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D&M Kit, ECU Diag, any help of any kind?!?!?!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:35 am
by CannondaleRider
Got some questions.

My bike is completely done, ready to go, everything BUT tuning.

We thought we we're going to have access to a D&M Kit, but it "fell through". Just didn't work out the way we had planned.

The problem I have, is that we have a race this coming weekend. There is a lack of break-in, let alone tuning.

We are willing to do a lot to get this done. Brad, do you have a dealer cal or an ECU Diag set-up? We are willing to drive to Salt Lake City if its possible to tune it. What about ATK, could they do it?

Anybody else have any ideas on what I can do, or ask someone to do for me, there's no local guys that can/will help out!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:37 am
by CannondaleRider
Good to go, plans are to go over to Harry Motos place tomorrow, and get her tuned.

Hopefully everything will go :usa

Just another example of how the TRUE Cannondales guys are always up for helping out.

By the way, thanks to everyone else that offered up help. I appreciate it.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:34 pm
by cannondale27
:clap: Harry

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:33 am
by azcannon
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
Good to go, plans are to go over to Harry Motos place tomorrow, and get her tuned.

Hopefully everything will go :usa

Just another example of how the TRUE Cannondales guys are always up for helping out.

By the way, thanks to everyone else that offered up help. I appreciate it.

Hmm what do the FALSE ones do ?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:01 am
by CannondaleRider
......Think about it:rolleyes:

Just got back from Harry Motos house, got it tuned, and it seems to be running great.

Haven't had a good chance to ride it yet, there isn't much area around there to ride anything hard, plus, its not broken in.

Good to go, thanks again to everyone that helped!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:10 am
by azcannon
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
[B]......Think about it:rolleyes:

Well your baiting me and I'll bite - lets air out this dirty laundry I have nothing to hide , I have said your name out loud before and will again. Its up to you - like I said last time I had to deal with you , but you can make it higher up my **** list if thats where you want to be ?

I am not a punk kid, I am a adult , don't treat me like one of your punk buddies cause I'm not. And don't bait me because I gauruntee I won't sit here and look at your drivel without speaking up.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:26 am
by CannondaleRider
Say it out loud, think it bothers me? Higher up your **** list? Think that changes's not like I was going to go down a few levels!

I was up for going back to normal with you, I thought we were normal, until you got pissed about your plastic. I replaced that plastic WITH graphics, and you still have a grudge, over something that should no longer matter.....What was this....6 months ago?...8 months ago?

We wanted something simple, like borrowing a D&M kit (that I got working for you originally, might I add). You didn't allow it. If it was just because you didn't like not having it available ALL the time, no big deal. But its the fact that your reasoning was that it would be Tuning MY BIKE. Yes, another perfect Cannondale, that would be keeping the Community alive just a little bit more, but no. Somebody doesn't want it tuned. A more focused addition to that, you we're fine with letting krash borrow the cable, but included exact instructions to not, for any reason, tune my bike!

"I don't want it on Chance's bike", "Don't tune Chance's bike", "Don't let chance use it".....and your the adult?!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:27 am
by azcannon
point for point is boring , Its hard to try and reason with a 15 year old,
I totally support you doing well with your quad and everything else . You are leaving out the part where I offered for you to come over and tune your quad all you want at my house . ( details details ) all without ever talking to you ( isn't that amazing )

The truth is you had your brother in law call me to borrow it so you don't have to do it yourself.

After all that I went through with the whole " plastic thing " your right - I won't let you take anything of mine anywhere but I actually offered to let you use it so you could accomplish your goal
remember what I asked for from you NOTHING, you are ungrateful and have nothing to offer so feel free to not ask anybody to borrow anything from me for you . I have always required the same thing from any cannondaler always , that you ask me and see what I can do for you. apparently this is too much for you so respect my rules for MY stuff. As far as you getting my D and M working . Am I wrong in that we were staying up til midnight trying to get one of your bikes( Krash's ) going ? guess I didn't thank you enough for that huh.

You know you are a lucky guy to have a brother in law like Justin, I havent met many guys who are willing to be put in such a uncomfortable position by someone and you could learn a lot from him and this dramatic episode by you shows me he is a man of his word.

As far as being back to normal with you did I call you ? I have been more than cordial with you and even willing to help you out in some ways and once someone like yourself burns me I don't bother to continue I just ask you to leave me alone and thats all I want you to do.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:43 am
by CannondaleRider
I'm not reasoning with you, i'm letting you, and everyone else that sees this know, that I do not like you....if only you knew!

Yeah, I know you offered to "tune" at your house, but its a little hard to do 5th gear wide-open plug checks in a suburban area, with no runway isn't it? No longer a big deal, problem solved.

And when did you offer to let me borrow it to accomplish my goal, you wouldn't even let krash borrow it. You sure were fine with it when you knew it was tuning his bikes, but as soon as you know my bikes in need of tuning, suddenly its not able to be borrowed. Again, not a big deal, problem solved.

I'm grateful, of people that are willing to help, with out looking into the past for reasons to say no!

About, "having someone ask", he's your friend, and it wasn't just for me. He can somewhat stand to talk to you on the phone, I would not be able to. As you may know, I'm not tolerant of bullshit.

And what are you refering to, staying up till midnight getting krash's bike done? Was I the one driving, was that my choice, did I force you into that situation......whatever situation your talking about.

It is nice to have someone such as Justin as a brother-in-law, he IS a nice guy, and he IS a man of his most people. Again, if only you knew.

I'll leave you alone now, mission accomplished. I wanted you to bring it in to the open, I wanted people to realize that you may not be the guy that your online image shows.

I'm signing off for the night, I have school tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:49 am
by CannondaleRider
One more thing.....16