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Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:20 pm
by wistech
It looks like my neighborhood is becoming more and more infested with "hoods". We removed the fence in the back yard so equiptment could get in to remove a tree and within 2 days my wifes bicycle disappeared. A couple of girls moved into the house behind ours and they have an unbelievable number of baby daddies with dozens or their "hood" buddies hanging out on the porch during the weekday so I assume none of them have jobs and get their money from other means. It makes it difficult to drive in the garage when there a wandering eyes getting a full view of my fleet of vehicles (its up to 9 now).
Right now I have driveway alert motion detectors mounted inside the garage so they can wake me up at night if someone breaks in for a cleanout. I also have each machine double chained and padlocked to each other but we know that would just slow them down.
What I really want is a system of security cameras and also some kind of defense system (nonlethal of course) that can take care of business when I'm not home.

Looking on the net there is a dizzing array of devices like motion sensing water hoses and night vision cameras but trying to find something is making my brain hurt. I have a an extra computer that could be dedicated for a recording system. If anyone has real world experience and ideas for what resolution or brands that work. I would like wireless cameras but heard they suck for signal quality. I have no problem going wired. What resolution and night vision specs actually work? It will also have to have a time stamp on the system for any prosecutions.
Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:13 pm
by cannondale27
Put the fence back up, update insurance and get a dog. Wouldn't hurt to figure out their names and introduce yourself using their names a few times so they can figure out they will be identified. As for the cameras, at work 3 of 3 times nobody was identified using them. Guy could rig some pepper spray to go off but they might take that as a challenge.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:27 pm
by Happyboy
Got a gun?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:28 pm
by wistech
I have plenty of weapons but they wont do much good when I am not home. Plus Im sure you spend a few days in the big house for capping someone stealing race fuel from your garage. For automatic defense I found shotgun blank trip wires and smoke grenade booby traps . I will be getting some motion activated flood lights for sure. The kind that are on low at night and brighten up when motion is detected.
I would be putting up a new fence when the yard is done and someone suggested short brad nails on the top to discourage climbers. I dont know about the legalities but I am not above electifying garage door handles with a cow zapper.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:16 pm
by claas900
Its hard, but I really believe ppl just need to be shot. It gets old. At work we have fuel stolen from the semis. They pull up with a small tanker and a 2" gas ditch pump, that pumps a lot of fuel in not time. We got everything on camera, but saw nothing it was dark. Last week there was a chick stabbed to death in a car wash, they caught the killer. He just wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone. 32 stabbings isn't "know what its like" kind of thing.
Its hard to know what to do for security, but my cop Buddie says anything is better then nothing. Even a security door is better then nothing. He said they look for the eastest target so even that simple door "helps them" to move on the the next house. Even putting that small gay "home lance security" sign in your yard helps way more then you would think he said. Motion sensing lights helps a ton and like Steve said go over there and introduce yourself, they don't like to be known.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:05 am
by dvrack
The answer is one American Bulldog nobody can go near my back yard with my dog home and they will protect your children like nothing else, crap I cant play fight with my kids without mine getting in the middle to protect them. I live in Idaho now so we dont have much of that element only people that think they are gangsters.But growing up in ]Cali we always had a bully nothing ever got stolen though my dog when I was little would jump the fence as the neighbors owned a restuarant and fed him every nite scraps.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:18 am
by speedracer
Jobless scums,zap your door handle,if someone grabs it they are trespassing.Maybe you could fill your pee tree with acid!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:04 am
by UpsMan
I would move.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:36 am
by quadracer500
Call kdeal he had a system put in that calls him when he is at work when someone is detected.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:33 pm
by peterock
If you are looking for the "CSI" video. you aren't going to get it. Especially at night. Most of your I.R. cameras do give you a picture at night, however you typically don't get a lot of detail as it looks just like someone shining a flashlight in their face. Not a lot of detail. Plus I.R. can reverse the color appearance of objects as well. Depending on what they are made of and if they asorb the light or reflect it. So it may look like someone is wearing a white shirt when it's actually black.

As for your computer. Odds are it doesn't have enough computing power to handle/process a lot of video. If you go that route, the less cameras the better as far as the computer goes and being able to handle it. More then likely 1 camera would be enough.

As for security system. Lights and sound is your best bet. If you are looking for something that is going to notify while you are away, yeah it's nice but how much you want to spend?

Best deterent would be to have motions by doors tied into a 110 relay. 110 outlet would feed lights and some sort of siren. Obviously find something that is going to time out after 1 minute or something though.