Everyone should see it this way!

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#1 Post by jwheat »

Let's say I break into your house.

A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!!!

It explains things better than all the baloney you hear
on TV.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact
that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder
to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely.

Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.

Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave

But I say,

'I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did
the laundry and swept the floors. I've done all the things you don't like to do.
I'm hardworking and honest (except for when I broke into your house.)
to the protesters: You are required to let me stay in your house You
are required to add me to your family's insurance plan you are required to
educate my kids. You are required to provide other benefits to me & to my family(my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hardworking and honest, except for that breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will
picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.

It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just
trying to better myself. I'm a hardworking and honest, person, except for well,
you know, I did break into your house.

And oh yeah, I get a free education, where you have to pay your own way through
college.(TEEHEE) And what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so
you can communicate with me. And don't forget to make sure your forms are in MY
language - I need to understand them...

Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America.

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#2 Post by Nickc711 »

the city near me (hazleton) has been trying to pass laws against illegal immigration but it turns out that it is unconstitutional...they were only laws like punishment for land lords not reporting illegals and other stupid rules like that...my aunt works in the hospital...they come in the er all the time with common colds and dont pay a dime...but great uncle who payed taxes all his life here cant even afford his medicine!!
...I also have first hand experience with the er...when i fractured a veterba in my back i stood there for 4 hrs while many non-english speekin most likely illegals went before me...with only colds..

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#3 Post by joedirt »

I know people that skate and bike that don't have insurance and they'll go to the ER and give false names so they don't have to pay. I have worked with some illegal aliens that have fake IDs and SS #s pay taxes and everything like you and me. They said a visa is like 8-9000 and only good for a couple of years. I see both sides I would much rather send some scumbags to Mexico and leave the good ones here

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#4 Post by dvrack »

[font="Arial Black"][/font][size="5"][/size]If a Mexican can walk across our lame azz border what about a terrorist, but what pisses me off is the low or no interest loans that you and I can't get and they can, and also how can people come over here then bring there parents over and the parents never work here and get a form of Social Security from our system? Because we are worried about what other people think. I freaking don't..... Jail anybody that hires a border jumper.

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#5 Post by claas900 »

I'd love to jump in on this,but id be here all night. But what I will say is I live in Ca. need I say more? Also I'm not raciest I hate everyone equally..LOL

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#6 Post by UpsMan »

Would someone check and see if there is anyone left in Mexico? Because I think they are all here already. Up here in Wisconsin they are everywhere. I hear the same thing from everyone I know. So does anyone really have a clue how many illegals are here? NO, of course not. All I have to say is, Pablo, learn English and start paying taxes. Bienvenido.

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#7 Post by Deityracer »

Yall are racist tongue.gif

Jokes Jokes... I get it though, my ma is from Korea and became an american citizen the long way.. Heck she knows more about american history then is required from our kids (and that's a dern shame...)

*what the frick are the dern edits about!@$!@$*

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#8 Post by wayneschofield »

53 % of my local town is Muslim, mostly Pakistani.

They are into all the 'cash' businesses.... market stalls, corner shops, taxis, take-aways you name it. They save up the cash they make (they don't have to pay taxes because 'officially' they are unemployed and get all the benefits you could wish for...) and they send it back to Pakistan to pay for more of their family to come over.

Every fraud you can think of, cards, benfits, bogus insurance claims...... you name it they are all over it. They are bringing heroin into the country and on into the rest of Europe like there is no tomorrow and no-one dare do anything about it.

This has been going on for years now and the UK is going to financially sink, no doubt whatsoever about it, and if you voice your opinions you are a nasty racist, and get compared to Hitler.

The only way to win is to move to a country that is very hard to get into.....

kenny mariscott
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#9 Post by kenny mariscott »

I live in California and currently work in San Diego. It's bad. I personally have been in several instances where non-white "guest worker" gets pissed off when you don't speak there language. I have even been told that I should learn their language. That didn't really work out to good for that guy.

This country was built by immagrants ( legal immagrants ) who prided themselves on building a better life for themselves and there families. But now days the welfare system and social services system that is in place in our country is a f***ing joke. It is an invitation for laziness and scammers. All the do gooder church people and glad hander politition jack ***** don't want to do a **** thing about it. Soon it will be to late.

I believe that the borders should be closed !!!! It will piss off alot of liberal sissy's, but it is already out of control and been that way since the late 60's. This isn't a new problem that started about three weeks ago. I have been out in the desert, right next to the border crossing where there is no fence. I ridden into mexico with my friends and never been bothered going or coming out of the country.

It is just easier to keep your head burried in the sand and believe that there is not problem.

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#10 Post by UpsMan »

I think the biggest problem is the ball-less politicians afraid to take a stand and be called a racist.

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