I really hurt myself yesterday on my C-Dale

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I really hurt myself yesterday on my C-Dale

#1 Post by drbowtie »

Yesterday started out fantastic, rode at an MX track in Galway and then went to a friends house in Upper Washington County. About two hours into the ride we forged a rather large creek and had to hop out up a huge bank on the other side everyone was having problems.

So when it was my turn I hit the bank square on and the hole shots dug in and up came the front and off the back went Jimmy! Did a flip over back wards right into the creek! Uuuuuugh!

So once I recovered from that we traveled another few hundred yards and had to forge another three foot deep ditch. Everyone was picking their place to jump across and so did I. I approached the jump to slow and I knew it but it was too late. I hit the other side with my back tires still in the ditch and I came down very HARD on the seat. Severely drove my butt through my shoulders. UUUUUUUuuuugh! The machine kinda popped out of the ditch from the force of going in that direction.. Rolled a few feet and I just fell off on the ground... Oh my god the pain!

After laying on the ground for 35 minutes I realized that I was all done. The pain would not go away and I didn't know how the **** I was going to get out of there. So I had the other riders help me get on my C-dale (hurt so bad I thought I was going to puke). I leaned all the way foward and rode my bike out to a main rode where I waited for them to go get my truck.

When my truck finally got there I was shaking and was light headed. It took three of them just to get me off the quad and lay me in the truck... Off to the hospital we go... It was over an hour away in the back of a 2500HD. All the bumps and jars just about killed me.

Finally at the hospital they gave me some drugs to knock me and the pain out. Six x-rays, blood work, stool and urine samples later they sent me home to be bed ridden for four days with muscle relaxers and pain killers.

Hey, be carefull out there guys this is no fun!sad.gif

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#2 Post by Knight440 »

Ouch sad.gif Sorry to hear it man hope ya get better soon:)

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hang in there bowtie

#3 Post by Ryanstones »

Sounds like those were some difficult crossings. Remember to Always let the young single guys go first! I hope it's not serious. Good Luck!

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#4 Post by drbowtie »

Just pain, pain, pain... Now, for those of you who would like a mental comparison... Picture jumping off the roof of your garage sitting in a chair and landing chair first:o

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know what you're talking about

#5 Post by Ryanstones »

'Bout 5 weeks back I missed the curve in the trail at the end of the day. doing about 30 on the warrior, surprised to find a 5'wide x 4' deep washout. I locked em up briefly til I realized I was'nt going to stop. GAS IT!! and the center of the frame stuck hard into the lip on the far side. I really thought my wrist was broke for about 15 minutes, then the spine compression kicked in.

Man, get you some MSM/glucosamine/chondroitin-combined supplement from the health food store and you WILL recover much quicker. I don't know how old you are but at 36 I couldn't ride the way i like to without it...and wrist braces and kidney belt. The belt woud've have helped you alot in this.

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#6 Post by LapTraffic »

MSM/glucosamine/chondroitin-combined supplement

Whats that stuf do?

Sorry to hear about you wreck! Man that is brutal

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#7 Post by drbowtie »

I'm 31 and feel-in 71 today... When I got this thing I bought new Fox boots, knee pads, a good helmet and gloves.

I never thought about this happening. I guess I'm not real good at judging what I can jump and what I can not yet. My last ATV (the 1986 185s Honda) had no suspension so I wouldn't jump anything. I have a very wide back belt with huge velcro strips designed for lifting free weights. Could I use that or is a Kidney belt something all together different?

I'm absolutely going to send my wife out for that supplement today!

Thanks, and like I said... Be carefull out there, I wouldn't want anyone to go through this!

P.S. The guys at work have been calling... they want to know if the C-Dales for sale... No friggin way!

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#8 Post by drbowtie »

The C-Dale is fine and dandy! Has lots of mud though... I've got to get it cleaned off and ready for next weekend. I hope to be ready to go by then... This weekend was also the first time I got to ride it on dirt instead of snow. Gosh it's a blast! Way faster than any of the other guys I was riding with and there were eleven of us!

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#9 Post by MXMIKE »

I feel you pain every morning when I wake up and im only 28.
I came up short on a 75 ft super cross triple and suffered a compreshin fracture in one vertabrey,dammaged 3 disk and pinched 5 nerves in the lower back.

Best advice I could give ya is to let it heal.Then get it back in shape fast.If I am not very active for a couple days then get fisical it kills me.I also have to go to a cyropractor(sp?)a few times a month$.

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#10 Post by MXMIKE »

O yea,Im still sailing the 80/90 footers.I just try and be more safe.

Did that make sence?

O well get well soon!

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