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Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 am
by kdeal
I have been talking to Scooter at Optimum about updating the software on the Cannondale ProCal kit. Right now ATK has the newest version (3.0) that was suppose to be Cannondale's latest version before they went under. ATK was in the cat bird seat and got the new version instead. Due to licensing aggreements we need to come up with a little coin to make this happen. Per Cannondale27 this newer version has some cool stuff that could really be helpful to us. He will post on here I am sure and we will relay to Optimum what we want. Steve & I are looking for the full package that Ver 3 offers now for ATK. I think we can do something pretty cheap if we get enough people to go in on it.

THIS IS ONLY FOR PROCAL USERS. If you are lucky to have one of these bad boys do not miss out on this. There will be no profit on my part or the site. All checks, money orders, paypal, etc will be made out to Optimum for this to work. Scooter has told me everything will go thru me as to not disrupt this and make it go as smooth as possible. I am trying to get the most for the least here, so please no games. If you think you may be in, please post here. As rumor has it, this may be available for as little as $50 per user. I do not currently have Procal, but I am going to get in for two reasons. One to help support this endeavor (like we don't owe Optimum now, for all the use we have gotten out of their software in different ways) and two, I will get a Procal down the road someday.

Please help support this endeavor. I know C27 is in, along with a few others so far.



Ken Deal
PD (friend near me)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:52 am
by thedeatons
I'm in. $50 ready when needed. ProCal is awesome, nothing compares.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:11 pm
by wayneschofield
Count me in too please Ken, even if it turns out to be more than $50. More involved access would be very nice.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:18 pm
by kdeal
Cannondale27 will have to chime in, but I know that it allows access to the cooling sensor settings and such. Steve is making a list of changes he is aware of that are different.

This looks like it's going to happen. Please post if you are interested.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:46 pm
by cannondale27
Here is what is different. Noticed in ATK version some things are missing like ability to do the timing and fuel for map 2 and 3 which is usefull for the map select system. Could still do it by making seperate maps and then combining them with map builder. Other than that just look at differences in list. For a wish list you could add live tuneability, ability to change drivers in ecu so we could fix fried ecu's, Activate O2 sensor with adjustable thresholds.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:25 am
by speed2424
Ken, put me down for one too. I can use an upgrade for mine.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:22 am
by Happyboy
Count me in guys.

Active O2 sensor? So, we will be able to wire it in and it will work? Have they tested this real world and it works?? Very cool if they wants!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:48 am
by cannondale27
Just a wish Happyboy. I am sure it must have been used at some point though.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:31 am
by wayneschofield
You'd need to pull some overlap out to get it to idle OK at lambda 1. Plus, the system would want to go 'open loop' at FT anyway so we wouldn't really gain.

If it was set to run closed loop all the time you could maybe configure a wideband output to simulate a 'shifted' narrow output to keep the lambda where you want it I guess but then, if you really wanted to run closed loop didn't Steve find a closed loop injector interface gadget somewhere? I can't remember who made it.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:15 pm
by kdeal
I recieved an e-mail from Scooter. Everything in the ATK system and the missing components look to be extremely doable. The wish list is out for now. I have been told that the live tuning is a work in progress in other applications from them and may be a possibilty in the future??? This looks like a go!!!!