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Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:33 am
by cdalerider75
I would like to get a real solid answer on the following since it effects everyone that wants to sell an item.

The following was directly taken from the "For Sale" rules..

3) A valid phone number is required in all ads. It will help you with your sale, and it will help keep people honest. For example, a potential buyer will be more comfortable buying from someone whom he/she knows they can contact, as opposed to someone that only exists via an e-mail.

I believe this is a great rule for the member that is new to the forum, where no one else has a clue who they are and are not just using a new screen name (Remember the mods know your IP address). This with the other rules help stream line the sale.

I would like to bring attention to the following part

"For example, a potential buyer will be more comfortable buying from someone whom he/she knows they can contact, as opposed to someone that only exists via an e-mail."

Can't the buyer PM the seller and ask for a phone number? If the member selling the item doesn't provide a phone number to the buyer; won't that flag the buyer that something could be up?? Also most of us have been around for years, in fact most of us are on other sites were we also can be tracked down.

So this "phone number" rule seems a little over kill... doesn't it??

Also if you have posted all other required info and the site owner has your number.. is it not a little childish to continue to hound someone to post a phone number. Should we not respect ones privacy??


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:41 am
by CDMX215
dude you haven,t been back on this site for 2 weeks and your starting crap follow the rules or START YOUR ON SITE !

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:45 am
by cannondale27
No.Posted phone number would have helped many out many times.I talk to someone and may get there number but only dealing with them for one transaction may not keep it.Then a month later number is lost and if there are issues nobody can get ahold of guy.Transaction always start out well then go sour much later that is good enough reason to have record permanently.It also shows intent.If people want to be impersonal there is Ebay.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:04 am
by cannondale27
BEFORE I buy something I also will call person to see if later I will be able to get ahold if something goes wrong.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:11 am
by ozarkdaler
The phone number just gives people a warm fuzzy that they will be able to get ahold of them if they are not getting responses via PM or email.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:18 am
by wanablaze
I have to disagree with you, Cdalerider75. If one person has to post their phone number, why should others not have to? Like you said, if a seller is not willing to post their number, doesn't that give possible buyers suspicion?

I have been in the situation Cannondale27 mentioned. I'm now out a rear shock (or over $100, depending upon how you look at it). That is part of the reason I've been so strict with the for sale ads. This rule would not seem so "childish" or "overkill" if you had gotten the short end of the stick before. Also, you have the right to your privacy. This site is a privilege, not a right. It is your choice to be here. All members must follow the same rules, none are given "special" treatment. If you feel your privacy has been compromised or you do not like the rules, you are welcome to sell your stuff on other sites.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask or shoot me a pm. Thanx, wanablaze.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:03 am
by Psychosis
The phone rule needs to be there. If you have a privacy issue w/your phone to other members then there isn't something right there. Until this rule I never bothered including my phone number. Since then I have spoken w/many different members of this site, have had zero problems w/buying/selling, and have had some interesting and knowledge-learning conversations.

If you're afraid to list your phone then regardless the reason it appears you may have the intention to hose a buyer or something. Just my $.02

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:14 am
by jwheat
Chris, all of the For Sale rules were voted into place by the moderators, site sponsors, and site owners. We offer this section as a privilege to the members. If you don't like the rules that are set for eveyone's protection, then please feel free to sale your items on another site. You are not being singled out here... everyone follows the same rules.


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:47 am
by cdalerider75
guys thanks for the replies.. I still think if the site owner has your number and you are willing to send it via PM.. you should be all set.. but I can see your valid points..

wanablaze.. sorry to hear about your deal.. that sucks

at one point a couple members from here had my number from a post and I received nothing but prank calls for months....

last CDMX215.. I have no clue who you are.. but if posting you thoughts about a subject where folks might or might not agree with you is in your eyes "starting trouble" then what is the point of having a forum???

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:54 am
by 383astro
I am lucky to have made a half dozen deals on here without ever calling anybody. I dont have a phone and have to jump through hoops to use it at work. So I guess that means I couldnt sell something if I wanted to.