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Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:52 pm
by smonnat_1
Back about 10 years ago I purchased an fx400 from a local guy. I was younger at the time. About 16-17 years old. So I wasn???t aware of the maintenance and updates. For the most part it was an awesome quad. Only had minor issues with it when I first bought it such as battery, spark plug...etc. I ended up selling it which I regret to this day because I went from working on a local farm to another job that required me to have a vehicle. I used to be pretty involved with the website back when it was Over the past few years I have acquired a small collection of wheelers that I???ve had insterest in. I usually try to buy ones that are beat up, run into the ground, or complete basket cases, and clean them up and build them into the machine they deserve to be. I currently own a trx450r, 85 ATC250r, 88 Tecate 4, and 89 trx250r. I always told myself I want to one another cannondale someday. I???ve recently been trying to read back up more on the updates. My son is getting to the age where???s he???s getting insterested in anything with a motor and helping me wrench in the garage. And when I say he???s getting to that age, he???s 2 1/2 lol but he loves being out in garage with me. Really just looking to get back involved with some guys I used to buy parts off, add another machine to my collection and be able to appreciate one of the quads I feel changed the ATV game completely

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:16 pm
by Catmochanic
Where are you located? I have a ???better than new??? Cannibal that I am going to sell. It is totally updated, only 12.4 hours on it, with a D&M kit. It has been dyno tuned by Timbomoose as well... I will post pictures soon. Feel free to give me a call about it.
Kevin 919-819-0462