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Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:05 pm
by jwheat
There was recently an old thread brought up in the trade feedback forum and some general negative comments made and I locked that thread. Afterwards, a member pm'd me and was upset that the thread was locked because he too felt like he was in the same boat as the member who dug up that old thread and after thinking about it for a few days, I decided to post this to give everyone something to think about.

I locked the thread because the new posts were flaming all of the vendors and not the specific vendor that the member had a problem with and this is not fair to the vendors. It does not allow for the vendor in question to reply to the allegations made against him.

Everyone needs to realize what these vendors do for this community understand what that means.

1. They put up up their money and credit to get these parts for us with no guarantee that they will sell them. There is not a big manufacturer backing these quads anymore so they are stepping up to the plate for us. Trust me when I say that they could make alot more money dealing with just the Japanese quads than they ever could dealing with us....... so they must do it because they like us and these quads and not just for the money.

2. They spend countless hours and time researching parts and developing new ones just for us. They could just sell Jap quad products and spend more time with their families.

3. There are numerous times when they lose money and give away parts and/or service just to keep a satiesfied customer. You don't ever hear about this but I can assure you that it happens. I've owned my own business for 11 years and managed another for several years before that and I know what goes on behind the scenes.

4. I've ridden dirtbikes and quads since I was about 7 and I'm 39 years old now and I've dealt with literally hundreds of parts dealers over that time and I think we have about as good a bunch of vendors as you can ask for. I've bought from each and every one of them and they always do what they tell me.

5. Vendors have no control over shipping companies losing or damaging your stuff.

6. If a vendor tells you that he is out of something and it will be in in 3 weeks or 6 weeks, he is most likely telling you exactly what his suppliers have told him. He's not just holding onto the parts you need just to piss you off.

Members shouldn't think that Cannondaleriders is trying to "protect" the vendors just because I locked the earlier thread and then started this one. Everyone here is free to post comments (good or bad) about the member or vendor that you have dealt with, but they should be factual and specific and that allows for the other person involved to respond to the claims made about them.

No one would like it if I posted that they were a liar or thief and didn't bother to back up my claims.

Just remember.... we have great vendors here that bend over backwards to help us out.

Thanks Timbo, Brad, and Dave for all that you do for us. It doesn't go unnoticed.


Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:28 pm
by cannondale27
All I know is when sun is shining and snow is gone people want to ride really bad.They have paid good hard earned $ to do that also.If they cant ride its going to hit the fan always has and always will.The old thread which was mine from a year ago was resurected by someone in a similar situation as me a year ago.In my case a year ago it was ALL the vendors I had trouble with.It was in trader feedback and was valid so it was not a flame.Why should the buyer who is having a problem have to name names when it is just as effective not to?The burden is and always will be on the company doing the selling because by paying them for a job the buyer is in essence hiring them until that job is completed.Say one of your employees is seen stealing $ from the till do you tell the employee who informed you.Of course not it is same thing.Now of course you need to be sure the informant is telling the truth but that is done behind the scenes.Hopefully abunch of phone calls were made after the post in question.If that happened and I believe it did all is good.I do wish people would write thier own posts though just because it brought up stuff of mine that was forgotten long ago and wasnt accurate for UPSmans situation.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:57 pm
by jwheat
I disagree with you Steve in the fact that people should be able to ***** about someone and not give the details. That is completely unfair to the person or company being complained about because he doesn't know what or whom to respond to. Upsman and the other member that pm'd me wanted to complain but didn't want to give names or specifics. So instead the complaint was a general complaint against all of the vendors. It wouldn't be fair for me to complain about vendors a,b, & c when my problem was only with vendor c.

You're right about the customer has the right to expect certain things from the vendor.... but the vendor has the right to expect certain things from the customer.

The customer is always given the benefit of the doubt ...... but "the customer is not always right."

We wouldn't allow a court system to only hear the prosecution side of the arguement and then convict a person on their word alone.....

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:33 pm
by cannondale27
This isnt a court system and niether is employment of someone.Like I said why should the buyer be put in a position of ruining all future chances of having succesful dealings or even chance of vendor being vindictive by being specific about the issues in public.
You are correct in this case it wasnt ALL the vendors and I believe UPSman made that clear after and did name names But he shouldnt have used my old post because mine it WAS about All the vendors and his case wasnt.It is a very vulnerable position to be in when your parts are in someones hands who you cant trust because they have failed to do the job promised.The details will be hashed out between parties and they KNOW who they are.In private and not in public.Its the Moderators job to find if the buyer did in fact have a valid issue nothing more.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:41 pm
by Happyboy
Steve, you are missing his point. If you are going to make a complaint because a Vendor is being slow you have to complain about the vendor. To make a blanket statement about geez, cannondale parts delivery stinks hurts all the vendors. And you have to give details. Otherwise we would end up with posts saying XXX sucks. And thats it. while it is feedback it does not shine any light on the situation and therefore is not productive. And I have yet to ever have a problem with any of the current vendors on here that a phone call didn't take care of. Its that simple folks.

Sometimes orders get lost or forgotton but a phone call takes care of it. If you are too lazy to make that simple phone call then please get rid of your dale.

As for any of the custom work out there. If you are concerned with time lines then get stock parts. If you don't want to wait 2 months for a stroker crank then get a stocker. You can have an entire motor worth of new parts at your house in 3 days no matter where in the US you live. If you gotta have it then get stock parts. Its that easy.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:03 pm
by jwheat
QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Mar 26 2007, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The details will be hashed out between parties and they KNOW who they are.In private and not in public.Its the Moderators job to find if the buyer did in fact have a valid issue nothing more.

These comments are not very well thought out.

1. The only one who knows who they're talking about is the person who is complaining. Don't assume that the vendor knows your screenname and can associate it with the real person.

2. If it's going to be hashed out in private and not in public, then leave it private and don't involve the rest of us by posting in public.

3. How the HE11 am I, Brian, or Josh going to know if the customer has a valid issue. All we can do is make sure that the person posts the pertinent information and that gives the vendor a chance to respond with his side of the story. That's it!

I remember the original post by you last year and I beleive that could of all been handled with a couple of phone calls. I didn't then and I don't now beleive this is the best way to handle a slow or overlooked shipment.... Especially with vendors as good as what we have here. I've always gotten better service if I just picked up the phone and said "Hey man... where's my parts?"

One other thing I should have put in my original post.....this thread is a discussion about the proper way to handle disputes with vendors. If you have a specific gripe with one of them, post it in the trader feedback area... not here. I will delete posts that get into specific details of transactions. No pissing matches..... cause after a couple of beers, I can pee as far as Derno!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:47 am
by cannondale27
This is what you are not getting through your thick skulls Happyboy and Jwheat.Phone calls were made.Promises were made and broken.Nobody makes a post like I did last year or UPS man did this year without efforts being made first.Dont make the victim the issue.Most people can stand a week or two late promised delivery after that it is inexusable unless the seller NOT THE VICTIM calls and kisses butt real well.Happyboy dont bring up some theoretical scenario that chaos will occur if people make general posts with no info.It hasnt happened much and when it does and is bogus it is easily spotted as trolling.Normally poster has only one or two posts under thier belt.If you guys are so worried about appearances why not call UPSman and me instead of hashing it out on here.Either way what UPSMan did was effective and was a wake up call for all the people he payed for there services including me.
I take that as a positive and will rearrange my priorities accordingly I also know most of the other vendors did also.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:02 am
by Happyboy
lol, steve your are wrong. plain and simple. To put a blanket comment out there about vendor problems does not solve problems. It only causes them. Your post last year was uncalled for and unprofessional and UPSman's post bring it back up was also. It did nothing to solve a problem but piss people off. You really think you can bash the only vendors you have and still have a good relationship with them? Good luck with that one Steve. At the same time, you can hold their feet to the fire publicly and get away with it if you just explain the situation.

You say phone calls were made. How do you know? Not from that post. What promises? Has it been resolved? Nothing has been posted. You can't see that?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:13 am
by peterock
You know what the funny thing is?.......................The original post was locked to prevent random bashing of site sponsors. Good thing the mod that locked that one started a new one. Opened it up wide for all the vendors to get bashed in a area that is viewed by more people. So vendors, when this post turns into a bash session, thank Jwheat. Or is Jwheat going to lock this one too as soon as someone speaks their mind?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:17 am
by jwheat
QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Mar 26 2007, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Like I said why should the buyer be put in a position of ruining all future chances of having succesful dealings or even chance of vendor being vindictive by being specific about the issues in public.

Do you honestly think that bashing the vendors in public isn't going to ruin their chances for good service in the future?? Who are they going to buy from next time? There are only less than a handful that you can buy from right now. I know at my shop, that I don't have a problem politely telling a customer that has been nothing but problems that perhaps he would be happier shopping somewhere else. There are too many good customer's out there for a good reputable shop to have to put up with sh*t. I've also found that the ones that complain the most are usually the ones that want you to make the least on them.

QUOTE (jwheat @ Mar 26 2007, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One other thing I should have put in my original post.....this thread is a discussion about the proper way to handle disputes with vendors. If you have a specific gripe with one of them, post it in the trader feedback area... not here. I will delete posts that get into specific details of transactions. No pissing matches..... cause after a couple of beers, I can pee as far as Derno!

Hey Pete... I think if you read the above posts completely, you'll see that this is to be a discussion about how to handle disputes with vendors.... not vendor bashing. But thanks for chiming in anyway.