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Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:46 pm
by Brad Oakley
Kdeal and I have been batting this idea around for a while, and now I want your opinions. Understand something important - this is not a committment to buy anything. I just want to know if there is enough interest to move forward with the project.

I'm looking to have aftermarket slip-on exhausts made that are a direct replacement for the toaster muffler. These will slide directly onto the existing header so that it doesn't have to be replaced. Right now, if you want to replace the 'toaster' you have to replace the whole system since everything in the aftermarket was based on the original header, which doesn't fit on the toaster.

I have a few "toasters" left in my inventory, along with their headers. I am out of '01 headers now. This project will have to be undertaken at some point. I'm just wondering if it should be done now, or how far into the future it should wait. Doing this will require a significant cash outlay and I'm wondering about how to allocate my resources.

Oh... Give me some idea about how much you'd be willing to pay for a new silencer.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:45 pm
by rayspeed
I have several toaster pipes laying around and it would be nice to put them back into use at some point when my hmf's need replaced. It seems the supply of the good used hmf systems or silencers is drying up somewhat but I havent been on the lookout for any of them either. I do have one that I dont like the sound of and may be on its way out or need repacking.

It will be hard to match the durabillity of those but if you get something built then that would be my top priority ... my only complaint about hmf's is that the end cap does not just unbolt for repacking but maybe that is part of what makes them so durable.

As far as a price point goes... I know that I am asking allot here but the most I have ever spent on a system was just under $200 for a lightly used polished big gun system before it was known that they fell apart. It actually held together for a long time and I liked the sound when the packing was fresh. I have picked up four or more hmf systems for around a hundred bucks each give or take so I would say that my "not hesitate to pay" price would be on this or a little more and my not to exceed price would be about two hundred because unless I am mistaken new hmf cans can be had on ebay for not much more than that and they are well proven to me.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:07 am
by Brad Oakley
Are the HMF systems still available? I had heard that they were no longer being produced. Quite possibly bad info. Can header pipes be found for the HMFs, or do we have to watch our stashes of '01 headers?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:20 pm
by jesshamner
FYI, the hmf header is strikingly similar to the 03 style Cdale header in size and shape. I think the length is the difference since the can was made to fit the early style header.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:29 pm
by rayspeed
I did a quick search and came up with this...

Cannondale FX 400 HMF Quiet Ballance Exhaust Muffler
Buy It Now or Best Offer $225.00
Free shipping

Seems like not long ago ebay had all kinds of full systems for just over 400 and silencers for about 200 but not much is coming up. Most of them were probably go between sellers and had no product and just forwarded the order to the factory and you might be right either they are no longer available or the sellers gave up.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:47 pm
by speed 450mx
HMF does not make exhaust for us anymore the ones you find on ebay may only have on in there stock because they quit making the for us

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:24 am
by kdeal
$289 is the current price structure for an HMF slip-on exhaust can in the old brushed aluminum can with the standard aluminum turn down (for other applications). So that is today's pricing. I was figuring around $250 would be a good price point. Remember that is bare bones, no quiet core or powder coating, etc. As far as comparing old stock, used parts, etc to having something custom made to fit at today's prices is a bit unfair.

I made the suggestion to Brad because the sources for aftermarket exhausts has dried up. FMF no longer makes the old Ti can we used for the Ti pipes, HMF ceased production on the aluminum cans and head pipes they were making for us and most of the others stopped a long time ago. Since there is a supply of '03 headpipes floating around, I thought that a performance can would give us a new and fresh alternative for an exhaust system. The price should be attractive as well.

Just so you know, the '03 headpipe is similar in looks only to the Ti pipe. It does not have the same diameter head pipe sizing and length and the outlet is larger on the Ti pipe as well. So short of sourcing an old Ti pipe and or making your own headpipe, this is an attractive alernative that is guaranteed to fit.

I believe this will cover about 75% of the Cannondale crowd. The other 25% will need a custom built dual exhaust with the special "flux capacitor" and a hi tech muffler bearing, because this new pipe will not be able to put out 100 HP and still stay under 94db!


Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:09 pm
by Happyboy
Rather than trying to build a new can sourced only for the Dales what about making an adapter pipe to fit a standard can that is for a popular quad? I say that not know if its even possible but I would think it would be cheaper. Thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:59 pm
by jesshamner
Happyboy is an idea man! I like it!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:11 pm
by kdeal
Remember, one of the problems with the Cannondale is the lack of space for a muffler without hanging out the back of the quad. And with the '03 pipe you have to shove part of the existing header into the muffler now. I believe you would have to have a custom end cap made at the very least to fit an existing muffler.

The muffler is really not the issue the fitment is with the pipe in question. If the '02 header was still abundently available, I would like the adapter pipe idea a lot better.