Lets talk about hr 2306 what do you think. No flamming keep it civil

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#1 Post by Dude54758 »

The rampant ignorance and hypocrisy regarding pot causes informed people to lose respect for their government generally. With these facts, you might think that only an idiot would be against legalizing marijuana. Indeed, too many of us act like idiots. But it???s not easy to change people minds, when a belief is emotional rather than merely factual. Far too many people are terrified of legalizing marijuana. They insist that it is harmful when it isn???t. They falsely insist that marijuana is likely to act as a gateway drug and that pot users are likely to use dangerous drugs like meth and heroin. They falsely argue that it???s immoral to ingest a substance in order to feel relaxed, entirely denying that most people constantly use mind-relaxing substances (cigarettes, alcohol, and hundreds of concoctions peddled by Big Pharma). Opponents pretend that there is no downside to the war on marijuana, and they???ll fight you tooth and nail to throw people in prison for having the audacity to feel good with the assistance of plant you can easily grow locally???even in your own house. Opponents make their arguments with the passion and close-mindedness of a fundamentalist preacher who screams at the flock that they will go to **** for merely dancing.

Or listing to that good awfull music played with electic guitars...oh god no lets all lsiten to petra

Our government led us to believe that reefer would make us rape women and throw ourselves out windows......need i remind you of the government funded movie? What does one do when the government tells us the grass is blue and the sky is green but clearly it not.I tell you what. you say, yes sir ******** sir thats right sir. Toy soldiers all little toys......expendable.

In case you???re thinking that I???m promoting the use of marijuana, I am not, but neither would I attempt to prohibit any other adult from using it. Millions of gainfully employed and otherwise law abiding people do like to use marijuana, but they are paying dearly for their attempts to feel good and seek stress relief. I am for the legalization of marijuana because that our country arrests more than 750,000 people each year for possessing or using an extremely safe drug that successfully makes people feel good. This destructive and expensive waste of government law enforcement is absolutely shameful. The number of people arrested each year is more than the entire population of South Dakota. and these users include many people you know and respect.

In this time of finical crisis i say legalize it tax the $hit out of it.

In a new white house program asking Americans to bring topics to the table they want discussed from Obama this is the number 1 topic. SAd maybe but its gotten 22,000 votes in less than 24hrs. While america might need to worry about other things seems Reefer is right up there with the rest.

Again lets have a adult educated forum here if you are not for it state why and leave it at that. Please dont get upset or pissy to others either way on there thoughts.

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#2 Post by dvrack »

Well I grew up in NorCal and witnessed the whole medicinal marijuana program and it's no checks and balances system of getting a medicinal card, if you go to a dispensary (spell check on that one) and watch who goes in it is usually young guys between 18-25 who say they need it to sleep or have back pain but if you have a condition that warrants its use I dont see a problem with it. I used to smoke it years ago when I was younger when I got high with friends we would either hit jack in the box up for monster tacos which they dont have anymore or just watch tv and veg, you never hear about people getting a dui on pot. Now for a pretty interesting story I have a very good friend who is part of a study by a very big name private university this study has been going on for 28 months and she has two months left they are treating her for Bi polar disorder three months in she got the flu couldnt keep her twenty five hundred dollars a month of pills down and had no appetite so she called her GP and he asked if she had any pot (only in cali)to get her appetite back and help with nausea, anyway she did have some and since that time she is using a hundred bucks of weed a month not taking the twenty five hundred a month worth of drugs though she is keeping them all boxed up the university never once during this time gave her a blood test the only thing they have done is pat themselves on the back and said they have gotten her life back her therapist who she has been seeing her for over twelve years says she has never been better. I was down in Cali last week and hung out with her and it's like she was in high school and college it was a great visit she was back to normal. She has a meeting at the end of October with the research staff and faculty at that time she is going to drop the bomb on them and give them back the meds. Her plan is to have some high profile advocates with her at that time . And i remember the whole reefer madness videos pretty much the government trying to force there belief on the public.

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#3 Post by Dude54758 »

QUOTE (dvrack @ Sep 24 2011, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I grew up in NorCal and witnessed the whole medicinal marijuana program and it's no checks and balances system of getting a medicinal card, if you go to a dispensary (spell check on that one) and watch who goes in it is usually young guys between 18-25 who say they need it to sleep or have back pain but if you have a condition that warrants its use I dont see a problem with it. I used to smoke it years ago when I was younger when I got high with friends we would either hit jack in the box up for monster tacos which they dont have anymore or just watch tv and veg, you never hear about people getting a dui on pot. Now for a pretty interesting story I have a very good friend who is part of a study by a very big name private university this study has been going on for 28 months and she has two months left they are treating her for Bi polar disorder three months in she got the flu couldnt keep her twenty five hundred dollars a month of pills down and had no appetite so she called her GP and he asked if she had any pot (only in cali)to get her appetite back and help with nausea, anyway she did have some and since that time she is using a hundred bucks of weed a month not taking the twenty five hundred a month worth of drugs though she is keeping them all boxed up the university never once during this time gave her a blood test the only thing they have done is pat themselves on the back and said they have gotten her life back her therapist who she has been seeing her for over twelve years says she has never been better. I was down in Cali last week and hung out with her and it's like she was in high school and college it was a great visit she was back to normal. She has a meeting at the end of October with the research staff and faculty at that time she is going to drop the bomb on them and give them back the meds. Her plan is to have some high profile advocates with her at that time . And i remember the whole reefer madness videos pretty much the government trying to force there belief on the public.

Thanks for sharing your story. 31 views one response either everyone is afraid to voice there opinion or just doesnt care. I am gonna go with the former. Its sad when people feel like they might be chastised if they voice there opinion.

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#4 Post by micro10 »

I agree with legalizing it.Regulate it just like alcohol and tax it.The goverment can get their share and the price would probley go down.It would give people who are unemployed a way of earning money because the demand and supply would likely go up.I smoked for over 20 yrs and the only reason for stopping is all the drug tests to get a job now days.

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#5 Post by beanie$440$peed »

QUOTE (Dude54758 @ Sep 24 2011, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for sharing your story. 31 views one response either everyone is afraid to voice there opinion or just doesnt care. I am gonna go with the former. Its sad when people feel like they might be chastised if they voice there opinion.

im a big smoker....lol its pretty mutch legal in michigan and ive been up thier and bought some medicinal with my buddy...it is nice to b able to go to a strip mall with a weed store in it but its still very expensive...more than on the streets 25 a g...streets more like 15 a g or 300 a oz...so i must say that i am all for legalization but i will never put my name on a list to by it from a store....my buddys on the other hand already have,and im still smokin lovely and paying less....and legal by the state is diff then the federal laws....feds could come put u in jail even though its technicaly legal in ur state...

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#6 Post by Dude54758 »

QUOTE (beanie$440$peed @ Sep 24 2011, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im a big smoker....lol its pretty mutch legal in michigan and ive been up thier and bought some medicinal with my buddy...it is nice to b able to go to a strip mall with a weed store in it but its still very expensive...more than on the streets 25 a g...streets more like 15 a g or 300 a oz...so i must say that i am all for legalization but i will never put my name on a list to by it from a store....my buddys on the other hand already have,and im still smokin lovely and paying less....and legal by the state is diff then the federal laws....feds could come put u in jail even though its technicaly legal in ur state...

Which is why the Feds need to butt out and let the states regulate it. Most people don't realize Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. that means it has no medical or world use and is as bad as cocaine and meth. ROFL

I think the main reason its not legal is there is no lobby for it. Big pharma cant synth it they tried it does not work the same. big tobacco ha fat chance but you would think they would try to grow it as well.

Its not good business as far as the feds see it. It would cut down on inmates going into private prisons that are lobbying senators and congressmen. Sad in this day and age when there is a privatized prison system.....

Its also Farked when someone like marc emery a Canadian national goes to jail because someone in his company sold seeds to a american. He broke no Canadian law but we brought him here and locked him up. Kinda creepy that you could live across the world and if you break american law without even setting foot on our soil you could be extradited here and charged....guess our laws are now worldwide huh.....

Sad when the government puts aside 15 million dollars to catch the most notorious man in history Tommy Chong for selling bongs. Look up operation pipe dreams totally a waste of money. But hey it was worth the 15 million bucks to bust a business not even owned directly by Tommy Chong.....

America needs a kick in the *** it doesn't matter if you smoke pot you should still have the choice....Cigarettes are the #1 cause of death from cancer in the us.....worse than pot you tell me? Big tobacco lines the pockets though on capital hill.

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#7 Post by Dude54758 »

The laws on hemp need to change as well. During ww2 it was Hemp for victory. now farmers all over the south need to have another crop before thye all go out of buisness. But again big brother tells us you cant tell the difference between commercial hemp and marijuana gtfo here if you cant tell the difference your a moron. Oh well people will try to grow pot near hemp...why would you do that...the pollon from the hemp would destroy the thc in the marijuana. Its all backasswards............

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#8 Post by Dude54758 »

double post oops.

MX Quad Dad
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#9 Post by MX Quad Dad »

QUOTE (dvrack @ Sep 24 2011, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
twenty five hundred dollars a month of pills

not taking the twenty five hundred a month worth of drugs

Now we know who is fighting the legalazation

For some reason, just being around people smoking weed irratates my throat.
My only concern is how can they regulate it. I don't realy care if they can detect it in your system two weeks later, only if they can detect it when its affecting judment or reflexes. I operate heavy equipment and I believe it afects your judgemnet and reaction time. I do not like working with other operators or labors who smoke weed. if they can regulate it like alcohol and give me relief of it in public buildings, i have nothing aginst it

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#10 Post by Dude54758 »

QUOTE (MX Quad Dad @ Sep 25 2011, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now we know who is fighting the legalazation

For some reason, just being around people smoking weed irratates my throat.
My only concern is how can they regulate it. I don't realy care if they can detect it in your system two weeks later, only if they can detect it when its affecting judment or reflexes. I operate heavy equipment and I believe it afects your judgemnet and reaction time. I do not like working with other operators or labors who smoke weed. if they can regulate it like alcohol and give me relief of it in public buildings, i have nothing aginst it

Blood test strips that work like diabetes strips are on the market for parents now one prick bam thc busted.

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