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Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 1:27 pm
by jeremyjo
I found a posting on craigslist for a '2001 Cannondale 440 needs work' for pretty darn cheap so I bought it. I go to pick it up this afternoon, sight unseen. So now I've got some questions and I'm not having any luck finding answers so far; my forum search skills are lacking it seems.

Anyway, on to the questions.
It's been sitting for awhile, so what do I need to check before tossing a battery in it and pushing the button? Supposedly it's mechanically sound.

Assuming I can get it to run, I'd really like to make it into a dual-sport bike, is that even possible? Will later-model ATK parts fit it?

I see posts about D&M kits that I assume have something to do with tuning but no explanation of what they actually are or where to get one.

How can I tell if the bike has had any "updates"? What are the updates in question?

Sorry to pepper you guys with questions, I'd just like to get an idea of what I'm getting into.

Thanks a lot!


Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:00 pm
Message Canniboomer. He does good work and helped me a lot with mine. Nice guy and very helpful. He runs his own business and sells upgrades and more parts.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:35 pm
by Happyboy
Jeremy, where are you located. There is probably someone knowledgeable near you that you can meet with. You're best bet is to spend a few hours just reading through the site. There are a ton of things you should look at. You are going to find 2 kinds of people here, ahole and bigger aholes. Oh wait, i meant folks that would first tear it down and rebuild and then the folks that would check the oil, change the battery, and go. We are very passionate people so keep that in mind when you start getting your answers.

I personally would tear it apart and start from there, but it is darn tempting to just go for a ride!


Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:05 pm
by jeremyjo
Thanks, guys. I'm in Lubbock, TX.

I spent a little while browsing this morning and found answers to several of my questions. It looks like 2001 model motorcycles are either rare or junk since almost everything I've read deals with 2002 or newer machines.
I've already downloaded copies of the various manuals that I could find. I'll look through the manuals and do some more reading on this forum so I can at least pose some intelligent questions later.

Thanks again for the replies so far.


Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:39 pm
by yamadjs08
I would just do a full tune up on it and ride it. Change the engine oil, replace the oil filter, change the trans oil and clean the trans filter. Pull the tank off, drain the gas, put a fresh spark plug in it while you have the tank off. Change the fuel filter, clean the air filter, put a battery in it and fire it up.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:01 pm
by Kuma
Things I'd look for, mag or aluminum valve cover, if it's mag then it will probably have some damage from corrosion, I'm not sure when they changed to aluminum but if alum then maybe someone already started updating.
cartridge bolts had a tendency to back out and mess things up, various types of locking bolts are used and or red (permanent) lock tite used, if used correctly then the lock tite alone has done well just make sure the threads are clean and free of oil residue.
The big end rod bearing would be the other main concern, if stock it can wear into the crank, seize and cause alot of damage, using a D&M cable you can lower the rev limit which may give you more life.
Change oil frequently checking for shavings, if you loose the bearing shavings will get into the frame which doubles as an oil tank.
If possible ask the guy to do an oil change for you, in front of you, this will give an indication of how good of maintenance was kept, by the oil cleanliness also bring a magnet to drag through the oil, you may see something that will make you think twice or at lease use as a bargining chip.
There are some pretty good quads that come up for sale on this forum that in most cases you will know what you are getting. something that is known to be in good running condition and updates are known could be worth over $1000 or you may get lucky.
Just throughing my $.02 in. good luck

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:24 pm
by who_gives_a6
He said he wants to make it a dual sport so going to guess it's a bike. Prices on used machines vary. I bought a very poor shape 02 bike for i believe $250 but needed everything redone. I also got lucky and got an 03 quad for like $450 that had all updates and a brand new engine. Craigslist finds can be great.

I hope you got a deal like that seeing that it was an 01.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:19 am
by jeremyjo
Yes, it's a bike. I didn't realize that they made both when I made the first post.

After picking the bike up, I found that it's an 2002 X440s. It appears to be complete except for the skid plate. It's got a broken throttle housing and bent front brake lever. I figure it was an alright deal for $100. I figure I'll do what yamadjs08 suggested and see if/how it runs.

Any ideas where I can find a replacement throttle housing?

Thanks for the support so far, guys.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:27 am
by Canniboomer
Great deal,....even for just the front forks!...that was a steal.

For those missing or damaged parts?...I have all that, and more in stock. Parts supply is not a problem.
That CAN be a great bike,...but it will pay to be patient. Lots of new owners will change the fluids, buy the wrong OEM 5 battery, get them running,
and then overheat the motor in 20 minutes. Read more, visit (when not hacked), or pick up the phone for LOTS of
model-specific info on that one. It's probably fuel-starved at upper rpms, running too lean, and as mentioned above -- lucky if the valvecover is not corroded.
The radiator sits lower on that early model, and there is no auto-bleeder line for the impeller pump chamber. Easy fixes, and various kits are available.
Common for-any-model missing parts?...coil hold-down clamp, and a transmission filter.
That model only had a plastic skid plate, so you can upgrade to the Aluminum version.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:17 pm
by jeremyjo
Just a little update. I gave canniboomer a call and got most everything straightened out. All it really took to get the bike running was replacing the ECU. I went ahead and got a diode kit and an auto-bleed water pump cover as well. Guess I'll ride it for awhile and see how things work out.

Anyone want to recommend their favorite handlebar bend for a motorcycle? My current custom 'slightly to the left' bend isn't working out so far.

Thank you guys for all your comments and information that's posted to this board, it's been really helpful.