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Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:06 pm
by wanablaze
This morning I got to school 20 minutes early. I parked in the farthest parking spot that I could. I backed in and parked as close to the curb as possible, leaving plenty of space for someone to park in the space next to me. I grabbed my stuff and walked into class.

I finished early today and walked out to my car. As I approached my car I noticed that the person next to me was parked on an angle. When I got close enough I realized that there was a dent in my door and a huge white scrape. I went back into class and asked around to see if any of my classmates owned the car, none of them did.

I didn't want to call the police, but I found a cop on site. I told him that there wasn't any damage there this morning. My car is a 2006 with 3k miles on it. The officer called in the plates of the car next to me, found that the owner was a registered student. He then continued to pull the kid out of class. The kid admitted that he didn't see any damage when he pulled in this morning. He also told him what time he arrived, he was the only one to park there. The officer had him open his door, and guess what, the door marks lined up. The paint even matched. The door reached and the contact area was the same height and area. Yet the kid denied it.

The officer spoke with him and told him that a police report had been filled and told him he was free to go. As the officer was talking to me the kid walked away. So now I don't have any of his info. I hope it's on the police report. I don't want to file with my insurance agency, but the dent and scuffs are too deep to just buff or use a paintless dent repair. The door needs to be painted now. Any suggestions?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:19 pm
by jesshamner
Hunt the kid down and take his lunch money.

Seriously, that info should be on the police report. I would be pissed too. I do the same thing whenever I park in a lot...and I have a crappy truck.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:05 pm
by NorCalRacer

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:05 pm
by Jaybr
I hear ya, that sucks.

I was at a restaurant with the family one day, we where standing out front waiting for a table with about 25 other people and my AMG was parked right out front. These kids in an old beater pulled in the spot next to me and hit my car while parking, everyone saw it. I run over and the kid denies the whole thing after everyone had just witnessed it. Fortunatly the 12" scrape from his plastic front bumper buffed out. I had to call the cops too and get all his info, the cops called his mom because it was her car.

I was soo pissed that the kid denied it and acted like it was no big deal, the wife was keeping me from pummeling the kid.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:38 pm
by Happyboy
I would loose it if I saw someone hit my car and then lie about it. I would be in handcuffs before the end of it. sad.gif

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:16 pm
by thomez
I never park close to anything, yet people still seem to park next to me too...

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:20 pm
by yamadjs08
I totally know what you mean, I drive a pretty nice truck for my age and at school I park in the most isolated area, and someone still manages to park 2 inches away from me, and there is the whole parking lot, luckily I havent been hit or had any dings though, but we do have cameras out in the parking lot so who ever would have done something to my truck, hopefully would be easy to find.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:30 pm
by theJeStEr1340
There is nothing I hate more than a liar.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:38 am
by MichiganMXer722
I'd like to think i have a pretty darn nice truck so i take the screw you approach. I take up two spots put half my truck in each spot, haven't had a problem yet

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:21 am
by wanablaze
Ya know,
I wanted to just "even the score," but after thinking about it, I'm glad I didn't. I think it would have turned into a pissing match. Plus, I've owned a few beaters in my lifetime and can honestly say that he didn't have much to lose.

This is the first time something like this has happened to one of my cars. I know it's not an AMG Mercedes, but it's where all of my hard earned money goes. I used to double park the Trans Am, but realized that it would probably just get more attention from those looking for trouble. Now I just try to park at the back of the lot. And all the way up against the curb.

Jay, since I didn't have a witness (or ~25 like you did) the police told me that I'd have to take it to the insurance company or sue him. wink.gif