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Clampetts move to Utah

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:51 pm
by Brad Oakley
Well folks - it's no longer a secret. Blackwidow just purchased the assetts of HayDug Cycle. After the Indy show we headed to Ohio and loaded up the truck and trailer. Thought you'd like an idea of just how much STUFF Doug had. Like I said... We felt - and looked - like the Beverly Hillbillies headed cross-country!

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:52 pm
by Brad Oakley
Another angle

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:53 pm
by Brad Oakley
one more

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:54 pm
by Brad Oakley
The truck hauled its share, too!

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:00 pm
by Brad Oakley
To answer questions:
No - We don't own HayDug Cycles. We just bought out his parts inventory. Doug is moving on to other projects - though he gave every indication that he plans to remain an active participant in the Cannondale community. Also - despite rumors (lies) to the contrary - We have not purchased any of the websites, or even part-interest in them.

We do plan on selling several of the quads. Right now we are thinking about selling a quad at a base-level price, and then raising the price based on parts you may want added in (Falicon crank, 460cc piston kit, etc.) I'll guarantee that they'll be VERY nice even in their 'base package' form!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:12 pm
by haydug
As for this site, it has been pre-paid now for 2 years. We are working on upgrades, however, I am not a computer programmer. I am a rider. I ride, I don't program. I am completely burnt out at this time. I have been burned it seems on alot of cannondale related items. I may make $100 now, but it cost's me $500 in 3 months. I have honestly tried making these bikes better with constant improvements. We now have many young faces here that wasn't here 2 years ago when the whole world had basically turned their back on dales, and would not make anything unless several quantities of parts were bought. Trying to do everything by myself was a big mistake. I tried hiring some different people to ease my mind, but that turned into another big mistake. I have had 1 employee that if I could afford I would pay him enough to quit college and come back to work. However with his degree, I can't afford a $50,000 mechanic. :cry:

This is to the new members who did not live through the beginnings of the bankrupty deal: You are now down to Brad and Dave. This site was here when Cannondale was in business, it it will be here when there is only 1 cannondale left running (which will be mine!)
They WILL encounter stumbles along the way. It is nothing personal with them, it is just part of doing business (example: paid $10,000 deposit on falicon cranks, with a 3 month promise that turned into 1 year on the first batch).. Yes, I heard plenty of bitching and crying (with good reason). I wish I would have had to money to finance that whole deal without taking deposits. Then I would not have to heard it. Same deal with other parts. End of story.

I am moving foward but not giving up the the dales. I will be in the market for a dale in 6 months or so. Right now I have a "big picture" plan for me and my family. Right now I am trying to align the proper employee package for it to succeed. I hope to announce something by Dec. 1st of this year.

I will also not be visiting the site much for the next month (working 10 hour days) but I have a great group of mods to run the place. I am also looking for a couple of computer programmers that want to help out with the site. PM me if you are interested.

With that said: Congratulations to Blackwidow!! If you need anyone to ride one of those bikes for you, let me know I'd be happy to come out west and put it in the front of some races. :head:

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:39 pm
by cannondale27
Okay I read it again.Till Dembek posted and ticked everyone off there were some very valid concerns.I will try to some it up.Brad here you go.

Some are worried about counting on one or two suppliers?

How do we know that once market is cornered that service wont take a dive?

How about the east coast and midwest?Right now all three suppliers are over there.Kind of hard to pay a visit if things go wrong.

Why buy Haydugs inventory?Lots of other quads around and not buying them would not have raised concerns.Was this a business decision?Or a help a guy out thing?

Sorry for grilling you Brad but why beat around the bush.Right?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:18 pm
by jwheat
Originally posted by cannondale27

Why buy Haydugs inventory?Lots of other quads around and not buying them would not have raised concerns.Was this a business decision?Or a help a guy out thing?

I don't think that is anybody's business but Doug's and Brad's.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:22 pm
by Mjollnir
Originally posted by cannondale27
Okay I read it again.Till Dembek posted and ticked everyone off there were some very valid concerns.I will try to some it up.Brad here you go.

Some are worried about counting on one or two suppliers?

How do we know that once market is cornered that service wont take a dive?

How about the east coast and midwest?Right now all three suppliers are over there.Kind of hard to pay a visit if things go wrong.

How are any of these things Brad's problem, or his responsibility to answer?

If some are worried about counting on one or two suppliers, that's their problem, not Brad's.

We don't know that once the market is cornered service won't take a dive. From my many talks with Brad, I don't see this being an issue, but if "we" are worried about it, maybe "we" should buy a Honda.

If someone in the east has a problem with buying from a midwest or west-based supplier, maybe they should get into the business themselves. We can all see how it treated others.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:28 pm
by kdeal
I've tried 3 times to reply to this thread and deleted every response due to the unability to reply without getting sarcastic.

Brad is away on a well deserved vacation with his wife in the Caribbean on a cruise. He will be back next week. (Maybe, he could just keep running & never come back). OMG then who will we buy parts from???? LOL (sorry, some sarcasm leaked out).

The sky is falling....................................................