Thinking about joining the Army

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#1 Post by 2002CannondaleMoto440Racer »

So, I am one who does want a Cannondale Moto 440 sport quad to race with, but money and jobs are pretty impossible to get these days. So I've been thinking about joining the Army so I can get ahead and pay off all my debt that I owe and also pay off my student loans. I look at it this way, when I am done with training and all, I will be able to afford to buy a Cannondale Moto 440 quad to ride because I will have a bunch of money. I have a question though, is there anyone on here who is in the military? i was also just looking for support in doing this. I am not so highly on trying something new like joining the military, but it seems like this is the only way for me to get ahead with life and my debt. I just want all of your blessings and support and hopefully when I'm done maybe some of us can all get together to go ride. I am new to this site, so I am just looking for support and friends to keep in touch with while I'm gone.

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#2 Post by cannondale27 »

I really appreciate all the military people and what they do for us. But if you can find a way to hold out and not join then please do. Getting a quad and paying off bills sure isn't worth joining the military for. You could be killed. You will have to do things you don't agree with. You might have to kill someone else you never met. It sure isn't the glorious mission it can be made out to be. Should be absolutely your last resort right now.

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#3 Post by cannondalemaine »

My gf's brother just joined the air force, at first he was told he will not have to go overseas. But you know how that is, he is set for deployment in a couple weeks. So pretty much be ready for combat no matter which branch you end up joining. I know that if you are married you qualify for higher rank and pay also get to live off base (if you wanted to). I have thought about joining the service but the only thing holding me back and actually knowing there is a big chance i will have to KILL somebody and really thats something im not ready for no matter who it is. But if you do end up joining i would like to thank you for doing something alot of us others would have a hard time doing. Im 100 percent positive i can do the physical stuff its just the mentality of seeing those things happen in front of you. I really hope i didnt sway your desicion into not going. But i say the biggest thing is step back look at you life and see if its really worth the risk over the money.

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#4 Post by UpsMan »

Joining the military because you are desperate might not be the best thing to do, but many have done it and it has been the best thing that ever happened to them. Many risks of course, but such is life. It would be better if you wanted to join the military to serve and defend the country you love. If you are really considering it as a valid option, I say go for it and do the best you can.

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#5 Post by 2002CannondaleMoto440Racer »

Yea I have been trying to get by without looking at the military, but right now, i can't go on anymore. It's either i stay home and avoid the military, but i feel so depressed with my life that i don't want to live anymore, so i will just end up killing myself if i stay here and don't do anything to help myself. I have applied at lots of places for jobs and no one is calling me or accepting me, so I have to pretty much do this. My brother joined the military in the National Guard and he only did it for the bonus money and for the schooling, he didn't join to defend this country, he joined for the money and schooling is all paid for by the military. So he is living a good life right now and he likes it, so I looked and saw what he got and has, and i thought to myself that i want that too, so I am left with this choice to join. I am going to contact a recruiter tomorrow to ask about signing up. I need the skills and training to be a better person. Here are the reasons why I am going to join, I need the skills, the training, and money of course, but mainly for the skills and training because I can't get a job here at here at home or anywhere. I've sent out my work resume to many employers and i've filled out many job applications and no one will hire me so I am just going to try the military. I hate to say it, but I want the life my brother has right now. He is successful and he has a lot going for himself, so I want to try to follow his footsteps and see how things work out for me. I also got some friends in the military and they are successful too, so I want to be successful too and not have to worry about big amounts of debt to be paid and student loans. Money has always been a problem for me, so I want to do better than I am now and become successful.

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#6 Post by rayspeed »

It is tough out there especially those that are young and ambitious like you are. I dont know your age or how much in debt you are but if you have allready ruined your credit that can make it harder to even get in. It is not as easy to get in as most people think, alot of people have medical issues that either disqualify them or they can crop up later in training and get you medically discharged. I hate to say it but some of your comments above would get a hairy eyeball so be carefull what you say. Unfortunatly there are alot of young people in the military taking their own lives for one reason or the other. There is a real focus to get those numbers down and part of that is going to be to weed out high risk recruits.
If I were you I would look at the air force before the army... more technical jobs and it is alot more like a regular job and easier on you mentally. It can be hard to have to live somewhere so far away from home and loved ones for so long... Remember once you are in they own you and you are going to have to do alot of things that I can guarentee will suck.
Best of luck to you.

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#7 Post by Kuma »

Like Ray said, Air Force, it's more a support group for their planes, you may be overseas but not on the front lines. Navy would be a good choice for the same reasons. it is difficult to get into those but that would be my first choices. Nothing wrong with the Army or Marines, those are proud orginizations and all military personell get my respect. You need to get your head in a better place, talk it out with your family or seek professional help.

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#8 Post by cannondale27 »

If you do go Army or Marines I was told safest is Infantry believe it or not. At least you are trained for and expecting the worst so you are prepared when it happens unlike other support forces which arent really expecting anything bad to happen. Kind of makes sense to me since it does seem to be alot of truck drivers and medical support people being killed lately.

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#9 Post by speedracer »

My oldest Daughter is in the Airforce, been in for three years. She says its the best thing she could have done with her life. It was college or the armed forces and in this job market a college degree doesnt mean a job.

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#10 Post by peterock »

I skimmed over everyone's responses, didn't really read them.

I was in the Marines, active duty, almost 5 years. I was also in the infantry.

#1. If you are going to join, join for the right reason. Do not join to try and pay for bills or student loans or anything else. It's not the right reason. Yeah sure, you may not have to shoot anyone or be deployed over seas, then not a problem. But if you do, money and bills is a bad choice.

#2. If you are suicidal over having bills, you definetly don't want to join the military. A lot more stress in that day to day life then havin a bill colloctor call you.

#3. If you still decide to join. Join the marines and join the infantry. (Unless you have a goal after the military and want to be a airplane mechanic or something, then do that) But if you are joining to serve your country, make sure you have the best training you can get.

But as said, money, bills, depression, suicidal thoughts.........Military isn't for you. You are going to become a liability instead of an asset to what ever force you join. Trust me, I watched grown men cry for what seemed like two days straight in boot camp. I've seen guys shoot themselves with their m-16's because they couldn't handle it anymore.

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