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Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:57 pm
by Psychosis
Does anyone know of a better vendor than Paypal? I am about to go insane over the company.

I moved so dropped my bank account off Paypal to open a new account where I am now. B/c I had too much money in the account for an unverified account then, they put everything on hold and I can't touch over $2500 in funds in there. I can't send or receive anything. I got my new bank account, verified, but guess what, they need more proof or something. Next step is they want me to provide a BILL OF SALE of the last 5 items I sold. I sold on EBAY! How the **** do you get a bill of sale SIGNED by both the seller and buyer through Ebay? So then they decide that tracking numbers of each item will be enough proof.

Next step: I submit all 5 tracking numbers of the buyers' shipments. Since two of them were too long ago, it's no longer in the history so they couldn't verify. The other three went through but now they want proof that I owned the products. Well, I bought in cash at Wal-mart for each item and no longer have a receipt for them since it's been about two months. They then request the buyers' emails, Ebay usernames, and phone numbers. Luckily I did keep track of all those and I have FEEDBACK from each on Ebay. They say that's not enough proof that I am the account holder.

So evidently the fact that I have all the information from bank/checking accounts, Paypal password, social security number, feedback from buyers, tracking numbers for shipments, calling from the registered phone number, all information of parties involved, and everything they could think to ask me; my account is still on hold and I have to wait up to 72hrs more to contact me and then it may take up to 30 days before I have access to my money if everything goes smooth. WTF! Not to mention I had to wait on the phone almost an hour b/c they required me to call them.

Sorry for the rant but b/c I just moved and all, I'd rather not have over two grand cash that I can't touch!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:48 am
by thedeatons
They just took $50 of my $1650 sale..... If we could all get the same bank's account, we could transfer funds for free, good luck with that though!!.... I suggest money orders or check I guess.... That is unfortunate....

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:49 am
by ozarkdaler
Yeah there % cut adds up really fast.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:49 am
by Psychosis
I used to do money orders but after 3 people tried to stiff me in a matter of months, no more. I'll take the fees, though too high IMO. Luckily the ones that tried to stiff me ended up giving it back thanks to long drawn out matters, one of which unfolded on here. However, I had been buying/selling Nintendo Wii systems and Ebay requires you to take Paypal in those auctions. If you can't then you can't sell them on there. Paypal makes no sense to me.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:54 am
by thedeatons
That is because Ebay owns Paypal, and they love to get their fees... what a world, what a world....

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:37 am
by ozarkdaler
Sign up for there money market account if it gets offered. Stick 2 or 3 grand in it and let it draw interest. Plus the interest will draw a little ease unless you sell alot.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:02 pm
by cannondale27
Yes there money market account will get you almost all your fees back.Good deal.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:48 pm
by peterock
Here is an option for you guys as well. Set up two accounts. One as the business/premier account as the charges for somone that uses a credit card are lower. The seond account, leave as a personal account and only except payments from a checking/savings account as the charge is 0%.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:00 pm
by theJeStEr1340
How do you go about getting a money order back, I think I got stiffed on a bearign carrier. Only $30, but $30 is a lot when your in college

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:13 pm
by NorCalRacer
Paypal is a collection of professonal thieves. They steal money, place it in a high interest account and give it back a half of a year later. They know it is your money and they know it is legt, but they make their money off interest and could care less about ethics. In fact, their ethics are consistent with criminal behavior. They have had over a thousand dollars of mine for 5 months now. First they said it was a customer complaint, when I called BS on them they said I was breaking rules, when I called BS again and said if they lied to me one more time I was calling the police, they changed their tune and claimed Iidn't have good enough credit, so they could take thousands from me wacko.gif At the same time they took a couple grand from an ebay vendor I was dealing with and tried to withdraw thousands from his checking account, "so they could hold it for review". He had no complaints or problems either. Tere are thousands of cases of Paypal doing this, so user beware! I would rather wait for a MO myself, at least I get MY money.