Can I Vent For A Minute!!!!

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Can I Vent For A Minute!!!!

#1 Post by Derno24 »

Ok guys a rather tragic event happened to me on Thursday morning 12:30 am 5/29. I was preparing to go to Hatfield/McCoy with some friends. We were taking my truck and trailer. I loaded my Cannibal in the bed of my truck and was going to load my Z and 2 other bikes in my enclosed trailer.

I had just returned from cleaning the truck out and I parked it on the corner of my street, just out of sight, but not more than 30 yds away. I was working on the z in the garage with the door open when I hear something that sounds like a motorcycle fire up and run down the street. Not thinking anything of thisbecause alot of loud vehicles go down my street I keep working. I then realize I need something from my trailer. When I walk out I realize my machine was just stolen. They smashed my tail gate and dent my trailer, but were able to get the machine out. I break into panic jump in the truck and start circling the area to no avail. I spot a police officer in his squad car and stop to let him know what happened. He explained there were reports of an atv driving around the neighborhood. I explained that it was stolen from me. He asks for what make it was address and name and goes on his way. I assume that was a police report. I was wrong.

I leave for the trip because I was other peoples transportation. Return home still distraught over my loss. I decide to check all the local woods spots by me and some riding areas. No luck. I start talking to some of my neighbors and one of them, who is a cop says I didn't file a report, based on the info I gave him. I go to the police station and file a report. The Lady running the counter looks at me as if it is my fault the machine was stolen and says we will see what we can do. I ask why that officer didn't radio it in. She says that I must not have really spoketo an officer. Great people.

2 hours later I get a call from a police officer. He asks if I knew this guy I say no. He says yes you do and he will be turning me in to my insurance company for fraud. I ask him how can I be filing fraud if there is no insurance. Dead silence on the other end of the phone. He then accuses me of knowing the guy and just trying to get off of the ticket. He continues this for about 30 minutes until he realizes he is wrong tells me they have recovered my quad, gives me the number for the impound lot and then hangs up rudely.

Call the number he gives me in the morning. They explain it isn't there and that the Parking Authority has it. They give me that # and I call them. They explain I have to go to court to get a release and pay fines. I explain it was stolen from me and that I shouldn't have to pay fines. They say to get a copy of them police report and take it with me to court. Call the police district office again. Get a lady officer on the phone she explains I need to fill out a form to get a copy of the report. I ask how long till I get the report. She says 12 weeks. Then puts me on hold. A guy gets back on the phone and starts asking why a police officer would tell me that I didn't file a report. I explain because he is a friend and wants to do his job. He then explains this department has nothing more to do with this. I get a detective now and to speak with him. I speak to the detective he listens to my story and says he will do what he can to help me get my machine. He sends me a copy of the police report and asks if there is anything else he can do. Finally someone nice.

I had to go to court pay $75 in court costs. Then pay towing and storage fees of $261. Also I had to pay to insure my atv because the lot would not release it even though it is not required in PA. I also explained to them that my policy is void if the machine is used in a race which this one is. So $400 more for insurance and I finally get the bike back. Trust me I haven't touched on how much the city of Philadelphia has screwed me over. All this because one cop couldn't do his job. I have friends who are cops that have all apologized to me and said that this is not how they are to people.

I am sure I will get home and want to add more details to this.

I am happy and greatful my machine has been returned, but to be screwed by the people you pay taxes too is just too much. It took till yesterday to get my machine back and cost me $800.

The machine looks like it is ok just been soiled by some arse who didn't know what he was doing.

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#2 Post by LapTraffic »

Glad you got it back!

I'd write your legistlator a very detailed letter on this situation with names. Dont put up with it.

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#3 Post by Ryanstones »

That's freekin unreal! What a bunch of BS!!!!!! I agree with lap. Start making phone calls and writing letters. Don't just take this crap. Good luck!

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#4 Post by Knight440 »

:eek: Man that just ant right :mad: but atleast she home and safe again:cool: My as$ would have been thrown in jail for sure I hate dumb as$ people and have no tolerance for ignorance I have a very short fuse when it comes to BS like that :mad:

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#5 Post by danyeo »

Damm, sorry it took so long to get it back, but sure glad you got it.

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sorry to hear that stuff dude.....

#6 Post by justfine »

That is why I don't like cops. There are a few good ones, but they are far outweighed by the bad. He could not help you get your quad back, but that same cop could have wrote you a bogus ticket for something. I am glad I don't have to be a cop for a living. I probably would not feel too good about myself.

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#7 Post by Derno24 »

Trust me guys there was more than just the cops with this. When I went to the parking authority to get a towing report they flat out told me there was no way in **** I was getting my machine back based on my information. When I heard this I almost launched through the bulletproof glass seperating us.

I got the machine back and everything seems to be in order. She is naked though. I had an LE and the guy had to take all the decals off. Then for whatever reason the dude started messing with the chain guard. The metal part is there, but no plastic part or the right bolts. Otherwise my Hipers, Elka's, and such are still there. I will try to post a pic of this soon.

As far as repercussions for them. Their day is coming. I work for a television station in the city and they are very interested in the details.

Thanks for the support guys

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#8 Post by LapTraffic »

go get em!

Hey, happened to the jerk who took the bike in the first place?

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#9 Post by Knight440 »

As far as repercussions for them. Their day is coming. I work for a television station in the city and they are very interested in the details.

Ok now there ya go,,, thats a very good start:cool:

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#10 Post by Derno24 »

Last I checked he was getting picked up. Because the initial cop didn't file a report he was picked up for not having a registration or insurance. That is why the parking authority had it. I am calling the Detective tomorrow to double check what is going on.

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