a quad show I have in March. To me it doesnt matter whichone you have, every Cannondale is special, and every one of them was handbiult. Every time I look at mine I think of the guy who stood there and put all the parts on it, and fit everything by hand.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:39 am
by Breakin12s
Mine has the cable clutch. I didn't know much about them when I got the bike. There was alot of people telling me not to get it. I had it rebuilt by somone in Cali. Don't know the shop that did it, a local shop told me about it and sent it out for me. It didn't need to rebuilt I just wanted it rebuilt so it wouldn't break.

They wanted the motor, TB, and computor. I'm guessing to remap it. But let me tell u these bikes rip.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:23 am
by Exodus
Well Cannondale pretty well ruined me for buying any other quad. Everytime I look at another brand I think, you know, I could buy two Cannondales for the price of this thing. LOL I'll probably buy something else at some point, but I've got to get my fill on Cannondales first. Its a love hate relationship, you'll love it when it runs and hate it when it doesnt. Derno told me that when I bought mine and I can honestly say its true. They are meticulous and it takes a meticulous person to own one.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:26 am
by Exodus
BTW, Cannondales are a learning process. About the time you think you know what your doing, they trip you up and you end up feeling pretty silly when you find what you did wrong.

Welcome to the brotherhood. :usa